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Functions in Backup and Migrate 5.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
backup_migrate_update_2000 ./backup_migrate.install Update from 1.x to 2.x.
_backup_migrate_backup_with_defaults ./backup_migrate.module Backup the database with the default settings. 2
_backup_migrate_bzip_decode includes/ Bzip decode a file. 1
_backup_migrate_bzip_encode includes/ Bzip encode a file. 1
_backup_migrate_check_destination_dir includes/ Check the default backup desitantion directory. Included as legacy support. 1
_backup_migrate_clean_filename includes/ Construct a filename using token and some cleaning. 2
_backup_migrate_db_switch_db includes/ Switch to the db described by the DB URL, or back to previous if none selected. 2
_backup_migrate_default_exclude_tables includes/ Tables to ingore altogether. None by default. 2
_backup_migrate_default_filename includes/ Construct a default filename using the site's name. 2
_backup_migrate_default_structure_only_tables includes/ Return the default tables whose data can be ignored. These tables mostly contain info which can be easily reproducted (such as cache or search index) but also tables which can become quite bloated but are not necessarily extremely important to back up… 2
_backup_migrate_destination_email_mail_backup includes/ @function Temporary mail handler class. 1
_backup_migrate_destination_file_check_dir includes/ Prepare the destination directory for the backups. 2
_backup_migrate_destination_file_check_web_dir includes/ Check that a web accessible directory has been properly secured, othewise attempt to secure it. 1
_backup_migrate_destination_get_file_links includes/ Get the action links for a file on a given destination. 2
_backup_migrate_destination_get_links includes/ Get the action links for a destination. 1
_backup_migrate_destination_glue_url includes/ Glue a URLs component parts back into a URL. 4
_backup_migrate_destination_parse_url includes/ Break a URL into it's component parts. 2
_backup_migrate_dir_in_webroot includes/ Check if the given directory is within the webroot and is therefore web accessible. 1
_backup_migrate_dump_table_data_sql_to_handle includes/ Get the sql to insert the data for a given table 1
_backup_migrate_filetypes includes/ Return a list of backup filetypes. 1
_backup_migrate_file_get_filetype includes/ Get the filetype info of the given file, or false if the file is not a valid type. 1
_backup_migrate_frequency_periods includes/ Get a list of available backup periods. Only returns time periods which have a (reasonably) consistent number of seconds. 3
_backup_migrate_get_compression_form_item_options includes/ Get the compression options as an options array for a form item. 1
_backup_migrate_get_destination_form_item_options includes/ Get the destination options as an options array for a form item. 3
_backup_migrate_get_dump_sql includes/ Get the sql dump file. Returns a list of sql commands, one command per line. That makes it easier to import without loading the whole file into memory. The files are a little harder to read, but human-readability is not a priority 1
_backup_migrate_get_profile_form_item_options includes/ Get the available profiles as an options array for a form item. 2
_backup_migrate_get_save_path includes/ Return the path on the server to save the dump files. 2
_backup_migrate_get_sql_file_footer includes/ The footer of the sql dump file. 1
_backup_migrate_get_sql_file_header includes/ The header for the top of the sql dump file. These commands set the connection character encoding to help prevent encoding conversion issues. 1
_backup_migrate_get_tables includes/ Get a list of tables in the db. Works with MySQL, Postgres not tested. 1
_backup_migrate_get_table_names includes/ Get the list of table names. 1
_backup_migrate_get_table_structure_sql includes/ Get the sql for the structure of the given table. 1
_backup_migrate_gzip_decode includes/ Gzip decode a file. 1
_backup_migrate_gzip_encode includes/ Gzip encode a file. 1
_backup_migrate_interactive ./backup_migrate.module Status function which stores whether the module is being run interactively (via form submits) or non-iteractively (cron, actions, etc.) 3
_backup_migrate_message ./backup_migrate.module Helper function to set a drupal message and watchdog message depending on whether the module is being run interactively. 13
_backup_migrate_path_is_in_save_dir includes/ Return the path on the server to save the dump files.
_backup_migrate_profile_default_profile includes/ Get the default profile. 3
_backup_migrate_profile_get_links includes/ Get the action links for a profile. 1
_backup_migrate_profile_saved_default_profile includes/ Get the default profile saved by the user (or the module default if none exists). 2
_backup_migrate_schedule_format_frequency includes/ Format a frequency in human-readable form. 1
_backup_migrate_schedule_get_frequency_period includes/ Get the period of the frequency (ie: seconds, minutes etc.) 2
_backup_migrate_schedule_get_links includes/ Get the action links for a schedule. 1
_backup_migrate_schedule_remove_expired_backups includes/ Remove older backups keeping only the number specified by the aministrator. 1
_backup_migrate_schedule_set_last_run includes/ Set the last run time of a schedule to the given timestamp, or now if none specified. 1
_backup_migrate_setup_databaase_defaults ./backup_migrate.install 2
_backup_migrate_temp_files_delete includes/ Delete all temporary files. 1
_backup_migrate_test_file_readable_remotely includes/ Check if a file can be read remotely via http. 1
_backup_migrate_ui_backup_settings_form includes/ Get a form to configure the profile. 2
_backup_migrate_zip_decode includes/ Zip decode a file. 1


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