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function configuration_write_exports in Configuration Management 7

Writes configurations to disk.


$components An array of components to write to file.:

$exclude An array $component => $identifier of what to exclude from export.:

Return value

Returns TRUE if write was sucessful

2 calls to configuration_write_exports()
configuration_delete_multiple in ./configuration.module
Delete a specific configuration from being tracked.
configuration_save in ./configuration.module
Save changes to track configuration.


./, line 842


function configuration_write_exports($components = NULL, $exclude = array()) {
  $config = configuration_get_configuration();
  try {

    // Check files in the config directory and ensure we won't overwrite
    // new configs before writing to file.
    if (configuration_check_changed(CONFIGURATION_DATASTORE_ONLY, $components)) {
      $config_populate = configuration_populate_sanitize($config);
      $export = configuration_populate($config_populate, array());

      // Track dependencies on config_export table

      // @see configuration_delete_multiple().
      foreach ($exclude as $identifier => $component) {

      // Remove any components that were not checked from being exported
      foreach (array_keys($export['configuration']) as $export_component) {
        if (!in_array($export_component, $components)) {

      // Write files to filesystem
      if ($files = configuration_export_render($export, TRUE)) {
        $filenames = array();
        foreach ($files as $filename => $file_contents) {
          if (!in_array($filename, array(
          ))) {
            $filename .= '.inc';
          file_put_contents('config://' . $filename, $file_contents);
          drupal_set_message(t('Wrote %file to filesystem', array(
            '%file' => $filename,
    else {

      // Can't write to datastore.
      return FALSE;
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    watchdog_exception('configuration', $e);
    throw $e;
  return TRUE;