class PushIntent in CMS Content Sync 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 2.1.x src/PushIntent.php \Drupal\cms_content_sync\PushIntent
- 2.0.x src/PushIntent.php \Drupal\cms_content_sync\PushIntent
Class PushIntent.
- class \Drupal\cms_content_sync\SyncIntent
- class \Drupal\cms_content_sync\PushIntent
Expanded class hierarchy of PushIntent
40 files declare their use of PushIntent
- BeforeEntityPush.php in src/
Event/ BeforeEntityPush.php - CliService.php in src/
Cli/ CliService.php - cms_content_sync.module in ./
cms_content_sync.module - Module file for cms_content_sync.
- in modules/
cms_content_sync_migrate_acquia_content_hub/ - Contains Drush commands for Content Sync.
- CopyRemoteFlow.php in src/
Form/ CopyRemoteFlow.php
- src/
PushIntent.php, line 23
Drupal\cms_content_syncView source
class PushIntent extends SyncIntent {
* @var string PUSH_DISABLED
* Disable pushing completely for this entity type, unless forced.
* - used as a configuration option
* - not used as $action
public const PUSH_DISABLED = 'disabled';
* Automatically push all entities of this entity type.
* - used as a configuration option
* - used as $action
public const PUSH_AUTOMATICALLY = 'automatically';
* @var string PUSH_MANUALLY
* Push only some of these entities, chosen manually.
* - used as a configuration option
* - used as $action
public const PUSH_MANUALLY = 'manually';
* @var string PUSH_AS_DEPENDENCY
* Push only some of these entities, pushed if other pushed entities
* use it.
* - used as a configuration option
* - used as $action
public const PUSH_AS_DEPENDENCY = 'dependency';
* @var string PUSH_FORCED
* Force the entity to be pushed (as long as a handler is also selected).
* Can be used programmatically for custom workflows.
* - not used as a configuration option
* - used as $action
public const PUSH_FORCED = 'forced';
* @var string PUSH_ANY
* Only used as a filter to check if the Flow pushes this entity in any
* way.
* - not used as a configuration option
* - not used as $action
* - so only used to query against Flows that have *any* push setting for a given entity (type).
public const PUSH_ANY = 'any';
* The request to the Sync Core failed completely
public const PUSH_FAILED_REQUEST_FAILED = 'export_failed_request_failed';
* The Sync Core returned a non-2xx status code
public const PUSH_FAILED_REQUEST_INVALID_STATUS_CODE = 'export_failed_invalid_status_code';
* The entity wasn't pushed because when pushing a dependency, an error was thrown
public const PUSH_FAILED_DEPENDENCY_PUSH_FAILED = 'export_failed_dependency_export_failed';
* The entity wasn't pushed because when serializing it, an error was thrown
public const PUSH_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR = 'export_failed_internal_error';
* Soft fail: The push failed because the handler returned FALSE when executing the push
public const PUSH_FAILED_HANDLER_DENIED = 'export_failed_handler_denied';
* Soft fail: The entity wasn't pushed because it didn't change since the last push
public const PUSH_FAILED_UNCHANGED = 'export_failed_unchanged';
* @var string NO_PUSH_REASON__JUST_PULLED The entity has been pulled
* during this very request, so it can't be pushed again immediately
* @var string NO_PUSH_REASON__NEVER_PUSHED The entity has never been
* pushed before, so pushing the deletion doesn't make sense (it will
* not even exist remotely yet)
* @var string NO_PUSH_REASON__UNCHANGED The entity hasn't changed, so the
* push would not do anything
* @var string NO_PUSH_REASON__HANDLER_IGNORES The handler for the entity
* refused to push this entity. These are usually handler specific
* configurations like "Don't push unpublished content" for nodes.
* @var string NO_PUSH_REASON__NO_POOL No pool was assigned, so there's no push to take place
public const NO_PUSH_REASON__NO_POOL = 'NO_POOL';
* @var \EdgeBox\SyncCore\Interfaces\Syndication\IPushSingle
protected $operation;
protected $isQuickEdited = false;
protected $entityVersionHash;
* @var array
* A list of all pushed entities to make sure entities aren't pushed
* multiple times during the same request in the format
* [$action][$entity_type][$bundle][$uuid] => TRUE
protected static $pushed = [];
* @var array
* pushed. Can be queried via self::getNoPushReason($entity). Structure:
* [ entity_type_id:string ][ entity_uuid:string ] => string|Exception
protected static $noPushReasons = [];
* @var PushIntent[]
protected $embeddedPushIntents = [];
* PushIntent constructor.
* @param $reason
* @param $action
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
* @throws \Exception
public function __construct(Flow $flow, Pool $pool, $reason, $action, EntityInterface $entity) {
parent::__construct($flow, $pool, $reason, $action, $entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle(), $entity
->uuid(), $entity instanceof ConfigEntityInterface ? $entity
->id() : null);
if (!$this->entity_status
->getLastPush()) {
if (!EntityStatus::getLastPullForEntity($entity) && !PullIntent::entityHasBeenPulledFromRemoteSite($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->uuid())) {
$this->entity = $entity;
$moduleHandler = \Drupal::service('module_handler');
$quickedit_enabled = $moduleHandler
if ($quickedit_enabled && !empty(\Drupal::service('tempstore.private')
->uuid()))) {
$this->isQuickEdited = true;
$this->operation = $this->pool
->pushSingle($this->flow->id, $entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle(), $entity
->uuid(), EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeConfiguration($entity
->getEntityType()) ? $entity
->id() : null)
->asDependency(PushIntent::PUSH_AS_DEPENDENCY == $this->flow
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
* Get the correct synchronization for a specific action on a given entity.
* @param string|string[] $reason
* @param string $action
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
* @return \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Flow[]
public static function getFlowsForEntity(EntityInterface $entity, $reason, $action = SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE) {
$flows = Flow::getAll();
$result = [];
foreach ($flows as $flow) {
if ($flow
->canPushEntity($entity, $reason, $action)) {
$result[] = $flow;
return $result;
* Serialize the given entity using the entity push and field push
* handlers.
* @throws \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Exception\SyncException
* @return bool
* Whether or not the serialized entity could be created
public function serialize() {
$config = $this->flow
->getEntityTypeConfig($this->entityType, $this->bundle);
$handler = $this->flow
return $handler
* @return \EdgeBox\SyncCore\Interfaces\Syndication\IPushSingle
public function getOperation() {
return $this->operation;
* Push the given entity.
* @param bool $return_only
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
* @throws \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Exception\SyncException
* @return bool|PushIntent TRUE|FALSE if the entity is pushed via REST.
* NULL|PushIntent if $return_only is set to TRUE.
public function execute($return_only = false) {
$action = $this
$reason = $this
$entity = $this
* @var array $deletedTranslations
* The translations that have been deleted. Important to notice when
* updates must be performed (see ::ACTION_DELETE_TRANSLATION).
static $deletedTranslations = [];
if (SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE_TRANSLATION == $action) {
->uuid()] = true;
return false;
if ($entity instanceof TranslatableInterface) {
$entity = $entity
$this->entity = $entity;
// If this very request was sent to delete/create this entity, ignore the
// push as the result of this request will already tell Sync Core it has
// been deleted. Otherwise Sync Core will return a reasonable 404 for
// deletions.
if (PullIntent::entityHasBeenPulledFromRemoteSite($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->uuid())) {
->uuid()] = self::NO_PUSH_REASON__JUST_PULLED;
return false;
$entity_type = $entity
$entity_bundle = $entity
$entity_uuid = $entity
$pushed = $this->entity_status
if ($pushed) {
if (SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE == $action) {
$action = SyncIntent::ACTION_UPDATE;
else {
if (SyncIntent::ACTION_UPDATE == $action) {
$action = SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE;
elseif (SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE == $action) {
->uuid()] = self::NO_PUSH_REASON__NEVER_PUSHED;
return false;
$cms_content_sync_disable_optimization = boolval(\Drupal::config('cms_content_sync.debug')
if (isset(self::$pushed[$action][$entity_type][$entity_bundle][$entity_uuid][$this->pool->id]) && !$return_only) {
return self::$pushed[$action][$entity_type][$entity_bundle][$entity_uuid][$this->pool->id];
if (SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE == $action) {
if (isset(self::$pushed[SyncIntent::ACTION_UPDATE][$entity_type][$entity_bundle][$entity_uuid][$this->pool->id]) && !$return_only) {
return self::$pushed[SyncIntent::ACTION_UPDATE][$entity_type][$entity_bundle][$entity_uuid][$this->pool->id];
elseif (SyncIntent::ACTION_UPDATE == $action) {
if (isset(self::$pushed[SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE][$entity_type][$entity_bundle][$entity_uuid][$this->pool->id]) && !$return_only) {
return self::$pushed[SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE][$entity_type][$entity_bundle][$entity_uuid][$this->pool->id];
// No need to retry from this point onward.
self::$pushed[$action][$entity_type][$entity_bundle][$entity_uuid][$this->pool->id] = true;
$proceed = true;
$operation = $this->operation;
if (SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE === $action) {
->delete(SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE === $action);
else {
try {
$proceed = $this
} catch (\Exception $e) {
->saveFailedPush(PushIntent::PUSH_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR, $e
throw new SyncException(SyncException::CODE_ENTITY_API_FAILURE, $e);
// If the entity didn't change, it doesn't have to be pushed again.
// Note that we still serialize the entity above. This is required for the hash
// of all referenced entities to be created (see PushSingle implementation).
if (!$cms_content_sync_disable_optimization && !$this
->entityChanged() && self::PUSH_FORCED != $reason && SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE != $action && empty($deletedTranslations[$entity
->uuid()]) && !$return_only) {
->uuid()] = self::NO_PUSH_REASON__UNCHANGED;
return false;
->info('@not @embed PUSH @action @entity_type:@bundle @uuid (hash: @hash) @reason: @message<br>Flow: @flow_id | Pool: @pool_id', [
'@reason' => $reason,
'@action' => $action,
'@entity_type' => $entity_type,
'@bundle' => $entity_bundle,
'@uuid' => $entity_uuid,
'@not' => $proceed ? '' : 'NO',
'@embed' => $return_only ? 'EMBEDDING' : '',
'@hash' => $this->operation
'@message' => $proceed ? t('The entity has been pushed.') : t('The entity handler denied to push this entity.'),
'@flow_id' => $this
'@pool_id' => $this
// Handler chose to deliberately ignore this entity,
// e.g. a node that wasn't published yet and is not pushed unpublished.
if (!$proceed) {
return $return_only ? null : false;
// We need to update the revision timestamp as otherwise the change won't be propagated by the Sync Core.
if ($this->isQuickEdited) {
$revision_timestamp = $operation
if (!empty($revision_timestamp[0]['value']) && $revision_timestamp[0]['value'] < $this
->getRequestTime()) {
$revision_timestamp[0]['value'] = $this
->setProperty('revision_timestamp', $revision_timestamp);
$this->entityVersionHash = $this->flow
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
// If the version changed, UPDATE becomes CREATE instead and DELETE requests must be performed against the old
// version, as otherwise they would result in a 404 Not Found response.
if ($this->entityVersionHash != $this->entity_status
->getEntityTypeVersion()) {
if (SyncIntent::ACTION_UPDATE == $action) {
$action = SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE;
elseif (SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE == $action) {
$this->entityVersionHash = $this->entity_status
if ($return_only) {
self::$pushed[$action][$entity_type][$entity_bundle][$entity_uuid][$this->pool->id] = $this;
return $this;
try {
} catch (SyncCoreException $e) {
->error('Failed to @action entity @entity_type-@entity_bundle @entity_uuid' . PHP_EOL . '@message' . PHP_EOL . 'Got status code @status_code @reason_phrase with body:' . PHP_EOL . '@body<br>Flow: @flow_id | Pool: @pool_id', [
'@action' => $action,
'@entity_type' => $entity_type,
'@entity_bundle' => $entity_bundle,
'@entity_uuid' => $entity_uuid,
'@message' => $e
'@status_code' => $e
'@reason_phrase' => $e
'@body' => $e
->getResponseBody() . '',
'@flow_id' => $this
'@pool_id' => $this
->saveFailedPush(PushIntent::PUSH_FAILED_REQUEST_FAILED, $e
throw new SyncException(SyncException::CODE_PUSH_REQUEST_FAILED, $e);
// Dispatch entity push event to give other modules the possibility to react on it.
->dispatch(AfterEntityPush::EVENT_NAME, new AfterEntityPush($entity, $this->pool, $this->flow, $this->reason, $this->action));
return true;
* Handle Extended Entity Export logging.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The exported entity
public function extendedEntityExportLogMessage(EntityInterface $entity) {
$settings = ContentSyncSettings::getInstance();
if ($settings
->getExtendedEntityExportLogging()) {
$serializer = \Drupal::service('serializer');
$data = $serializer
->serialize($entity, 'json', [
'plugin_id' => 'entity',
->debug('%entity_type - %uuid <br>Data: <br><pre><code>%data</code></pre>', [
'%entity_type' => $entity
'%uuid' => $entity
'%data' => $data,
* @param string $action
* @param null $parent_type
* @param null $parent_uuid
public function updateEntityStatusAfterSuccessfulPush($action = SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE, $parent_type = null, $parent_uuid = null) {
if (!$this->entity_status
->getLastPush() && !$this->entity_status
->getLastPull() && !empty($this->operation
->getProperty('url'))) {
->set('source_url', $this->operation
$push = $this
if (SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE == $action) {
->getEntityTypeId(), $this->entity
if ($this->entityVersionHash != $this->entity_status
->getEntityTypeVersion()) {
if ($parent_type && $parent_uuid) {
->setParentEntity($parent_type, $parent_uuid);
else {
foreach ($this->embeddedPushIntents as $intent) {
->updateEntityStatusAfterSuccessfulPush(SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE, $this->entityType, $this->uuid);
* Check whether the given entity is currently being pushed. Useful to check
* against hierarchical references as for nodes and menu items for example.
* @param string $entity_type
* The entity type to check for
* @param string $uuid
* The UUID of the entity in question
* @param string $pool
* The pool to push to
* @param null|string $action
* See ::ACTION_*
* @return bool
public static function isPushing($entity_type, $uuid, $pool = null, $action = null) {
foreach (self::$pushed as $do => $types) {
if ($action ? $do != $action : SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE == $do) {
if (!isset($types[$entity_type])) {
foreach ($types[$entity_type] as $bundle => $entities) {
if (empty($pool)) {
if (!empty($entities[$uuid])) {
return true;
else {
if (!empty($entities[$uuid][$pool])) {
return true;
return false;
* Helper function to push an entity and throw errors if anything fails.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The entity to push
* @param string $reason
* {@see Flow::PUSH_*}
* @param string $action
* {@see ::ACTION_*}
* @param \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Flow $flow
* The flow to be used. If none is given, all flows that may push this
* entity will be asked to do so for all relevant pools.
* @param \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Pool $pool
* The pool to be used. If not set, all relevant pools for the flow will be
* used one after another.
* @param bool $return_intent
* Return the PushIntent operation instead of
* executing it. Used to embed entities.
* @throws \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Exception\SyncException
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
* @throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException
* @return bool|PushIntent Whether the entity is configured to be pushed or not.
* if $return_only is given, this will return the serialized entity to embed
* or NULL.
public static function pushEntity(EntityInterface $entity, $reason, $action, Flow $flow = null, Pool $pool = null, $return_intent = false) {
if (!$flow) {
$flows = self::getFlowsForEntity($entity, $reason, $action);
if (!count($flows)) {
return false;
$result = false;
foreach ($flows as $flow) {
if ($return_intent) {
$result = self::pushEntity($entity, $reason, $action, $flow, null, true);
if ($result) {
return $result;
else {
$result |= self::pushEntity($entity, $reason, $action, $flow);
return $result;
if (!$pool) {
$pools = $flow
->getPoolsToPushTo($entity, $reason, $action, true);
$result = false;
foreach ($pools as $pool) {
$infos = EntityStatus::getInfosForEntity($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->uuid(), [
'pool' => $pool
$cancel = false;
foreach ($infos as $info) {
if (!$info
->getFlow()) {
if (!$info
->getLastPull()) {
$config = $info
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
if (in_array($config, [
])) {
$cancel = true;
if ($cancel) {
if ($return_intent) {
$result = self::pushEntity($entity, $reason, $action, $flow, $pool, true);
if ($result) {
return $result;
else {
$result |= self::pushEntity($entity, $reason, $action, $flow, $pool);
return $result;
$intent = new PushIntent($flow, $pool, $reason, $action, $entity);
return $intent
* Get the reason why a push has not happened.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* @param bool $as_message
* @return null|Exception|string see self::$noPushReasons
public static function getNoPushReason($entity, $as_message = false) {
// If push wasn't even tried, no pool has been assigned.
if (empty(self::$noPushReasons[$entity
->uuid()])) {
$issue = self::NO_PUSH_REASON__NO_POOL;
else {
$issue = self::$noPushReasons[$entity
if ($as_message) {
return self::displayNoPushReason($issue);
return $issue;
* Get a user message on why the push failed.
* @param Exception|string $reason
* The reason from self::getNoPushReason()
* @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup|string
public static function displayNoPushReason($reason) {
if ($reason instanceof \Exception) {
return $reason
switch ($reason) {
return t('The configuration forbids the push.');
return t('The entity has just been pulled and cannot be pushed immediately with the same request.');
return t('The entity has not been pushed before, so pushing the deletion doesn\'t have any effect.');
return t('The entity has not changed since it\'s last push.');
return t('The entity doesn\'t have any Pool assigned.');
* Helper function to push an entity and display the user the results. If
* you want to make changes programmatically, use ::pushEntity() instead.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The entity to push
* @param string $reason
* {@see Flow::PUSH_*}
* @param string $action
* {@see ::ACTION_*}
* @param \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Flow $flow
* The flow to be used. If none is given, all flows that may push this
* entity will be asked to do so for all relevant pools.
* @param \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Pool $pool
* The pool to be used. If not set, all relevant pools for the flow will be
* used one after another.
* @return bool whether the entity is configured to be pushed or not
public static function pushEntityFromUi(EntityInterface $entity, $reason, $action, Flow $flow = null, Pool $pool = null) {
$messenger = \Drupal::messenger();
try {
$status = self::pushEntity($entity, $reason, $action, $flow, $pool);
if ($status) {
if (SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE == $action) {
->addMessage(t('%label has been pushed to your @repository.', [
'@repository' => _cms_content_sync_get_repository_name(),
'%label' => $entity
else {
->addMessage(t('%label has been pushed to your @repository.', [
'@repository' => _cms_content_sync_get_repository_name(),
'%label' => $entity
return true;
return false;
} catch (SyncException $e) {
$root_exception = $e
$message = $root_exception ? $root_exception
->getMessage() : ($e->errorCode == $e
->getMessage() ? '' : $e
if ($message) {
->addWarning(t('Failed to push %label to your @repository (%code). Message: %message', [
'@repository' => _cms_content_sync_get_repository_name(),
'%label' => $entity
'%code' => $e->errorCode,
'%message' => $message,
->error('Failed to push %label to your @repository (%code). Message: %message<br>Error stack: %error_stack', [
'@repository' => _cms_content_sync_get_repository_name(),
'%label' => $entity
'%code' => $e->errorCode,
'%message' => $message,
'%error_stack' => $root_exception ? $root_exception
->getTraceAsString() : '',
else {
->addWarning(t('Failed to push %label to your @repository (%code).', [
'@repository' => _cms_content_sync_get_repository_name(),
'%label' => $entity
'%code' => $e->errorCode,
->error('Failed to push %label to your @repository (%code).', [
'@repository' => _cms_content_sync_get_repository_name(),
'%label' => $entity
'%code' => $e->errorCode,
->uuid()] = $e;
return true;
* Push the provided entity along with the processed entity by embedding it
* right into the current entity. This means the embedded entity can't be used
* outside of it's parent entity in any way. This is used for field
* collections right now.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The referenced entity to push as well
* @param array $details
* {@see SyncIntent::getEmbedEntityDefinition}
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
* @throws \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Exception\SyncException
* @throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException
* @return array the definition you can store via {@see SyncIntent::setField} and on the other end receive via {@see SyncIntent::getField}
public function embed($entity, $details = null) {
return $this
->embedForFlowAndPool($entity, $details, $this->flow, $this->pool);
* Push the provided entity as a dependency meaning the referenced entity
* is available before this entity so it can be referenced on the remote site
* immediately like bricks or paragraphs.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The referenced entity to push as well
* @param array $details
* {@see SyncIntent::getEmbedEntityDefinition}
* @param bool $push_to_same_pool
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
* @throws \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Exception\SyncException
* @throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException
* @return array the definition you can store via {@see SyncIntent::setField} and on the other end receive via {@see SyncIntent::getField}
public function addDependency($entity, $details = null, $push_to_same_pool = true) {
if (in_array($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), ContentSyncSettings::getInstance()
->getEmbedEntities())) {
return $this
->embed($entity, $details);
$pools = $this
->pushReference($entity, true, $push_to_same_pool);
// Not pushed? Just using our current pool then to de-reference it at the remote site if the entity exists.
if (empty($pools)) {
return $this->operation
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle(), $entity
->uuid(), EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeConfiguration($entity
->getEntityType()) ? $entity
->id() : null, Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle()), $this->pool->id, $details);
$result = null;
foreach ($pools as $pool_id) {
$result = $this->operation
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle(), $entity
->uuid(), EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeConfiguration($entity
->getEntityType()) ? $entity
->id() : null, Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle()), $pool_id, $details);
return $result;
* Push the provided entity as a simple reference. There is no guarantee the
* referenced entity will be available on the remote site as well, but if it
* is, it will be de-referenced. If you need the referenced entity to be available,
* use {@see PushIntent::addDependency} instead.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The referenced entity to push as well
* @param array $details
* {@see SyncIntent::getEmbedEntityDefinition}
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
* @throws \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Exception\SyncException
* @throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException
* @return array the definition you can store via {@see SyncIntent::setField} and on the other end receive via {@see SyncIntent::getField}
public function addReference($entity, $details = null) {
// Check if the Pool has been selected manually. In this case, we need to embed the entity despite the AUTO PUSH not being set.
$statuses = EntityStatus::getInfosForEntity($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->uuid(), [
'flow' => $this->flow
if (in_array($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), ContentSyncSettings::getInstance()
->getEmbedEntities())) {
$result = null;
foreach ($statuses as $status) {
if ($status
->isManualPushEnabled()) {
$result = $this
->embedForFlowAndPool($entity, $details, $status
->getFlow(), $status
if ($result) {
return $result;
// Not pushed? Just using our current pool then to de-reference it at the remote site if the entity exists.
return $this->operation
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle(), $entity
->uuid(), EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeConfiguration($entity
->getEntityType()) ? $entity
->id() : null, Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle()), $this->pool->id, $details);
foreach ($statuses as $status) {
if ($status
->isManualPushEnabled()) {
// This is only relevant for dependencies.
// If the mode is "all" or "manual" we must not add them as a dependency as otherwise this can result in pushing referenced entities endlessly.
if ($this->flow
->canPushEntity($entity, PushIntent::PUSH_AS_DEPENDENCY)) {
return $this
->addDependency($entity, $details, false);
$pools = $this
->pushReference($entity, false);
// Not pushed? Just using our current pool then to de-reference it at the remote site if the entity exists.
if (empty($pools)) {
return $this->operation
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle(), $entity
->uuid(), EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeConfiguration($entity
->getEntityType()) ? $entity
->id() : null, Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle()), $this->pool->id, $details);
$result = null;
foreach ($pools as $pool_id) {
$result = $this->operation
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle(), $entity
->uuid(), EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeConfiguration($entity
->getEntityType()) ? $entity
->id() : null, Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle()), $pool_id, $details);
return $result;
* Set the value of the given field. By default every field handler
* will have a field available for storage when pulling / pushing that
* accepts all non-associative array-values. Within this array you can
* use the following types: array, associative array, string, integer, float,
* boolean, NULL. These values will be JSON encoded when pushing and JSON
* decoded when pulling. They will be saved in a structured database by
* Sync Core in between, so you can't pass any non-array value by default.
* @param string $name
* The name of the field in question
* @param mixed $value
* The value to store
public function setProperty($name, $value) {
->setProperty($name, $value, $this->activeLanguage);
* Save that the pull for the given entity failed.
* @param string $failure_reason
* See PushIntent::PUSH_FAILURE_*
* @param null|string $message
* An optional message accompanying this error
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
protected function saveFailedPush($failure_reason, $message = null) {
$soft_fails = [
$soft = in_array($failure_reason, $soft_fails);
->didPushFail(true, $soft, [
'error' => $failure_reason,
'action' => $this
'reason' => $this
'message' => $message,
* @return int
protected function getRequestTime() {
return (int) $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
* Get the changed date of the entity. Not all entities provide the required attribute and even those aren't
* consistently saving it so this method takes care of these exceptions.
* @todo Check if we should remove this as we're no longer using this changed
* date for deciding whether to push an entity or not (using hashes now).
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* @return int
protected function getEntityChangedTime($entity) {
$request_time = $this
$push = $request_time;
if ($entity instanceof EntityChangedInterface) {
$push = $entity
if ($entity instanceof TranslatableInterface) {
foreach ($entity
->getTranslationLanguages(false) as $language) {
$translation = $entity
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityChangedInterface $translation
if ($translation
->getChangedTime() > $push) {
$push = $translation
// Check if any bricks were updated during this request that this specific entity is referencing
// Quick edit doesn't update the changed date of the node...... so we have to go and see manually if anything
// changed by caching it....
if ($push < $request_time && $this->isQuickEdited) {
return $request_time;
if (EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeFieldable($entity
->getEntityTypeId())) {
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManager $entity_field_manager
$entity_field_manager = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager');
* @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface[] $fields
$fields = $entity_field_manager
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
// Elements that are inline edited in other forms like media elements edited within node forms don't get their
// timestamp updated even though the file attributes may change like the focal point. So we are checking for file
// reference fields and check if they were updated in the meantime.
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
if ('image' === $field
->getType()) {
$data = $entity
foreach ($data as $delta => $value) {
if (empty($value['target_id'])) {
$entityTypeManager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager();
$storage = $entityTypeManager
$target_id = $value['target_id'];
$reference = $storage
if (!$reference) {
$sub = $this
if ($sub > $push) {
$push = $sub;
// File entities timestamp doesn't change when focal point is updated and crop entity doesn't provide a changed date.
if ('file' === $entity
->getEntityTypeId()) {
* @var \Drupal\file\FileInterface $entity
// Handle crop entities.
$moduleHandler = \Drupal::service('module_handler');
if ($moduleHandler
->moduleExists('crop') && $moduleHandler
->moduleExists('focal_point')) {
if (Crop::cropExists($entity
->getFileUri(), 'focal_point')) {
$crop = Crop::findCrop($entity
->getFileUri(), 'focal_point');
if ($crop) {
$info = EntityStatus::getInfoForEntity('file', $entity
->uuid(), $this->flow
->id(), $this->pool
if ($info) {
$position = $crop
$last = $info
if (empty($last) || $position['x'] !== $last['x'] || $position['y'] !== $last['y']) {
$push = $this
return $push;
* Check whether the entity changed at all since the last push.
* @return bool
protected function entityChanged() {
$last_hash = $this->entity_status
$new_hash = $this->operation
return $last_hash !== $new_hash;
* Push the provided entity along with the processed entity by embedding it
* right into the current entity. This means the embedded entity can't be used
* outside of it's parent entity in any way. This is used for field
* collections right now.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The referenced entity to push as well
* @param null|array $details
* {@see SyncIntent::getEmbedEntityDefinition}
* @param \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Flow $flow
* @param \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Pool $pool
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
* @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
* @throws \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Exception\SyncException
* @throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException
* @return array the definition you can store via {@see SyncIntent::setField} and on the other end receive via {@see SyncIntent::getField}
protected function embedForFlowAndPool($entity, $details, $flow, $pool) {
* @var PushIntent $embed_entity
$embed_entity = PushIntent::pushEntity($entity, PushIntent::PUSH_AS_DEPENDENCY, SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE, $flow, $pool, true);
if (!$embed_entity) {
throw new SyncException(SyncException::CODE_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, null, 'Failed to embed entity.');
$result = $this->operation
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle(), $entity
->uuid(), EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeConfiguration($entity
->getEntityType()) ? $entity
->id() : null, Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->bundle()), $embed_entity
->getOperation(), $details);
$this->embeddedPushIntents[] = $embed_entity;
return $result;
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* @param bool $dependency
* @param bool $push_to_same_pool
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
* @throws \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Exception\SyncException
* @return string[] The IDs of the Pools that were used
protected function pushReference($entity, $dependency, $push_to_same_pool = false) {
try {
$all_pools = Pool::getAll();
$pools = $this->flow
->getPoolsToPushTo($entity, PushIntent::PUSH_AS_DEPENDENCY, SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE, true);
if (isset($pools[$this->pool->id]) || $push_to_same_pool) {
$pools = [
$this->pool->id => $this->pool,
] + $pools;
$used_pools = [];
$flows = Flow::getAll();
$flows = [
$this->flow->id => $this->flow,
] + $flows;
$version = Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
foreach ([
// Prefer Flows that push AS_DEPENDENCY.
// But then use Flows that push AUTOMATICALLY to support that use-case as well.
// If an AS_DEPENDENCY Flow has pushed to a specific pool before, the Flow pushing AUTOMATICALLY will not
// be able to export to that pool again here, that's why the order matters.
// Also push manually exported references if configured.
] as $reason) {
foreach ($flows as $flow) {
if (!$flow
->canPushEntity($entity, $reason, SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE)) {
$export_pools = $flow
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
// Make sure the first pool we try is the pool of the current parent
// push operation.
if (isset($export_pools[$this->pool->id])) {
$export_pools = [
$this->pool->id => $export_pools[$this->pool->id],
] + $export_pools;
foreach ($export_pools as $pool_id => $behavior) {
if (in_array($pool_id, $used_pools)) {
if (Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORBID == $behavior) {
// If this entity was newly created, it won't have any groups to push to
// selected, unless they're FORCED. In this case we add default sync
// groups based on the parent entity, as you would expect.
if ($dependency) {
if (!isset($pools[$pool_id])) {
$pool = $pools[$pool_id];
$info = EntityStatus::getInfoForEntity($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->uuid(), $flow, $pool);
if (!$info) {
if (!$push_to_same_pool) {
$info = EntityStatus::create([
'flow' => $flow->id,
'pool' => $pool->id,
'entity_type' => $entity
'entity_uuid' => $entity
'entity_type_version' => $version,
'flags' => 0,
->isPushEnabled(null, true);
PushIntent::pushEntity($entity, $reason, SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE, $flow, $pool);
else {
$pool = $all_pools[$pool_id];
if (Pool::POOL_USAGE_ALLOW == $behavior) {
$info = EntityStatus::getInfoForEntity($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->uuid(), $flow, $pool);
if (!$info || !$info
->isPushEnabled()) {
$info = EntityStatus::getInfoForEntity($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->uuid(), $flow, $pool);
// In case the handler denied pushing the entity, we simply ignore the attempt.
if (!$info || !$info
->getLastPush()) {
// Unless we are referencing our parent entity that is also being pushed right now
// e.g. a menu item will reference it's parent node but the parent will trigger
// the menu item push so the status entity isn't there yet.
if (!self::isPushing($entity
->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
->uuid())) {
$used_pools[] = $pool_id;
// If "push to same pool" is set, we can stop after pushing there.
if ($push_to_same_pool && $pool_id === $this->pool->id) {
return $used_pools;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new SyncException(SyncException::CODE_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, $e);
return $used_pools;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
PushIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
PushIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
PushIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
PushIntent:: |
protected static | property | pushed. Can be queried via self::getNoPushReason($entity). Structure: [ entity_type_id:string ][ entity_uuid:string ] => string|Exception | |
PushIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
PushIntent:: |
protected static | property | A list of all pushed entities to make sure entities aren't pushed multiple times during the same request in the format [$action][$entity_type][$bundle][$uuid] => TRUE | |
PushIntent:: |
public | function | Push the provided entity as a dependency meaning the referenced entity is available before this entity so it can be referenced on the remote site immediately like bricks or paragraphs. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | function | Push the provided entity as a simple reference. There is no guarantee the referenced entity will be available on the remote site as well, but if it is, it will be de-referenced. If you need the referenced entity to be available, use { | |
PushIntent:: |
public static | function | Get a user message on why the push failed. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | function | Push the provided entity along with the processed entity by embedding it right into the current entity. This means the embedded entity can't be used outside of it's parent entity in any way. This is used for field collections right now. | |
PushIntent:: |
protected | function | Push the provided entity along with the processed entity by embedding it right into the current entity. This means the embedded entity can't be used outside of it's parent entity in any way. This is used for field collections right now. | |
PushIntent:: |
protected | function | Check whether the entity changed at all since the last push. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | function |
Push the given entity. Overrides SyncIntent:: |
PushIntent:: |
public | function | Handle Extended Entity Export logging. | |
PushIntent:: |
protected | function | Get the changed date of the entity. Not all entities provide the required attribute and even those aren't consistently saving it so this method takes care of these exceptions. | |
PushIntent:: |
public static | function | Get the correct synchronization for a specific action on a given entity. | |
PushIntent:: |
public static | function | Get the reason why a push has not happened. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | function | ||
PushIntent:: |
protected | function | ||
PushIntent:: |
public static | function | Check whether the given entity is currently being pushed. Useful to check against hierarchical references as for nodes and menu items for example. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | refused to push this entity. These are usually handler specific configurations like "Don't push unpublished content" for nodes. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | during this very request, so it can't be pushed again immediately | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | pushed before, so pushing the deletion doesn't make sense (it will not even exist remotely yet) | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | ||
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | push would not do anything | |
PushIntent:: |
public static | function | Helper function to push an entity and throw errors if anything fails. | |
PushIntent:: |
public static | function | Helper function to push an entity and display the user the results. If you want to make changes programmatically, use ::pushEntity() instead. | |
PushIntent:: |
protected | function | ||
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | Only used as a filter to check if the Flow pushes this entity in any way. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | Push only some of these entities, pushed if other pushed entities use it. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | Automatically push all entities of this entity type. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | Disable pushing completely for this entity type, unless forced. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | The entity wasn't pushed because when pushing a dependency, an error was thrown | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | Soft fail: The push failed because the handler returned FALSE when executing the push | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | The entity wasn't pushed because when serializing it, an error was thrown | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | The request to the Sync Core failed completely | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | The Sync Core returned a non-2xx status code | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | Soft fail: The entity wasn't pushed because it didn't change since the last push | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | Force the entity to be pushed (as long as a handler is also selected). Can be used programmatically for custom workflows. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | constant | Push only some of these entities, chosen manually. | |
PushIntent:: |
protected | function | Save that the pull for the given entity failed. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | function | Serialize the given entity using the entity push and field push handlers. | |
PushIntent:: |
public | function | Set the value of the given field. By default every field handler will have a field available for storage when pulling / pushing that accepts all non-associative array-values. Within this array you can use the following types: array, associative array,… | |
PushIntent:: |
public | function | ||
PushIntent:: |
public | function |
PushIntent constructor. Overrides SyncIntent:: |
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | The synchronization this request spawned at @var string entity type of the processed entity @var string bundle of the processed entity @var string UUID of the… | |
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
SyncIntent:: |
protected | property | ||
SyncIntent:: |
public | constant | push/pull the creation of this entity | |
SyncIntent:: |
public | constant | push/pull the deletion of this entity | |
SyncIntent:: |
public | constant | Drupal doesn't update the ->getTranslationStatus($langcode) to TRANSLATION_REMOVED before calling hook_entity_translation_delete, so we need to use a custom action to circumvent deletions of translations of entities not being handled. This is… | |
SyncIntent:: |
public | constant | push/pull the update of this entity | |
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | Change the language used for provided field values. If you want to add a translation of an entity, the same SyncIntent is used. First, you add your fields using self::setField() for the untranslated version. After that you call… | |
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | ||
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | Return the language that's currently used. | |
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | ||
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | ||
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | Returns the entity status. | |
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | ||
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | ||
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | ||
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | ||
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | ||
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | Retrieve a value you stored before via ::setstatusData(). | |
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | ||
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | Set the entity when pulling (may not be saved yet then). | |
SyncIntent:: |
public | function | Store a key=>value pair for later retrieval. |