class BlazyManager in Blazy 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 src/BlazyManager.php \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManager
- 8 src/BlazyManager.php \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManager
Implements a public facing blazy manager.
A few modules re-use this: GridStack, Mason, Slick...
- class \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManagerBase implements BlazyManagerInterface
- class \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManager
Expanded class hierarchy of BlazyManager
2 files declare their use of BlazyManager
- in ./ - Provides basic Blazy integration for lazy loading and multi-serving images.
- BlazyStylePluginBase.php in src/
Dejavu/ BlazyStylePluginBase.php
- src/
BlazyManager.php, line 12
Drupal\blazyView source
class BlazyManager extends BlazyManagerBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function config($key = '', $default = NULL, $id = 'blazy.settings', array $defaults = []) {
return parent::config($key, $default, $id, $id == 'blazy.settings' ? BlazyDefault::formSettings() : $defaults);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function typecast(array &$config, $id = 'blazy.settings') {
if ($id == 'blazy.settings') {
$defaults = BlazyDefault::formSettings();
foreach ($defaults as $key => $value) {
if (isset($config[$key])) {
if ($key == 'blazy' || $key == 'io') {
foreach ($defaults[$key] as $k => $v) {
settype($config[$key][$k], gettype($v));
elseif ($key == 'filters') {
foreach ($defaults[$key] as $k => $v) {
// Has nested array [filters][format][grid|column|media_switch].
foreach ($config[$key] as $sk => $format) {
foreach ($format as $ssk => $ignore) {
settype($config[$key][$sk][$ssk], gettype($v));
else {
settype($config[$key], gettype($value));
* Returns the enforced content, or image using theme_blazy().
* The image_style property is not directly used by theme_blazy() but for
* a quick reference such as from a Views style plugin rather than deep drill.
* Will be removed if we figure out a better way, or no longer useful.
* @param array $build
* The array containing:
* - item: The image / file entity item object converted from array.
* - settings: An array of settings to instruct Blazy what to do.
* - captions: Optional captions for both inline, or lightbox as per name.
* @return array
* The alterable and renderable array of enforced content, or theme_blazy().
public function getBlazy(array $build = []) {
foreach (BlazyDefault::themeProperties() as $key) {
$build[$key] = isset($build[$key]) ? $build[$key] : [];
$settings =& $build['settings'];
$settings += BlazyDefault::itemSettings();
$item = $build['item'];
$settings['uri'] = $settings['uri'] ?: ($item && isset($item->uri) ? $item->uri : '');
$content = [
'#theme' => 'blazy',
'#image_style' => $settings['image_style'],
'#item' => $item,
'#build' => $build,
'#pre_render' => [
drupal_alter('blazy', $content, $settings);
return empty($settings['uri']) ? [] : $content;
* Builds the Blazy as a structured array ready for ::renderer().
* @param array $element
* The pre-rendered element.
* @return array
* The renderable array of pre-rendered element.
public function preRender(array $element) {
$build = $element['#build'];
// Prepare the main image.
->prepareImage($element, $build);
// Fetch the newly modified settings.
$settings =& $element['#settings'];
// Provides optional media video if so configured.
// Does it look familiar, `module_load_include()`, only native?
// Allows a hybrid of media switcher and quasi-lightbox like Zooming, etc.
if ($settings['use_media'] && empty($settings['_noiframe'])) {
// Image is optional for Video, and Blazy CSS background images.
// Must run after image or video setups.
if ($settings['background']) {
$settings['use_image'] = FALSE;
// Provides optional link to content or lightboxes if so configured.
if (!empty($settings['media_switch'])) {
if ($settings['media_switch'] == 'content' && !empty($settings['content_url'])) {
$element['#url'] = $settings['content_url'];
elseif (!empty($settings['lightbox'])) {
return $element;
* Prepares the Blazy image as a structured array ready for ::renderer().
* @param array $element
* The renderable array being modified.
* @param array $build
* The array of information containing the required Image or File item
* object, settings, optional container attributes.
protected function prepareImage(array &$element, array $build) {
$item = $build['item'];
$settings =& $build['settings'];
// Decides if to use image or video, or both.
$settings['_api'] = TRUE;
$settings['ratio'] = $settings['ratio'] ? str_replace(':', '', $settings['ratio']) : FALSE;
$settings['ratio'] = $settings['background'] && empty($settings['ratio']) ? 'fluid' : $settings['ratio'];
$settings['use_media'] = $settings['embed_url'] && in_array($settings['type'], [
]) && empty($settings['lightbox']);
foreach (BlazyDefault::themeAttributes() as $key) {
$key = $key . '_attributes';
$build[$key] = isset($build[$key]) ? $build[$key] : [];
// Blazy has these 3 attributes, yet provides optional ones far below.
// Sanitize potential user-defined attributes such as from BlazyFilter.
// Skip attributes via $item, or by module, as they are not user-defined.
$attributes =& $build['attributes'];
// Build thumbnail and optional placeholder based on thumbnail.
->thumbnailAndPlaceholder($attributes, $settings);
// Prepare image URL and its dimensions.
Blazy::urlAndDimensions($settings, $item);
// Build out the media.
->buildMedia($element, $build);
// Provides extra attributes as needed, excluding url, item, done above.
foreach ([
] as $key) {
$element["#{$key}" . '_attributes'] = empty($build[$key . '_attributes']) ? [] : Blazy::sanitize($build[$key . '_attributes']);
$captions = empty($build['captions']) ? [] : $this
->buildCaption($build['captions'], $settings);
$element['#caption_attributes']['class'][] = $settings['item_id'] . '__caption';
// Provides data for the renderable elements.
$element['#captions'] = $captions;
$element['#attributes'] = $attributes;
$element['#postscript'] = $build['postscript'];
$element['#url_attributes'] = $build['url_attributes'];
$element['#settings'] = $settings;
* Build out (Responsive) image.
private function buildMedia(array &$element, array &$build) {
$item = $build['item'];
$settings =& $build['settings'];
$attributes =& $build['attributes'];
// (Responsive) image with item attributes, might be RDF.
$item_attributes = empty($build['item_attributes']) ? [] : Blazy::sanitize($build['item_attributes']);
// Provides image attributes, also for Picture.
Blazy::imageAttributes($item_attributes, $settings, $item);
// Picture integration.
if (!empty($settings['resimage'])) {
->buildResponsiveImage($attributes, $settings);
// If no picture found.
if (empty($settings['picture'])) {
->buildImage($attributes, $item_attributes, $settings, $item);
// Provides media type and switcher attributes for JS works.
$attributes['class'][] = 'media--' . $settings['type'];
if ($settings['media_switch']) {
$attributes['class'][] = 'media--switch media--switch--' . str_replace('_', '-', $settings['media_switch']);
$element['#item_attributes'] = $item_attributes;
* Build out Responsive image.
private function buildResponsiveImage(array &$attributes, array &$settings) {
if ($mappings = picture_mapping_load($settings['responsive_image_style'])) {
$settings['picture'] = picture_get_mapping_breakpoints($mappings, $settings['image_style']);
$attributes['class'][] = 'media--picture';
* Build out image, or anything related, including cache, CSS background, etc.
private function buildImage(array &$attributes, array &$item_attributes, array &$settings, $item = NULL) {
// Aspect ratio to fix layout reflow with lazyloaded images responsively.
// This is outside 'lazy' to allow non-lazyloaded iframes use this too.
$settings['ratio'] = empty($settings['width']) ? '' : $settings['ratio'];
if ($settings['ratio']) {
Blazy::aspectRatioAttributes($attributes, $settings);
// Supports both lazyloaded or regular image.
$item_attributes['class'][] = 'media__element';
// Overrides lazy with blazy for explicit call to reduce another param.
if (!empty($settings['blazy'])) {
$settings['lazy'] = 'blazy';
if ($settings['lazy']) {
$item_attributes['src'] = empty($settings['placeholder']) ? Blazy::PLACEHOLDER : $settings['placeholder'];
if ($settings['use_loading']) {
$attributes['class'][] = 'media--loading';
// Attach data attributes to either IMG tag, or DIV as background.
if ($settings['background']) {
Blazy::lazyAttributes($attributes, $settings);
Blazy::buildBreakpointAttributes($attributes, $settings, $item);
$attributes['class'][] = 'b-bg media--background';
if (!empty($settings['urls'])) {
$attributes['data-backgrounds'] = drupal_json_encode($settings['urls']);
else {
Blazy::lazyAttributes($item_attributes, $settings);
Blazy::buildBreakpointAttributes($item_attributes, $settings, $item);
// Multi-breakpoint aspect ratio only applies if lazyloaded.
if (!empty($settings['blazy_data']['dimensions'])) {
$attributes['data-dimensions'] = drupal_json_encode($settings['blazy_data']['dimensions']);
* Build thumbnails, also to provide placeholder for blur effect.
protected function thumbnailAndPlaceholder(array &$attributes, array &$settings) {
$path = $style = '';
// With CSS background, IMG may be empty, add thumbnail to the container.
if (!empty($settings['thumbnail_style'])) {
$path = image_style_path($settings['thumbnail_style'], $settings['uri']);
$style = image_style_load($settings['thumbnail_style']);
$attributes['data-thumb'] = image_style_url($settings['thumbnail_style'], $settings['uri']);
// Supports unique thumbnail different from main image, such as logo for
// thumbnail and main image for company profile.
if (!empty($settings['thumbnail_uri'])) {
$path = $settings['thumbnail_uri'];
$attributes['data-thumb'] = file_create_url($path);
if (isset($style) && ($path && !is_file($path) && file_valid_uri($path))) {
image_style_create_derivative($style, $settings['uri'], $path);
// Provides image effect if so configured.
if (!empty($settings['fx'])) {
->createPlaceholder($settings, $style, $path);
$attributes['class'][] = 'media--fx--' . str_replace('_', '-', $settings['fx']);
* Build thumbnails, also to provide placeholder for blur effect.
protected function createPlaceholder(array &$settings, $style = NULL, $path = '') {
if (empty($path) && ($style = image_style_load('thumbnail')) && file_valid_uri($settings['uri'])) {
$path = image_style_path('thumbnail', $settings['uri']);
if ($path && file_valid_uri($path)) {
// Ensures the thumbnail exists before creating a dataURI.
if (!is_file($path) && isset($style)) {
image_style_create_derivative($style, $settings['uri'], $path);
// Overrides placeholder with data URI based on configured thumbnail.
if (is_file($path)) {
$settings['placeholder'] = 'data:image/' . pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($path));
* Build captions for both old image, or media entity.
public function buildCaption(array $captions, array $settings) {
$content = [];
foreach ($captions as $key => $caption_content) {
if ($caption_content) {
// Sanitization is performed by implementors (formatters).
$content[$key]['content'] = $caption_content;
$content[$key]['tag'] = strpos($key, 'title') !== FALSE ? 'h2' : 'div';
$class = $key == 'alt' ? 'description' : str_replace('field_', '', $key);
$content[$key]['attributes'] = [];
$content[$key]['attributes']['class'][] = $settings['item_id'] . '__caption--' . str_replace('_', '-', $class);
return $content ? [
'inline' => $content,
] : [];
* Returns the entire contents using theme_field(), or theme_item_list().
* @param array $build
* The array containing: settings, children elements, or optional items.
* @return array
* The alterable and renderable array of contents.
public function build(array $build = []) {
$settings =& $build['settings'];
$settings['_grid'] = isset($settings['_grid']) ? $settings['_grid'] : !empty($settings['style']) && !empty($settings['grid']);
// If not a grid, pass the items as regular index children to theme_field().
// Separated since #pre_render doesn't work if called from Views results.
if (empty($settings['_grid'])) {
$settings = $this
$build['#blazy'] = $settings;
->setAttachments($build, $settings);
else {
// Take over theme_field() with a theme_item_list(), if so configured.
// The reason: this is not only fed by field items, but also Views rows.
$content = [
'#build' => $build,
'#pre_render' => [
// Yet allows theme_field(), if so required, such as for linked_field.
$build = empty($settings['use_field']) ? $content : [
drupal_alter('blazy_build', $build, $settings);
return $build;
* Builds the Blazy outputs as a structured array ready for ::renderer().
public function preRenderBuild(array $element) {
$build = $element['#build'];
// Checks if we got some signaled attributes.
$commerce = isset($element['#ajax_replace_class']);
$attributes = isset($element['#attributes']) ? $element['#attributes'] : [];
$attributes = isset($element['#theme_wrappers'], $element['#theme_wrappers']['container']['#attributes']) ? $element['#theme_wrappers']['container']['#attributes'] : $attributes;
$settings = $this
// Take over elements for a grid display as this is all we need, learned
// from the issues such as: #2945524, or product variations.
// We'll selectively pass or work out $attributes far below.
$element = BlazyGrid::build($build, $settings);
->setAttachments($element, $settings);
if ($attributes) {
// Signals other modules if they want to use it.
// Cannot merge it into BlazyGrid (wrapper_)attributes, done as grid.
// Use case: Product variations, best served by ElevateZoom Plus.
if ($commerce) {
$element['#container_attributes'] = $attributes;
else {
// Use case: VIS, can be blended with UL element safely down here.
$element['#attributes'] = NestedArray::mergeDeep($element['#attributes'], $attributes);
return $element;
* Provides attachment and cache for both theme_field() and theme_item_list().
private function setAttachments(array &$element, array $settings) {
$attachments = $this
$element['#attached'] = empty($element['#attached']) ? $attachments : NestedArray::mergeDeep($element['#attached'], $attachments);
* Prepares Blazy outputs, extract items, and returns updated $settings.
protected function prepareBuild(array &$build) {
// If children are stored within items, reset.
// Blazy comes late to the party after sub-modules decided what they want.
$settings = isset($build['settings']) ? $build['settings'] : [];
$settings += $this
->getCommonSettings() + BlazyDefault::htmlSettings();
$build = isset($build['items']) ? $build['items'] : $build;
// Supports Blazy multi-breakpoint images if provided, updates $settings.
// Cases: Blazy within Views gallery, or references without direct image.
if (!empty($settings['first_image']) && !empty($settings['check_blazy'])) {
// Views may flatten out the array, bail out.
// What we do here is extract the formatter settings from the first found
// image and pass its settings to this container so that Blazy Grid which
// lacks of settings may know if it should load/ display a lightbox, etc.
// Lightbox should work without `Use field template` checked.
if (is_array($settings['first_image'])) {
->isBlazy($settings, $settings['first_image']);
unset($build['items'], $build['settings']);
return $settings;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
BlazyManager:: |
public | function | Returns the entire contents using theme_field(), or theme_item_list(). | |
BlazyManager:: |
public | function | Build captions for both old image, or media entity. | |
BlazyManager:: |
private | function | Build out image, or anything related, including cache, CSS background, etc. | |
BlazyManager:: |
private | function | Build out (Responsive) image. | |
BlazyManager:: |
private | function | Build out Responsive image. | |
BlazyManager:: |
public | function |
Returns any config, or keyed by the $key. Overrides BlazyManagerBase:: |
BlazyManager:: |
protected | function | Build thumbnails, also to provide placeholder for blur effect. | |
BlazyManager:: |
public | function | Returns the enforced content, or image using theme_blazy(). | |
BlazyManager:: |
protected | function | Prepares Blazy outputs, extract items, and returns updated $settings. | |
BlazyManager:: |
protected | function | Prepares the Blazy image as a structured array ready for ::renderer(). | |
BlazyManager:: |
public | function | Builds the Blazy as a structured array ready for ::renderer(). | |
BlazyManager:: |
public | function | Builds the Blazy outputs as a structured array ready for ::renderer(). | |
BlazyManager:: |
private | function | Provides attachment and cache for both theme_field() and theme_item_list(). | |
BlazyManager:: |
protected | function | Build thumbnails, also to provide placeholder for blur effect. | |
BlazyManager:: |
public | function |
Typecast the needed settings, blazy-related module can override. Overrides BlazyManagerBase:: |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
private | property | Returns available styles with crop in the effect name. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
private | property | Checks if the image style contains crop in the effect name. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
protected | property | The blazy IO settings. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
protected | property | The available optionsets for all blazy-related modules. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function |
Returns array of needed assets suitable for #attached property. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface:: |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function | To be deprecated method. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function | Collects defined skins as registered via hook_MODULE_NAME_skins_info(). | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function | To be deprecated method. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function | Returns available image styles with crop in the name. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function | Returns the cache id based on few generic setting values. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function | Returns the common settings inherited down to each item. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function | ||
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function | Returns drupalSettings for IO. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the supported lightboxes. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface:: |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function | Returns available optionsets for select options. | |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function |
Checks for Blazy formatter such as from within a Views style plugin. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface:: |
BlazyManagerBase:: |
public | function | Checks if an image style contains crop effect. |