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Deprecated in CMS Content Sync 8

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Examples: "before Drupal 9", "in Drupal 8.4"
Namesort descending Location Type Deprecation Direct uses Namespaced uses Overrides Use statements
CliService::force_pull_entity src/Cli/CliService.php function Function is deprecated and is going to be removed in 2.0, use pull() instead.
CliService::pull_entities src/Cli/CliService.php function Function is deprecated and is going to be removed in 2.0, use pull() instead.
CMSContentSyncCommands::force_pull_entity src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php function Function is deprecated and is going to be removed in 2.0, use pull() instead.
CMSContentSyncCommands::pull_entities src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php function Function is deprecated and is going to be removed in 2.0, use pull() instead.
drush_cms_content_sync_content_sync_force_pull_entity ./ function Function is deprecated and is going to be removed in 2.0, use pull() instead.
drush_cms_content_sync_content_sync_pull_entities ./ function Function is deprecated and is going to be removed in 2.0, use pull() instead.
EntityHandlerPluginManager::getInstance src/Plugin/Type/EntityHandlerPluginManager.php function in Drupal 8.2.0. Use Drupal\rest\Plugin\Type\ResourcePluginManager::createInstance() instead.
FieldHandlerPluginManager::getInstance src/Plugin/Type/FieldHandlerPluginManager.php function in Drupal 8.2.0. Use Drupal\rest\Plugin\Type\ResourcePluginManager::createInstance() instead.
Flow::TYPE_BOTH src/Entity/Flow.php constant will be removed in v2 5
Pool::$authentication_type src/Entity/Pool.php property Will be removed with the 2.0 release.
Pool::$site_id src/Entity/Pool.php property Will be removed with the 2.0 release.

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