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public function BlazyManagerBase::attach in Blazy 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/BlazyManagerBase.php \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManagerBase::attach()
  2. 8 src/BlazyManagerBase.php \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManagerBase::attach()

Returns array of needed assets suitable for #attached property.

Return value

array Returns the required library array.

Overrides BlazyManagerInterface::attach

1 call to BlazyManagerBase::attach()
BlazyManager::setAttachments in src/BlazyManager.php
Provides attachment and cache for both theme_field() and theme_item_list().


src/BlazyManagerBase.php, line 89


Implements BlazyManagerInterface.




public function attach(array $attach) {
  $load = [];
  $lazy = !empty($attach['blazy']) || isset($attach['lazy']) && $attach['lazy'] == 'blazy';

  // Allow both variants of grid or column to co-exist for different fields.
  if (!empty($attach['style'])) {
    foreach ([
    ] as $grid) {
      $attach[$grid] = $attach['style'];
  if (!empty($attach['fx']) && $attach['fx'] == 'blur') {
    $load['library'][] = [
  foreach ([
  ] as $component) {
    if (!empty($attach[$component])) {
      $load['library'][] = [
  foreach ([
  ] as $box) {
    if (!empty($attach[$box])) {
      $load['library'][] = [

  // Picture integration.
  if (!empty($attach['resimage'])) {
    $load['library'][] = [
    $load['library'][] = [
    $load['library'][] = [
    if ($lazy) {
      $load['library'][] = [
      $load['library'][] = [

  // Core Blazy libraries, enforced to prevent JS error when optional.
  $load['js'][] = [
    'data' => [
      'blazy' => $this
        ->config('blazy', BlazyDefault::formSettings()['blazy']),
      'blazyIo' => $this
    'type' => 'setting',
  $load['library'][] = [

  // Adds AJAX helper to revalidate IO, if using IO with VIS, or alike.
  if (!empty($attach['use_ajax'])) {
    $load['library'][] = [
  drupal_alter('blazy_attach', $load, $attach);
  return $load;