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abstract class BlazyManagerBase in Blazy 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/BlazyManagerBase.php \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManagerBase
  2. 8 src/BlazyManagerBase.php \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManagerBase

Implements BlazyManagerInterface.


Expanded class hierarchy of BlazyManagerBase


src/BlazyManagerBase.php, line 10


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abstract class BlazyManagerBase implements BlazyManagerInterface {

   * Checks if the image style contains crop in the effect name.
   * @var array
  private $isCrop;

   * Returns available styles with crop in the effect name.
   * @var array
  private $cropStyles;

   * The available optionsets for all blazy-related modules.
   * @var array
  protected $optionsetOptions;

   * The blazy IO settings.
   * @var object
  protected $isIoSettings;

   * Returns any config, or keyed by the $key.
   * @todo use D8 approach for this.
  public function config($key = '', $default = NULL, $id = 'blazy.settings', array $defaults = []) {
    $config = variable_get($id, $defaults);

    // Somebody likes deleting variables for no apparent reasons, make em happy.
    if (!$config) {
      return $default;
    if (!$key) {
      return $config;

    // Support once level array with dot notation.
    if (strpos($key, ".") !== FALSE) {
      $parts = explode(".", $key);

      // @todo $value = NestedArray::getValue($config, (array) $parts);
      $value = isset($config[$parts[0]][$parts[1]]) ? $config[$parts[0]][$parts[1]] : $default;
    else {
      $value = isset($config[$key]) ? $config[$key] : $default;
    return $value;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function typecast(array &$config, $id = 'blazy.settings') {

    // Do nothing, allows extenders without UI to forget about it.

   * Returns the cache id based on few generic setting values.
  public function getCacheId(array $settings = []) {
    $keys = isset($settings['cache_metadata']['keys']) ? $settings['cache_metadata']['keys'] : [
    $keys[] = count(array_filter($settings));
    return implode(':', $keys);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function attach(array $attach) {
    $load = [];
    $lazy = !empty($attach['blazy']) || isset($attach['lazy']) && $attach['lazy'] == 'blazy';

    // Allow both variants of grid or column to co-exist for different fields.
    if (!empty($attach['style'])) {
      foreach ([
      ] as $grid) {
        $attach[$grid] = $attach['style'];
    if (!empty($attach['fx']) && $attach['fx'] == 'blur') {
      $load['library'][] = [
    foreach ([
    ] as $component) {
      if (!empty($attach[$component])) {
        $load['library'][] = [
    foreach ([
    ] as $box) {
      if (!empty($attach[$box])) {
        $load['library'][] = [

    // Picture integration.
    if (!empty($attach['resimage'])) {
      $load['library'][] = [
      $load['library'][] = [
      $load['library'][] = [
      if ($lazy) {
        $load['library'][] = [
        $load['library'][] = [

    // Core Blazy libraries, enforced to prevent JS error when optional.
    $load['js'][] = [
      'data' => [
        'blazy' => $this
          ->config('blazy', BlazyDefault::formSettings()['blazy']),
        'blazyIo' => $this
      'type' => 'setting',
    $load['library'][] = [

    // Adds AJAX helper to revalidate IO, if using IO with VIS, or alike.
    if (!empty($attach['use_ajax'])) {
      $load['library'][] = [
    drupal_alter('blazy_attach', $load, $attach);
    return $load;

   * Returns drupalSettings for IO.
  public function getIoSettings(array $attach = []) {
    if (!isset($this->isIoSettings)) {
      $thold = trim($this
        ->config('io.threshold', '0', 'blazy.settings'));
      $number = strpos($thold, '.') !== FALSE ? (double) $thold : (int) $thold;
      $thold = strpos($thold, ',') !== FALSE ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $thold)) : [

      // Respects hook_blazy_attach_alter() for more fine-grained control.
      foreach ([
      ] as $key) {
        $default = $key == 'rootMargin' ? '0px' : FALSE;
        $value = $key == 'threshold' ? $thold : $this
          ->config('io.' . $key, $default);
        $io[$key] = isset($attach['io.' . $key]) ? $attach['io.' . $key] : $value;

      // Prevents drupal_array_merge_deep from duplicating threshold values.
      $this->isIoSettings = (object) $io;
    return $this->isIoSettings;

   * Returns the common settings inherited down to each item.
  public function getCommonSettings() {
    return array_intersect_key(variable_get('blazy.settings'), BlazyDefault::uiSettings());

   * Returns available image styles with crop in the name.
  public function cropStyles() {
    if (!isset($this->cropStyles)) {
      $this->cropStyles = [];
      foreach (image_styles() as $style) {
        foreach ($style['effects'] as $effect) {
          if (strpos($effect['name'], 'crop') !== FALSE) {
            $this->cropStyles[$style['name']] = $style['name'];
    return $this->cropStyles;

   * Checks if an image style contains crop effect.
   * @param string $style
   *   The image style to check for.
   * @return object|bool
   *   Returns the image style instance if it contains crop effect, else FALSE.
  public function isCrop($style) {
    if (!isset($this->isCrop[$style])) {
      $this->isCrop[$style] = $this
        ->cropStyles() && isset($this
    return $this->isCrop[$style];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getLightboxes() {
    $lightboxes = [];
    foreach ([
    ] as $lightbox) {
      if (function_exists($lightbox . '_theme')) {
        $lightboxes[] = $lightbox;
    if (is_file(libraries_get_path('photobox') . '/photobox/jquery.photobox.js')) {
      $lightboxes[] = 'photobox';
    drupal_alter('blazy_lightboxes', $lightboxes);
    return array_unique($lightboxes);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getImageEffects() {
    $effects[] = 'blur';
    drupal_alter('blazy_image_effects', $effects);
    $effects = array_unique($effects);
    return array_combine($effects, $effects);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isBlazy(array &$settings, array $item = []) {
    $image = isset($item['item']) ? $item['item'] : NULL;
    $settings['first_item'] = $image;

    // Blazy formatter within Views fields by supported modules.
    if (isset($item['settings'])) {
      $blazy = $item['settings'];

      // Allows breakpoints overrides such as GridStack multi-styled images.
      if (empty($settings['breakpoints']) && isset($blazy['breakpoints'])) {
        $settings['breakpoints'] = $blazy['breakpoints'];
      $cherries = BlazyDefault::cherrySettings() + [
        'uri' => '',
      foreach ($cherries as $key => $value) {
        $fallback = isset($settings[$key]) ? $settings[$key] : $value;
        $settings[$key] = isset($blazy[$key]) && empty($fallback) ? $blazy[$key] : $fallback;

      // @todo remove first_uri for _uri for consistency.
      $uri = empty($settings['first_uri']) ? $settings['uri'] : $settings['first_uri'];
      $settings['_uri'] = $settings['first_uri'] = empty($settings['_uri']) ? $uri : $settings['_uri'];

    // Allows lightboxes to provide its own optionsets.
    $switch = empty($settings['media_switch']) ? FALSE : $settings['media_switch'];
    if ($switch) {
      $settings[$switch] = empty($settings[$switch]) ? $switch : $settings[$switch];

    // Provides data for the [data-blazy] attribute at the containing element.
    // @todo TBD; for keeping or removal at blazy:7.x-2.0.
    if (!empty($settings['breakpoints'])) {
        ->buildDataBlazy($settings, $image);

   * Returns available optionsets for select options.
  public function getOptionsetOptions(array $entities = []) {
    if (!isset($this->optionsetOptions)) {
      foreach ($entities as $key => $optionset) {
        $this->optionsetOptions[$key] = check_plain($optionset->label);
    return $this->optionsetOptions;

   * Collects defined skins as registered via hook_MODULE_NAME_skins_info().
  public function buildSkins($namespace, $skin_class, $methods = []) {
    $cid = $namespace . ':skins';
    if ($cache = cache_get($cid)) {
      return $cache->data;
    $classes = module_invoke_all($namespace . '_skins_info');
    $classes = array_merge([
    ], (array) $classes);
    $items = $skins = [];
    foreach ($classes as $class) {
      if (class_exists($class)) {
        $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
        if ($reflection
          ->implementsInterface($skin_class . 'Interface')) {
          $skin = new $class();
          if (empty($methods) && method_exists($skin, 'skins')) {
            $items = $skin
          else {
            foreach ($methods as $method) {
              $items[$method] = method_exists($skin, $method) ? $skin
                ->{$method}() : [];
      $skins = NestedArray::mergeDeep($skins, $items);
    cache_set($cid, $skins, 'cache', CACHE_PERMANENT);
    return $skins;

   * To be deprecated method.
   * @todo deprecate for BlazyBreakpoint::cleanUpBreakpoints() at blazy:7.x-2.0.
  public function cleanUpBreakpoints(array &$settings) {
    if (!empty($settings['breakpoints'])) {
      $breakpoints = array_filter(array_map('array_filter', $settings['breakpoints']));
      $settings['breakpoints'] = NestedArray::filter($breakpoints, function ($breakpoint) {
        return !(is_array($breakpoint) && (empty($breakpoint['width']) || empty($breakpoint['image_style'])));

   * To be deprecated method.
   * @todo deprecate for BlazyBreakpoint::buildDataBlazy() at blazy:7.x-2.0.
  public function buildDataBlazy(array &$settings, $item = NULL) {

    // Identify that Blazy can be activated by breakpoints, regardless results.
    $settings['blazy'] = TRUE;

    // Bail out if already defined at BlazyFormatter::setImageDimensions().
    // Blazy doesn't always deal with image formatters, see self::isBlazy().
    if (!empty($settings['blazy_data'])) {

    // May be set at BlazyFormatter::setImageDimensions() if using formatters,
    // yet not set from non-formatters like views fields, see self::isBlazy().
    Blazy::imageDimensions($settings, $item, TRUE);
    $styles = [];
    $end = end($settings['breakpoints']);

    // Check for cropped images at the 5 given styles before any hard work
    // Ok as run once at the top container regardless of thousand of images.
    foreach ($settings['breakpoints'] as $key => $breakpoint) {
      if ($this
        ->isCrop($breakpoint['image_style'])) {
        $styles[$key] = TRUE;

    // Bail out if not all images are cropped at all breakpoints.
    // The site builder just don't read the performance tips section.
    if (count($styles) != count($settings['breakpoints'])) {

    // We have all images cropped here.
    $json = $sources = [];
    foreach ($settings['breakpoints'] as $key => $breakpoint) {
      if ($width = Blazy::widthFromDescriptors($breakpoint['width'])) {

        // If contains crop, sets dimension once, and let all images inherit.
        if (!empty($settings['ratio'])) {
          $dim = Blazy::transformDimensions($breakpoint['image_style'], $item);
          $padding = round($dim['height'] / $dim['width'] * 100, 2);
          $json['dimensions'][$width] = $padding;

          // Only set padding-bottom for the last breakpoint to avoid FOUC.
          if ($end['width'] == $breakpoint['width']) {
            $settings['padding_bottom'] = $padding;

        // If BG, provide [data-src-BREAKPOINT], regardless uri or ratio.
        // @todo if (!empty($settings['background'])) {
        // @todo   $sources[] = ['width' => (int) $width, 'src' => 'data-src-' . $key];
        // @todo }

    // As of Blazy v1.6.0 applied to BG only.
    if ($sources) {
      $json['breakpoints'] = $sources;

    // Supported modules can add blazy_data as [data-blazy] to the container.
    // This also informs individual images to not work with dimensions any more
    // as _all_ breakpoint image styles contain 'crop'.
    if ($json) {
      $settings['blazy_data'] = $json;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
BlazyManagerBase::$cropStyles private property Returns available styles with crop in the effect name.
BlazyManagerBase::$isCrop private property Checks if the image style contains crop in the effect name.
BlazyManagerBase::$isIoSettings protected property The blazy IO settings.
BlazyManagerBase::$optionsetOptions protected property The available optionsets for all blazy-related modules.
BlazyManagerBase::attach public function Returns array of needed assets suitable for #attached property. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface::attach
BlazyManagerBase::buildDataBlazy public function To be deprecated method.
BlazyManagerBase::buildSkins public function Collects defined skins as registered via hook_MODULE_NAME_skins_info().
BlazyManagerBase::cleanUpBreakpoints public function To be deprecated method.
BlazyManagerBase::config public function Returns any config, or keyed by the $key. 1
BlazyManagerBase::cropStyles public function Returns available image styles with crop in the name.
BlazyManagerBase::getCacheId public function Returns the cache id based on few generic setting values.
BlazyManagerBase::getCommonSettings public function Returns the common settings inherited down to each item.
BlazyManagerBase::getImageEffects public function
BlazyManagerBase::getIoSettings public function Returns drupalSettings for IO.
BlazyManagerBase::getLightboxes public function Gets the supported lightboxes. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface::getLightboxes
BlazyManagerBase::getOptionsetOptions public function Returns available optionsets for select options.
BlazyManagerBase::isBlazy public function Checks for Blazy formatter such as from within a Views style plugin. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface::isBlazy
BlazyManagerBase::isCrop public function Checks if an image style contains crop effect.
BlazyManagerBase::typecast public function Typecast the needed settings, blazy-related module can override. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface::typecast 1