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function _backup_migrate_schedule_set_last_run in Backup and Migrate 5.2

Set the last run time of a schedule to the given timestamp, or now if none specified.

1 call to _backup_migrate_schedule_set_last_run()
backup_migrate_schedules_run in includes/
Run the preconfigured schedules. Called on cron.


includes/, line 344
All of the schedule handling code needed for Backup and Migrate.


function _backup_migrate_schedule_set_last_run($schedule_id, $timestamp = NULL) {
  if ($timestamp === NULL) {
    $timestamp = time();
  if ($schedule_id) {
    db_query("UPDATE {backup_migrate_schedules}\n                 SET  last_run = %d\n               WHERE schedule_id = '%s'", $timestamp, $schedule_id);