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class Flow in CMS Content Sync 8

Same name in this branch
  1. 8 src/Entity/Flow.php \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Flow
  2. 8 modules/cms_content_sync_views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Flow.php \Drupal\cms_content_sync_views\Plugin\views\filter\Flow
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.1.x src/Entity/Flow.php \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Flow
  2. 2.0.x src/Entity/Flow.php \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Entity\Flow

Defines the "Content Sync - Flow" entity.

Plugin annotation

  id = "cms_content_sync_flow",
  label = @Translation("Content Sync - Flow"),
  handlers = {
    "list_builder" = "Drupal\cms_content_sync\Controller\FlowListBuilder",
    "form" = {
      "add" = "Drupal\cms_content_sync\Form\FlowForm",
      "edit" = "Drupal\cms_content_sync\Form\FlowForm",
      "delete" = "Drupal\cms_content_sync\Form\FlowDeleteForm",
      "copy_remote" = "Drupal\cms_content_sync\Form\CopyRemoteFlow",
  config_prefix = "flow",
  admin_permission = "administer cms content sync",
  entity_keys = {
    "id" = "id",
    "label" = "name",
  config_export = {
  links = {
    "edit-form" = "/admin/config/services/cms_content_sync/synchronizations/{cms_content_sync_flow}/edit",
    "delete-form" = "/admin/config/services/cms_content_sync/synchronizations/{cms_content_sync_flow}/delete",


Expanded class hierarchy of Flow

31 files declare their use of Flow
CliService.php in src/Cli/CliService.php
CliService.php in modules/cms_content_sync_developer/src/Cli/CliService.php
cms_content_sync.install in ./cms_content_sync.install
Install file for cms_content_sync.
cms_content_sync.module in ./cms_content_sync.module
Module file for cms_content_sync.
CopyRemoteFlow.php in src/Form/CopyRemoteFlow.php

... See full list

4 string references to 'Flow'
cms_content_sync_views_data_alter in modules/cms_content_sync_views/cms_content_sync_views.module
Implements hook_views_data_alter().
DebugForm::inspectEntity in src/Form/DebugForm.php
Display debug output for a given entity to analyze it's sync structure.
PoolAssignmentForm::buildForm in src/Form/PoolAssignmentForm.php
Form constructor.
views.view.content_sync_entity_status.yml in modules/cms_content_sync_health/config/install/views.view.content_sync_entity_status.yml


src/Entity/Flow.php, line 45


View source
class Flow extends ConfigEntityBase implements FlowInterface {

   * @var string HANDLER_IGNORE
   *             Ignore this entity type / bundle / field completely
  public const HANDLER_IGNORE = 'ignore';

   * @var string PREVIEW_DISABLED
   *             Hide these entities completely
  public const PREVIEW_DISABLED = 'disabled';

   * @var string PREVIEW_TABLE
   *             Show these entities in a table view
  public const PREVIEW_TABLE = 'table';

   * This Flow pushes entities.
  public const TYPE_PUSH = 'push';

   * This Flow pulls entities.
  public const TYPE_PULL = 'pull';

   * This Flow pushes and pulls entities.
   * @deprecated will be removed in v2
  public const TYPE_BOTH = 'both';

   * The Flow ID.
   * @var string
  public $id;

   * The Flow name.
   * @var string
  public $name;

   * The Flow entities.
   * @todo Refactor to be hierarchical, so entity_type => bundle_name  and within that add a ['fields'] config array.
   * @var array
  public $sync_entities;

   * @var Flow[]
   *             All content synchronization configs. Use {@see Flow::getAll}
   *             to request them.
  public static $all = null;

   * @return null|string
  public function getType() {
    if (empty($this->sync_entities)) {
      return null;
    $has_push = false;
    $has_pull = false;
    foreach ($this
      ->getEntityTypeConfig() as $config) {
      if (PushIntent::PUSH_DISABLED != $config['export']) {
        $has_push = true;
        if ($has_pull) {
      if (PullIntent::PULL_DISABLED != $config['import']) {
        $has_pull = true;
        if ($has_push) {
    if ($has_push) {
      if ($has_pull) {
        return self::TYPE_BOTH;
      return self::TYPE_PUSH;
    if ($has_pull) {
      return self::TYPE_PULL;
    return null;

   * Ensure that pools are pulled before the flows.
  public function calculateDependencies() {
    foreach ($this
      ->getUsedPools() as $pool) {
        ->addDependency('config', 'cms_content_sync.pool.' . $pool->id);

   * Get all flows pushing this entity.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   * @param $action
   * @param bool $include_dependencies
   * @throws \Exception
   * @return array|Flow[]
  public static function getFlowsForPushing($entity, $action, $include_dependencies = true) {
    if (SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE === $action) {
      $last_push = EntityStatus::getLastPushForEntity($entity);
      if (empty($last_push)) {
        return [];
    $flows = PushIntent::getFlowsForEntity($entity, PushIntent::PUSH_AUTOMATICALLY, $action);
    if (!count($flows) && SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE === $action) {
      $flows = PushIntent::getFlowsForEntity($entity, PushIntent::PUSH_MANUALLY, $action);
    if ($include_dependencies && !count($flows)) {
      $flows = PushIntent::getFlowsForEntity($entity, PushIntent::PUSH_AS_DEPENDENCY, $action);
      if (count($flows)) {
        $infos = EntityStatus::getInfosForEntity($entity
          ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
        $pushed = [];
        foreach ($infos as $info) {
          if (!in_array($info
            ->getFlow(), $flows)) {
          if (in_array($info
            ->getFlow(), $pushed)) {
          if (!$info
            ->getLastPush()) {
          $pushed[] = $info
        $flows = $pushed;
    return $flows;

   * Get a unique version hash for the configuration of the provided entity type
   * and bundle.
   * @param string $type_name
   *                            The entity type in question
   * @param string $bundle_name
   *                            The bundle in question
   * @return string
   *                A 32 character MD5 hash of all important configuration for this entity
   *                type and bundle, representing it's current state and allowing potential
   *                conflicts from entity type updates to be handled smoothly
  public static function getEntityTypeVersion($type_name, $bundle_name) {

    // @todo Include export_config keys in version definition for config entity types like webforms.
    if (EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeFieldable($type_name)) {
      $entityFieldManager = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager');
      $field_definitions = $entityFieldManager
        ->getFieldDefinitions($type_name, $bundle_name);
      $field_definitions_array = (array) $field_definitions;
      $field_names = array_keys($field_definitions_array);
      $version = json_encode($field_names);
    else {
      $version = '';
    return md5($version);

   * Check whether the local deletion of the given entity is allowed.
   * @return bool
  public static function isLocalDeletionAllowed(EntityInterface $entity) {
    if (!$entity
      ->uuid()) {
      return true;
    $entity_status = EntityStatus::getInfosForEntity($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
    foreach ($entity_status as $info) {
      if (!$info
        ->getLastPull() || $info
        ->isSourceEntity()) {
      $flow = $info
      if (!$flow) {
      $config = $flow
        ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
        ->bundle(), true);
      if (PullIntent::PULL_DISABLED === $config['import']) {
      if (!boolval($config['import_deletion_settings']['allow_local_deletion_of_import'])) {
        return false;
    return true;

   * Get a list of all pools this Flow is using.
   * @return Pool[]
  public function getUsedPools() {
    $result = [];
    $pools = Pool::getAll();
    foreach ($pools as $id => $pool) {
      if ($this
        ->usesPool($pool)) {
        $result[$id] = $pool;
    return $result;

   * Get a list of all pools that are used for pushing this entity, either
   * automatically or manually selected.
   * @param string $entity_type
   * @param string $bundle
   * @return Pool[]
  public function getUsedPoolsForPulling($entity_type, $bundle) {
    $config = $this
      ->getEntityTypeConfig($entity_type, $bundle);
    if (empty($config['import_pools'])) {
      return [];
    $result = [];
    $pools = Pool::getAll();
    foreach ($config['import_pools'] as $id => $setting) {
      $pool = $pools[$id];
      if (Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORBID == $setting) {
      $result[] = $pool;
    return $result;

   * Get a list of all pools that are used for pushing this entity, either
   * automatically or manually selected.
   * @param string|string[] $reason
   *                                        {@see Flow::PUSH_*}
   * @param string          $action
   *                                        {@see ::ACTION_*}
   * @param bool            $include_forced
   *                                        Include forced pools. Otherwise only use-selected / referenced ones.
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
   * @return Pool[]
  public function getPoolsToPushTo(EntityInterface $entity, $reason, $action, $include_forced = true) {
    $config = $this
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
    if (!$this
      ->canPushEntity($entity, $reason, $action)) {
      return [];
    $result = [];
    $pools = Pool::getAll();
    foreach ($config['export_pools'] as $id => $setting) {
      if (!isset($pools[$id])) {
      $pool = $pools[$id];
      if (Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORBID == $setting) {
      if (Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORCE == $setting) {
        if ($include_forced) {
          $result[$id] = $pool;
      $entity_status = EntityStatus::getInfoForEntity($entity
        ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
        ->uuid(), $this, $pool);
      if ($entity_status && $entity_status
        ->isPushEnabled()) {
        $result[$id] = $pool;
    return $result;

   * Ask this Flow whether or not it can push the given entity.
   * @param string|string[] $reason
   * @param string          $action
   * @param null|Pool       $pool
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
   * @return bool
  public function canPushEntity(EntityInterface $entity, $reason, $action = SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE, $pool = null) {
    $infos = $entity
      ->uuid() ? EntityStatus::getInfosForEntity($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->uuid()) : [];

    // Fresh entity- no pool restriction.
    if (!count($infos) || null !== $pool) {
      return $this
        ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
        ->bundle(), $reason, $action, $pool);

    // If the entity has been pulled or pushed before, only the Flows that support the pools that were assigned
    // are relevant. So we filter out any Flows here that don't support any of the assigned pools.
    foreach ($infos as $info) {
      if ($this
        ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
        ->bundle(), $reason, $action, $info
        ->getPool())) {
        return true;

    // Flow config may have changed so status entities exist but now they no longer push the entity. In this case we
    // fall back into the behavior as if the entity was new (see above)
    return $this
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->bundle(), $reason, $action, $pool);

   * Ask this Flow whether or not it can push the given entity type and optionally bundle.
   * @param string          $entity_type_name
   * @param null|string     $bundle_name
   * @param string|string[] $reason
   * @param string          $action
   * @param null|Pool       $pool
   * @return bool
  public function canPushEntityType($entity_type_name, $bundle_name, $reason, $action = SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE, $pool = null) {
    $any_reason = [
    if (is_string($reason)) {
      if (PushIntent::PUSH_ANY === $reason || PushIntent::PUSH_FORCED === $reason) {
        $reason = $any_reason;
      else {
        $reason = [
    if (!$bundle_name) {
      foreach ($this
        ->getEntityTypeConfig($entity_type_name) as $config) {
        if ($this
          ->canPushEntityType($entity_type_name, $config['bundle_name'], $reason, $action, $pool)) {
          return true;
      return false;
    $config = $this
      ->getEntityTypeConfig($entity_type_name, $bundle_name);
    if (empty($config) || self::HANDLER_IGNORE == $config['handler']) {
      return false;
    if (PushIntent::PUSH_DISABLED == $config['export']) {
      return false;
    if (SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE == $action && !boolval($config['export_deletion_settings']['export_deletion'])) {
      return false;
    if ($pool) {
      if (empty($config['export_pools'][$pool->id]) || Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORBID == $config['export_pools'][$pool->id]) {
        return false;
    return in_array($config['export'], $reason);

   * Load all entities.
   * Load all cms_content_sync_flow entities and add overrides from global $config.
   * @param bool $skip_inactive
   *                            Do not return inactive flows by default
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
   * @return Flow[]
  public static function getAll($skip_inactive = true) {
    if ($skip_inactive && null !== self::$all) {
      return self::$all;

     * @var Flow[] $configurations
    $configurations = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    foreach ($configurations as $id => &$configuration) {
      global $config;
      $config_name = 'cms_content_sync.flow.' . $id;
      if (!isset($config[$config_name]) || empty($config[$config_name])) {
      foreach ($config[$config_name] as $key => $new_value) {
        if ('sync_entities' == $key) {
          foreach ($new_value as $sync_key => $options) {
            foreach ($options as $options_key => $setting) {
              if (is_array($setting)) {
                foreach ($setting as $setting_key => $set) {
                  $configuration->sync_entities[$sync_key][$options_key][$setting_key] = $set;
              else {
                $configuration->sync_entities[$sync_key][$options_key] = $setting;
          ->set($key, $new_value);
    if ($skip_inactive) {
      $result = [];
      foreach ($configurations as $id => $flow) {
        if ($flow
          ->get('status')) {
          $result[$id] = $flow;
      $configurations = $result;
      self::$all = $configurations;
    return $configurations;

   * Get the first synchronization that allows the pull of the provided entity
   * type.
   * @param Pool   $pool
   * @param string $entity_type_name
   * @param string $bundle_name
   * @param string $reason
   * @param string $action
   * @param bool   $strict
   * @return null|Flow
  public static function getFlowForApiAndEntityType($pool, $entity_type_name, $bundle_name, $reason, $action = SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE, $strict = false) {
    $flows = self::getAll();

    // If $reason is DEPENDENCY and there's a Flow pulling AUTOMATICALLY we take that. But only if there's no Flow
    // explicitly handling this entity AS_DEPENDENCY.
    $fallback = null;
    foreach ($flows as $flow) {
      if ($pool && !in_array($pool, $flow
        ->getUsedPoolsForPulling($entity_type_name, $bundle_name))) {
      if (!$flow
        ->canPullEntity($entity_type_name, $bundle_name, $reason, $action, true)) {
        if (!$strict && $flow
          ->canPullEntity($entity_type_name, $bundle_name, $reason, $action, false)) {
          $fallback = $flow;
      return $flow;
    if (!empty($fallback)) {
      return $fallback;
    return null;

   * Ask this Flow whether or not it can push the provided entity.
   * @param string $entity_type_name
   * @param string $bundle_name
   * @param string $reason
   * @param string $action
   * @param bool   $strict
   *                                 If asking for DEPENDENCY as a $reason, then $strict will NOT include a Flow that pulls AUTOMATICALLY
   * @return bool
  public function canPullEntity($entity_type_name, $bundle_name, $reason, $action = SyncIntent::ACTION_CREATE, $strict = false) {
    $config = $this
      ->getEntityTypeConfig($entity_type_name, $bundle_name);
    if (empty($config) || self::HANDLER_IGNORE == $config['handler']) {
      return false;
    if (PullIntent::PULL_DISABLED == $config['import']) {
      return false;
    if (SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE == $action && !boolval($config['import_deletion_settings']['import_deletion'])) {
      return false;

    // If any handler is available, we can pull this entity.
    if (PullIntent::PULL_FORCED == $reason) {
      return true;

    // Flows that pull automatically can also handle referenced entities.
    if (PullIntent::PULL_AUTOMATICALLY == $config['import']) {
      if (PullIntent::PULL_AS_DEPENDENCY == $reason && !$strict) {
        return true;

    // Once pulled manually, updates will arrive automatically.
    if (PullIntent::PULL_AUTOMATICALLY == $reason && PullIntent::PULL_MANUALLY == $config['import']) {
      if (SyncIntent::ACTION_UPDATE == $action || SyncIntent::ACTION_DELETE == $action) {
        return true;
    return $config['import'] == $reason;

   * Ask this synchronization whether it supports the provided entity.
   * Returns false if either the entity type is not known or the config handler
   * is set to {@see Flow::HANDLER_IGNORE}.
   * @return bool
  public function supportsEntity(EntityInterface $entity) {
    $config = $this
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
    if (empty($config) || empty($config['handler'])) {
      return false;
    return self::HANDLER_IGNORE != $config['handler'];

   * Check if the given pool is used by this Flow. If any handler set the flow
   * as FORCE or ALLOW, this will return TRUE.
   * @param Pool $pool
   * @return bool
  public function usesPool($pool) {
    foreach ($this
      ->getEntityTypeConfig(null, null, true) as $config) {
      if (Flow::HANDLER_IGNORE == $config['handler']) {
      if (PushIntent::PUSH_DISABLED != $config['export']) {
        if (!empty($config['export_pools'][$pool->id]) && Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORBID != $config['export_pools'][$pool->id]) {
          return true;
      if (PullIntent::PULL_DISABLED != $config['import']) {
        if (!empty($config['import_pools'][$pool->id]) && Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORBID != $config['import_pools'][$pool->id]) {
          return true;
    return false;

   * Unset the flow version warning.
  public function resetVersionWarning() {
    $moduleHandler = \Drupal::service('module_handler');
    if ($moduleHandler
      ->moduleExists('cms_content_sync_developer')) {
      $developer_config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')
      $mismatching_versions = $developer_config
      if (!empty($mismatching_versions)) {
          ->set('version_mismatch', $mismatching_versions)

   * Update the version of an entity type bundle within a flow configuration.
   * @param $entity_type
   * @param $bundle
   * @throws \Exception
  public function updateEntityTypeBundleVersion($entity_type, $bundle) {

    // Get active version.
    $active_version = Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity_type, $bundle);

    // Get version from config.
    $config_key = $entity_type . '-' . $bundle;
    $flow_config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')
      ->getEditable('cms_content_sync.flow.' . $this
    $config_version = $flow_config
      ->get('sync_entities.' . $config_key . '.version');

    // Only update if required.
    if ($active_version != $config_version) {
      $default = self::getDefaultFieldConfigForEntityType($entity_type, $bundle, $this->sync_entities);
      foreach ($default as $id => $config) {
          ->set('sync_entities.' . $id, $config);
        ->set('sync_entities.' . $config_key . '.version', $active_version);
        ->addMessage('Content Sync - Flow: ' . $this
        ->label() . ' has been updated. Ensure to export the new configuration to the sync core.');

   * @param $type
   * @param $bundle
   * @param null $existing
   * @param null $field
   * @return array
  public static function getDefaultFieldConfigForEntityType($type, $bundle, $existing = null, $field = null) {
    if ($field) {
      $field_default_values = [
        'export' => null,
        'import' => null,
      $entity_type = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

      // @todo Should be gotten from the Entity Type Handler instead.
      $forbidden_fields = [
        // These are not relevant or misleading when synchronized.
        // Field collections.
        // Files.
        // Media.
        // Taxonomy.
        // These are standard fields defined by the Flow
        // Entity type that entities may not override (otherwise
        // these fields will collide with CMS Content Sync functionality)
      $pools = Pool::getAll();
      if (count($pools)) {
        $reserved = reset($pools)
        $forbidden_fields = array_merge($forbidden_fields, $reserved);
      if (false !== in_array($field, $forbidden_fields)) {
        $field_default_values['handler'] = 'ignore';
        $field_default_values['export'] = PushIntent::PUSH_DISABLED;
        $field_default_values['import'] = PullIntent::PULL_DISABLED;
        return $field_default_values;
      $field_handler_service = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.cms_content_sync_field_handler');
      $field_definition = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')
        ->getFieldDefinitions($type, $bundle)[$field];
      $field_handlers = $field_handler_service
        ->getHandlerOptions($type, $bundle, $field, $field_definition, true);
      if (empty($field_handlers)) {
        throw new \Exception('Unsupported field type ' . $field_definition
          ->getType() . ' for field ' . $type . '.' . $bundle . '.' . $field);
      $handler_id = empty($field_default_values['handler']) ? key($field_handlers) : $field_default_values['handler'];
      $field_default_values['handler'] = $handler_id;
      $field_default_values['export'] = PushIntent::PUSH_AUTOMATICALLY;
      $field_default_values['import'] = PullIntent::PULL_AUTOMATICALLY;
      $handler = $field_handler_service
        ->createInstance($handler_id, [
        'entity_type_name' => $type,
        'bundle_name' => $bundle,
        'field_name' => $field,
        'field_definition' => $field_definition,
        'settings' => $field_default_values,
        'sync' => null,
      $advanced_settings = $handler
      if (count($advanced_settings)) {
        foreach ($advanced_settings as $name => $element) {
          $field_default_values['handler_settings'][$name] = $element['#default_value'];
      return $field_default_values;
    $field_definition = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')
      ->getFieldDefinitions($type, $bundle);
    $result = [];
    foreach ($field_definition as $key => $field) {
      $field_id = $type . '-' . $bundle . '-' . $key;
      if ($existing && isset($existing[$field_id])) {
      $result[$field_id] = self::getDefaultFieldConfigForEntityType($type, $bundle, null, $key);
    return $result;

   * Get the config for the given entity type or all entity types.
   * @param $entity_type
   * @param $entity_bundle
   * @param bool $used_only
   *                        Return only the configs where a handler is set
   * @return array
  public function getEntityTypeConfig($entity_type = null, $entity_bundle = null, $used_only = false) {
    $entity_types = $this->sync_entities;
    $result = [];
    foreach ($entity_types as $id => &$type) {

      // Ignore field definitions.
      if (1 != substr_count($id, '-')) {
      if ($used_only && self::HANDLER_IGNORE == $type['handler']) {
      preg_match('/^(.+)-(.+)$/', $id, $matches);
      $entity_type_name = $matches[1];
      $bundle_name = $matches[2];
      if ($entity_type && $entity_type_name != $entity_type) {
      if ($entity_bundle && $bundle_name != $entity_bundle) {

      // If this is called before being saved, we want to have version etc.
      // available still.
      if (empty($type['version'])) {
        $type['version'] = Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity_type_name, $bundle_name);
        $type['entity_type_name'] = $entity_type_name;
        $type['bundle_name'] = $bundle_name;
      if ($entity_type && $entity_bundle) {
        return $type;
      $result[$id] = $type;
    return $result;

   * The the entity type handler for the given config.
   * @param $config
   *   {@see Flow::getEntityTypeConfig()}
   * @return \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Plugin\EntityHandlerInterface
  public function getEntityTypeHandler($config) {
    $entityPluginManager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.cms_content_sync_entity_handler');
    return $entityPluginManager
      ->createInstance($config['handler'], [
      'entity_type_name' => $config['entity_type_name'],
      'bundle_name' => $config['bundle_name'],
      'settings' => $config,
      'sync' => $this,

   * Get the correct field handler instance for this entity type and field
   * config.
   * @param $entity_type_name
   * @param $bundle_name
   * @param $field_name
   * @return \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Plugin\FieldHandlerInterface
  public function getFieldHandler($entity_type_name, $bundle_name, $field_name) {
    $fieldPluginManager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.cms_content_sync_field_handler');
    $key = $entity_type_name . '-' . $bundle_name . '-' . $field_name;
    if (empty($this->sync_entities[$key])) {
      return null;
    if (self::HANDLER_IGNORE == $this->sync_entities[$key]['handler']) {
      return null;
    $entityFieldManager = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager');
    $field_definition = $entityFieldManager
      ->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type_name, $bundle_name)[$field_name];
    return $fieldPluginManager
      ->createInstance($this->sync_entities[$key]['handler'], [
      'entity_type_name' => $entity_type_name,
      'bundle_name' => $bundle_name,
      'field_name' => $field_name,
      'field_definition' => $field_definition,
      'settings' => $this->sync_entities[$key],
      'sync' => $this,

   * Get the settings for the given field.
   * @param $entity_type_name
   * @param $bundle_name
   * @param $field_name
   * @return array
  public function getFieldHandlerConfig($entity_type_name, $bundle_name, $field_name) {
    $key = $entity_type_name . '-' . $bundle_name . '-' . $field_name;
    if (!isset($this->sync_entities[$key])) {
      return null;
    return $this->sync_entities[$key];

   * Get the preview type.
   * @param $entity_type_name
   * @param $bundle_name
   * @return string
  public function getPreviewType($entity_type_name, $bundle_name) {
    $previews_enabled = ContentSyncSettings::getInstance()
    if (!$previews_enabled) {
      return Flow::PREVIEW_DISABLED;
    $key = $entity_type_name . '-' . $bundle_name;
    $settings = $this->sync_entities[$key];
    if (empty($settings['preview'])) {
      return Flow::PREVIEW_DISABLED;
    return $settings['preview'];

   * Return all entity type configs with push enabled.
   * @param $push_type
   * @param null|mixed $entity_type
   * @return array
  public function getPushedEntityTypes($push_type = null, $entity_type = null) {
    $pushed_entity_types = [];
    $entity_types = $this
    foreach ($entity_types as $key => $entity_type) {
      if ($entity_type && $key !== $entity_type) {
      if (is_null($push_type) && PushIntent::PUSH_DISABLED != $entity_type['export']) {
        $pushed_entity_types[$key] = $entity_type;
      elseif ($entity_type['export'] == $push_type) {
        $pushed_entity_types[$key] = $entity_type;
    return $pushed_entity_types;

   * Return all entity type configs with pull enabled.
   * @param $pull_type
   * @param null|mixed $entity_type
   * @return array
  public function getEntityTypesToPull($pull_type = null, $entity_type = null) {
    $pulled_entity_types = [];
    $entity_types = $this
    foreach ($entity_types as $key => $entity_type) {
      if (is_null($pull_type) && PullIntent::PULL_DISABLED != $entity_type['import']) {
        $pulled_entity_types[$key] = $entity_type;
      elseif ($entity_type['import'] == $pull_type) {
        $pulled_entity_types[$key] = $entity_type;
    return $pulled_entity_types;

   * Create a flow configuration programmatically.
   * @param $flow_name
   * @param string $flow_id
   * @param bool   $status
   * @param array  $dependencies
   * @param $configurations
   * @param bool $force_update
   * @return mixed|string
  public static function createFlow($flow_name, $flow_id = '', $status = true, $dependencies = [], $configurations, $force_update = false) {
    $flows = Flow::getAll(false);

    // If no flow_id is given, create one.
    if (empty($flow_id)) {
      $flow_id = strtolower($flow_name);
      $flow_id = preg_replace('@[^a-z0-9_]+@', '_', $flow_id);
    if (!$force_update && array_key_exists($flow_id, $flows)) {
        ->addMessage('A flow with the machine name ' . $flow_id . ' does already exist. Therefor the creation has been skipped.', 'warning');
    else {
      $uuid_service = \Drupal::service('uuid');
      $language_manager = \Drupal::service('language_manager');
      $default_language = $language_manager
      $config = [
        'dependencies' => $dependencies,
      $flow_config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')
        ->getEditable('cms_content_sync.flow.' . $flow_id);

      // Setup base configurations.
        ->set('uuid', $uuid_service
        ->set('langcode', $default_language
        ->set('status', true)
        ->set('id', $flow_id)
        ->set('name', $flow_name)
        ->set('config', $config)
        ->set('sync_entities', []);

      // Configure entity types.
      foreach ($configurations as $entity_type_key => $bundles) {
        foreach ($bundles as $bundle_key => $bundle) {
          $entityPluginManager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.cms_content_sync_entity_handler');
          $entity_handler = $entityPluginManager
            ->getHandlerOptions($entity_type_key, $bundle_key);
          $entity_handler = reset($entity_handler);

          // Set configurations.
            ->set('sync_entities.' . $entity_type_key . '-' . $bundle_key, [
            'handler' => $entity_handler['id'],
            'entity_type_name' => $entity_type_key,
            'bundle_name' => $bundle_key,
            'version' => Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity_type_key, $bundle_key),
            'export' => $bundle['push_configuration']['behavior'] ?? PushIntent::PUSH_DISABLED,
            'export_deletion_settings' => [
              'export_deletion' => $bundle['push_configuration']['export_deletion_settings'] ?? '',
            'export_pools' => $bundle['push_configuration']['export_pools'] ?? [],
            'import' => $bundle['import_configuration']['behavior'] ?? PullIntent::PULL_DISABLED,
            'import_deletion_settings' => [
              'import_deletion' => $bundle['import_configuration']['import_deletion'] ?? 0,
              'allow_local_deletion_of_import' => $bundle['import_configuration']['allow_local_deletion_of_import'] ?? 0,
            'import_updates' => $bundle['import_configuration']['import_updates'] ?? PullIntent::PULL_UPDATE_FORCE,
            'import_pools' => $bundle['import_configuration']['import_pools'] ?? [],
            'pool_export_widget_type' => 'checkboxes',
            'preview' => 'table',

           * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManagerInterface $entityFieldManager
          $entityFieldManager = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager');
          $fields = $entityFieldManager
            ->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type_key, $bundle_key);
          foreach (Flow::getDefaultFieldConfigForEntityType($entity_type_key, $bundle_key) as $field_id => $field_config) {
            if (!empty($bundle['tags'])) {
              list(, , $field_name) = explode('-', $field_id);
              $field = $fields[$field_name];
              if ($field && 'entity_reference' == $field
                ->getType() && 'taxonomy_term' == $field
                ->getSetting('target_type')) {
                $bundles = $field
                if (!$bundles) {
                  $field_settings = $field
                  $bundles = $field_settings['handler_settings']['target_bundles'];
                if (is_array($bundles)) {
                  foreach ($bundle['tags'] as $tag) {
                    if (in_array($tag
                      ->bundle(), $bundles)) {
                      $field_config['handler_settings']['subscribe_only_to'][] = [
                        'type' => 'taxonomy_term',
                        'bundle' => $tag
                        'uuid' => $tag
              ->set('sync_entities.' . $field_id, $field_config);
    return $flow_id;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
CacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheContexts protected property Cache contexts.
CacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheMaxAge protected property Cache max-age.
CacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheTags protected property Cache tags.
CacheableDependencyTrait::setCacheability protected function Sets cacheability; useful for value object constructors.
ConfigEntityBase::$isUninstalling private property Whether the config is being deleted by the uninstall process.
ConfigEntityBase::$langcode protected property The language code of the entity's default language.
ConfigEntityBase::$originalId protected property The original ID of the configuration entity.
ConfigEntityBase::$status protected property The enabled/disabled status of the configuration entity. 4
ConfigEntityBase::$third_party_settings protected property Third party entity settings.
ConfigEntityBase::$trustedData protected property Trust supplied data and not use configuration schema on save.
ConfigEntityBase::$uuid protected property The UUID for this entity.
ConfigEntityBase::$_core protected property Information maintained by Drupal core about configuration.
ConfigEntityBase::addDependency protected function Overrides \Drupal\Core\Entity\DependencyTrait:addDependency().
ConfigEntityBase::createDuplicate public function Creates a duplicate of the entity. Overrides EntityBase::createDuplicate 1
ConfigEntityBase::disable public function Disables the configuration entity. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::disable 1
ConfigEntityBase::enable public function Enables the configuration entity. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::enable
ConfigEntityBase::get public function Returns the value of a property. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::get
ConfigEntityBase::getCacheTagsToInvalidate public function Returns the cache tags that should be used to invalidate caches. Overrides EntityBase::getCacheTagsToInvalidate 1
ConfigEntityBase::getConfigDependencyName public function Gets the configuration dependency name. Overrides EntityBase::getConfigDependencyName
ConfigEntityBase::getConfigManager protected static function Gets the configuration manager.
ConfigEntityBase::getConfigTarget public function Gets the configuration target identifier for the entity. Overrides EntityBase::getConfigTarget
ConfigEntityBase::getDependencies public function Gets the configuration dependencies. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::getDependencies
ConfigEntityBase::getOriginalId public function Gets the original ID. Overrides EntityBase::getOriginalId
ConfigEntityBase::getThirdPartyProviders public function Gets the list of third parties that store information. Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface::getThirdPartyProviders
ConfigEntityBase::getThirdPartySetting public function Gets the value of a third-party setting. Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface::getThirdPartySetting
ConfigEntityBase::getThirdPartySettings public function Gets all third-party settings of a given module. Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface::getThirdPartySettings
ConfigEntityBase::getTypedConfig protected function Gets the typed config manager.
ConfigEntityBase::hasTrustedData public function Gets whether on not the data is trusted. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::hasTrustedData
ConfigEntityBase::invalidateTagsOnDelete protected static function Override to never invalidate the individual entities' cache tags; the config system already invalidates them. Overrides EntityBase::invalidateTagsOnDelete
ConfigEntityBase::invalidateTagsOnSave protected function Override to never invalidate the entity's cache tag; the config system already invalidates it. Overrides EntityBase::invalidateTagsOnSave
ConfigEntityBase::isInstallable public function Checks whether this entity is installable. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::isInstallable 2
ConfigEntityBase::isNew public function Overrides Entity::isNew(). Overrides EntityBase::isNew
ConfigEntityBase::isUninstalling public function Returns whether this entity is being changed during the uninstall process. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::isUninstalling
ConfigEntityBase::link public function Deprecated way of generating a link to the entity. See toLink(). Overrides EntityBase::link
ConfigEntityBase::onDependencyRemoval public function Informs the entity that entities it depends on will be deleted. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::onDependencyRemoval 7
ConfigEntityBase::preDelete public static function Acts on entities before they are deleted and before hooks are invoked. Overrides EntityBase::preDelete 8
ConfigEntityBase::preSave public function Acts on an entity before the presave hook is invoked. Overrides EntityBase::preSave 13
ConfigEntityBase::save public function Saves an entity permanently. Overrides EntityBase::save 1
ConfigEntityBase::set public function Sets the value of a property. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::set
ConfigEntityBase::setOriginalId public function Sets the original ID. Overrides EntityBase::setOriginalId
ConfigEntityBase::setStatus public function Sets the status of the configuration entity. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::setStatus
ConfigEntityBase::setThirdPartySetting public function Sets the value of a third-party setting. Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface::setThirdPartySetting
ConfigEntityBase::setUninstalling public function
ConfigEntityBase::sort public static function Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label. 6
ConfigEntityBase::status public function Returns whether the configuration entity is enabled. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::status 4
ConfigEntityBase::toArray public function Gets an array of all property values. Overrides EntityBase::toArray 2
ConfigEntityBase::toUrl public function Gets the URL object for the entity. Overrides EntityBase::toUrl
ConfigEntityBase::trustData public function Sets that the data should be trusted. Overrides ConfigEntityInterface::trustData
ConfigEntityBase::unsetThirdPartySetting public function Unsets a third-party setting. Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface::unsetThirdPartySetting
ConfigEntityBase::url public function Gets the public URL for this entity. Overrides EntityBase::url
ConfigEntityBase::urlInfo public function Gets the URL object for the entity. Overrides EntityBase::urlInfo
ConfigEntityBase::__construct public function Constructs an Entity object. Overrides EntityBase::__construct 10
ConfigEntityBase::__sleep public function Overrides EntityBase::__sleep 4
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function Aliased as: traitSleep 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
DependencyTrait::$dependencies protected property The object's dependencies.
DependencyTrait::addDependencies protected function Adds multiple dependencies.
DependencyTrait::addDependency protected function Adds a dependency. Aliased as: addDependencyTrait
EntityBase::$enforceIsNew protected property Boolean indicating whether the entity should be forced to be new.
EntityBase::$entityTypeId protected property The entity type.
EntityBase::$typedData protected property A typed data object wrapping this entity.
EntityBase::access public function Checks data value access. Overrides AccessibleInterface::access 1
EntityBase::bundle public function Gets the bundle of the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::bundle 1
EntityBase::create public static function Constructs a new entity object, without permanently saving it. Overrides EntityInterface::create
EntityBase::delete public function Deletes an entity permanently. Overrides EntityInterface::delete 2
EntityBase::enforceIsNew public function Enforces an entity to be new. Overrides EntityInterface::enforceIsNew
EntityBase::entityManager Deprecated protected function Gets the entity manager.
EntityBase::entityTypeBundleInfo protected function Gets the entity type bundle info service.
EntityBase::entityTypeManager protected function Gets the entity type manager.
EntityBase::getCacheContexts public function The cache contexts associated with this object. Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheContexts
EntityBase::getCacheMaxAge public function The maximum age for which this object may be cached. Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheMaxAge
EntityBase::getCacheTags public function The cache tags associated with this object. Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheTags
EntityBase::getConfigDependencyKey public function Gets the key that is used to store configuration dependencies. Overrides EntityInterface::getConfigDependencyKey
EntityBase::getEntityType public function Gets the entity type definition. Overrides EntityInterface::getEntityType
EntityBase::getEntityTypeId public function Gets the ID of the type of the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::getEntityTypeId
EntityBase::getListCacheTagsToInvalidate protected function The list cache tags to invalidate for this entity.
EntityBase::getTypedData public function Gets a typed data object for this entity object. Overrides EntityInterface::getTypedData
EntityBase::hasLinkTemplate public function Indicates if a link template exists for a given key. Overrides EntityInterface::hasLinkTemplate
EntityBase::id public function Gets the identifier. Overrides EntityInterface::id 11
EntityBase::label public function Gets the label of the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::label 6
EntityBase::language public function Gets the language of the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::language 1
EntityBase::languageManager protected function Gets the language manager.
EntityBase::linkTemplates protected function Gets an array link templates. 1
EntityBase::load public static function Loads an entity. Overrides EntityInterface::load
EntityBase::loadMultiple public static function Loads one or more entities. Overrides EntityInterface::loadMultiple
EntityBase::postCreate public function Acts on a created entity before hooks are invoked. Overrides EntityInterface::postCreate 4
EntityBase::postDelete public static function Acts on deleted entities before the delete hook is invoked. Overrides EntityInterface::postDelete 16
EntityBase::postLoad public static function Acts on loaded entities. Overrides EntityInterface::postLoad 2
EntityBase::postSave public function Acts on a saved entity before the insert or update hook is invoked. Overrides EntityInterface::postSave 14
EntityBase::preCreate public static function Changes the values of an entity before it is created. Overrides EntityInterface::preCreate 5
EntityBase::referencedEntities public function Gets a list of entities referenced by this entity. Overrides EntityInterface::referencedEntities 1
EntityBase::toLink public function Generates the HTML for a link to this entity. Overrides EntityInterface::toLink
EntityBase::uriRelationships public function Gets a list of URI relationships supported by this entity. Overrides EntityInterface::uriRelationships
EntityBase::urlRouteParameters protected function Gets an array of placeholders for this entity. 2
EntityBase::uuid public function Gets the entity UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). Overrides EntityInterface::uuid 1
EntityBase::uuidGenerator protected function Gets the UUID generator.
Flow::$all public static property All content synchronization configs. Use { to request them.
Flow::$id public property The Flow ID.
Flow::$name public property The Flow name.
Flow::$sync_entities public property The Flow entities.
Flow::calculateDependencies public function Ensure that pools are pulled before the flows. Overrides ConfigEntityBase::calculateDependencies
Flow::canPullEntity public function Ask this Flow whether or not it can push the provided entity.
Flow::canPushEntity public function Ask this Flow whether or not it can push the given entity.
Flow::canPushEntityType public function Ask this Flow whether or not it can push the given entity type and optionally bundle.
Flow::createFlow public static function Create a flow configuration programmatically.
Flow::getAll public static function Load all entities.
Flow::getDefaultFieldConfigForEntityType public static function
Flow::getEntityTypeConfig public function Get the config for the given entity type or all entity types.
Flow::getEntityTypeHandler public function The the entity type handler for the given config.
Flow::getEntityTypesToPull public function Return all entity type configs with pull enabled.
Flow::getEntityTypeVersion public static function Get a unique version hash for the configuration of the provided entity type and bundle.
Flow::getFieldHandler public function Get the correct field handler instance for this entity type and field config.
Flow::getFieldHandlerConfig public function Get the settings for the given field.
Flow::getFlowForApiAndEntityType public static function Get the first synchronization that allows the pull of the provided entity type.
Flow::getFlowsForPushing public static function Get all flows pushing this entity.
Flow::getPoolsToPushTo public function Get a list of all pools that are used for pushing this entity, either automatically or manually selected.
Flow::getPreviewType public function Get the preview type.
Flow::getPushedEntityTypes public function Return all entity type configs with push enabled.
Flow::getType public function
Flow::getUsedPools public function Get a list of all pools this Flow is using.
Flow::getUsedPoolsForPulling public function Get a list of all pools that are used for pushing this entity, either automatically or manually selected.
Flow::HANDLER_IGNORE public constant Ignore this entity type / bundle / field completely
Flow::isLocalDeletionAllowed public static function Check whether the local deletion of the given entity is allowed.
Flow::PREVIEW_DISABLED public constant Hide these entities completely
Flow::PREVIEW_TABLE public constant Show these entities in a table view
Flow::resetVersionWarning public function Unset the flow version warning.
Flow::supportsEntity public function Ask this synchronization whether it supports the provided entity. Returns false if either the entity type is not known or the config handler is set to {
Flow::TYPE_BOTH Deprecated public constant This Flow pushes and pulls entities.
Flow::TYPE_PULL public constant This Flow pulls entities.
Flow::TYPE_PUSH public constant This Flow pushes entities.
Flow::updateEntityTypeBundleVersion public function Update the version of an entity type bundle within a flow configuration.
Flow::usesPool public function Check if the given pool is used by this Flow. If any handler set the flow as FORCE or ALLOW, this will return TRUE.
PluginDependencyTrait::calculatePluginDependencies protected function Calculates and adds dependencies of a specific plugin instance. 1
PluginDependencyTrait::getPluginDependencies protected function Calculates and returns dependencies of a specific plugin instance.
PluginDependencyTrait::moduleHandler protected function Wraps the module handler. 1
PluginDependencyTrait::themeHandler protected function Wraps the theme handler. 1
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheableDependency public function 1
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheContexts public function
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheTags public function
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::mergeCacheMaxAge public function
SynchronizableEntityTrait::$isSyncing protected property Whether this entity is being created, updated or deleted through a synchronization process.
SynchronizableEntityTrait::isSyncing public function
SynchronizableEntityTrait::setSyncing public function