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function _backup_migrate_destination_get_links in Backup and Migrate 5.2

Get the action links for a destination.

1 call to _backup_migrate_destination_get_links()
backup_migrate_ui_destination_display_destinations in includes/
List the available backup destinations destination in the UI.


includes/, line 603
All of the destination handling code needed for Backup and Migrate.


function _backup_migrate_destination_get_links($destination_id) {
  $out = array();
  if ($destination = backup_migrate_get_destination($destination_id)) {

    // Don't display the download/delete/restore ops if they are not available for this destination.
    $can_list = !empty($destination['list_callback']);
    $can_conf = !empty($destination['conf_callback']);
    if ($can_list && user_access("access backup files")) {
      $out[] = l(t("List files"), "admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/files/" . $destination['destination_id']);
    if ($can_conf) {
      $out[] = l(t("Configure..."), "admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/configure/" . $destination['destination_id']);
    if ($can_conf) {
      $out[] = l(t("Delete..."), "admin/content/backup_migrate/destination/delete/" . $destination['destination_id']);
  return $out;