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function _backup_migrate_gzip_decode in Backup and Migrate 5.2

Gzip decode a file.

1 call to _backup_migrate_gzip_decode()
backup_migrate_file_decompress in includes/
Decompress a file with the given settings. Also updates settings to reflect new file mime and file extension.


includes/, line 251
General file handling code for Backup and Migrate.


function _backup_migrate_gzip_decode($source, $dest) {
  $success = FALSE;
  if (@function_exists("gzopen")) {
    if (($fp_out = fopen($dest, 'wb')) && ($fp_in = gzopen($source, 'rb'))) {
      while (!feof($fp_in)) {
        fwrite($fp_out, gzread($fp_in, 1024 * 512));
      $success = TRUE;
  return $success;