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function theme_blazy in Blazy 7

Returns HTML for a blazy template.

Most heavy liftings are performed at BlazyManager::preRender() where they belong to. Hence the theme only processes all the basic for clarity. So calling this theme directly is useless. Please use the provided API, see blazy.api.php for details. This separation is to avoid dup lines and ifities aside from the promising performance gain of #pre_render element.


array $variables: An associative array containing:

  • captions: An optional renderable array of inline or lightbox captions.
  • item: The image info (alt, title, etc.) converted to object.
  • iframe: An optional renderable array of video iframe element.
  • settings: HTML related settings.
  • url: An optional url to link image to: content, or lightboxes.

Return value

string An HTML string representing the themed output.

See also



1 theme call to theme_blazy()
BlazyManager::getBlazy in src/BlazyManager.php
Returns the enforced content, or image using theme_blazy().


./, line 37
Hooks and preprocess functions for the Blazy module.


function theme_blazy(array $variables) {

  // Build optional Picture, Blazy, or Slick image with optional lazyload.
  // Image is optional for iframe only, or Blazy CSS background.
  if ($settings['use_image']) {
    if ($settings['picture']) {
      $media_item['image'] = [
        '#theme' => 'picture',
        '#uri' => $settings['uri'],
        '#style_name' => $settings['image_style'],
        '#breakpoints' => $settings['picture'],
        '#lazyload' => !empty($settings['lazy']),
        '#lazyload_aspect_ratio' => !empty($settings['lazy']),
        '#alt' => isset($item_attributes['alt']) ? $item_attributes['alt'] : '',
        '#title' => isset($item_attributes['title']) ? $item_attributes['title'] : '',
    else {

      // If the image is lazyloaded.
      if ($settings['lazy']) {

        // Do not pass to theme_image() as D7 doesn't support data URI, yet.
        $media_item['image']['#markup'] = '<img' . drupal_attributes($item_attributes) . ' />';
      else {

        // Supports non-lazyloaded images such as for optional Slick lazyload.
        // As we pass image_url, not URI, no worries about theme_image_style().
        $media_item['image'] = [
          '#theme' => 'image',
          '#path' => $settings['image_url'],
          '#attributes' => $item_attributes,

  // Prepares a media/ video player if so configured.
  $media_item['iframe'] = $settings['use_media'] ? $iframe : [];

  // Build image, iframe, or CSS background DIV, with aspect ratio.
  $media['media'] = Blazy::container($media_item, $attributes);

  // Build optional media wrapped by a link to content, or lightboxes.
  if ($url) {
    $media['icon'] = $settings['lightbox'] ? $settings['icon'] : [];

    // Must define attributes even if none found.
    $options['attributes'] = $url_attributes ?: [
      'class' => 'blazy__link',
    $options['html'] = TRUE;

    // Flatten out the media above into a string as required by theme_link().
    $link['image'] = [
      '#theme' => 'link',
      '#text' => array_filter($media) ? drupal_render($media) : '',
      '#options' => $options,
      '#path' => $url,

    // This separation is to allow embedding social share in lightbox captions
    // as otherwise impossible when tightly coupled to the link/ A tag.
    if ($settings['lightbox'] && !empty($captions['lightbox'])) {
      $attr['class'] = [
      $link['caption'] = Blazy::container($captions['lightbox'], $attr);

    // Rebuild the renderable media.
    $media = $link;

  // Optionally wrap (linked) media with an extra container to avoid media
  // taking over the entire container due to an aspect ratio, see BlazyFilter.
  $content['media'] = empty($media_attributes) ? $media : Blazy::container($media, $media_attributes);

  // Build optional inline captions.
  if ($captions && !empty($captions['inline'])) {
    $caption_content = [];
    foreach ($captions['inline'] as $key => $caption) {
      $caption_content[$key] = Blazy::container($caption['content'], $caption['attributes'], $caption['tag']);
    $content['caption'] = Blazy::container($caption_content, $caption_attributes);

  // Optionally add extra contents, such as CTA, widgets, buttons, etc.
  $content['postscript'] = $postscript;

  // Optionally wrap them all with the top level container.
  $build = Blazy::container($content, $wrapper_attributes);
  return drupal_render_children($build);