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function commerce_file_commerce_file_license_state_info in Commerce File 7

Implements hook_commerce_file_license_state_info().


includes/, line 15
Handles file licenses and file license logs


function commerce_file_commerce_file_license_state_info() {
  $states = array();
  $states['denied'] = array(
    'name' => 'denied',
    'title' => t('Denied'),
    'description' => t('Licenses in this state cannot be accessed by the owner.'),
    'weight' => -10,
    'default_status' => 'revoked',
  $states['allowed'] = array(
    'name' => 'allowed',
    'title' => t('Allowed'),
    'description' => t('Licenses in this state can be accessed by the owner.'),
    'weight' => 0,
    'default_status' => 'active',
  return $states;