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Functions in Backup and Migrate 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
action_backup_migrate_backup ./backup_migrate.module Action to backup the drupal site. Requires actions.module.
backup_migrate_action_backup ./backup_migrate.module
backup_migrate_action_info ./backup_migrate.module
backup_migrate_backup ./backup_migrate.module The backup/export form. 1
backup_migrate_backup_submit ./backup_migrate.module Submit the form. Save the values as defaults if desired and output the backup file.
backup_migrate_cron ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_cron(),
backup_migrate_delete_confirm ./backup_migrate.module Ask confirmation for file deletion. 1
backup_migrate_delete_confirm_submit ./backup_migrate.module
backup_migrate_file_download ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_file_download.() 1
backup_migrate_install ./backup_migrate.install Implementation of hook_install().
backup_migrate_menu ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_menu().
backup_migrate_perm ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_perm().
backup_migrate_restore ./backup_migrate.module The restore/import upload form. 1
backup_migrate_restore_confirm ./backup_migrate.module Ask confirmation for file restore. 1
backup_migrate_restore_confirm_submit ./backup_migrate.module
backup_migrate_restore_submit ./backup_migrate.module The restore submit. Do the restore.
backup_migrate_schedule ./backup_migrate.module The schedule form. 1
backup_migrate_simpletest ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_simpletest().
backup_migrate_uninstall ./backup_migrate.install Remove variables on uninstall.
_backup_migrate_backup_with_defaults ./backup_migrate.module Backup the database with the default settings. 2
_backup_migrate_bzip_encode ./backup_migrate.module Bzip encode a file. 2
_backup_migrate_check_destination_dir ./backup_migrate.module Prepare the destination directory for the backups. 16
_backup_migrate_clean_filename ./backup_migrate.module Construct a default filename using token and some cleaning. 3
_backup_migrate_default_exclude_tables ./backup_migrate.module Tables to ingore altogether. None by default. 4
_backup_migrate_default_file_name ./backup_migrate.module Construct a default filename using the site's name. 4
_backup_migrate_default_structure_only_tables ./backup_migrate.module Return the default tables whose data can be ignored. These tables mostly contain info which can be easily reproducted (such as cache or search index) but also tables which can become quite bloated but are not necessarily extremely important to back up… 4
_backup_migrate_delete ./backup_migrate.module Menu callback. Delete a previous backup. 1
_backup_migrate_dump_tables ./backup_migrate.module Build the database dump file. Takes a list of tables to exclude and some formatting options. 3
_backup_migrate_dump_table_data_sql_to_handle ./backup_migrate.module Get the sql to insert the data for a given table 1
_backup_migrate_filetypes ./backup_migrate.module Return a list of backup filetypes. 2
_backup_migrate_file_info ./backup_migrate.module Get the basic info for a backup file on the server. 5
_backup_migrate_get_dump_sql ./backup_migrate.module Get the sql dump file. Returns a list of sql commands, one command per line. That makes it easier to import without loading the whole file into memory. The files are a little harder to read, but human-readability is not a priority 1
_backup_migrate_get_save_path ./backup_migrate.module Return the path on the server to save the dump files. 14
_backup_migrate_get_sql_file_footer ./backup_migrate.module The footer of the sql dump file. 2
_backup_migrate_get_sql_file_header ./backup_migrate.module The header for the top of the sql dump file. These commands set the connection character encoding to help prevent encoding conversion issues. 2
_backup_migrate_get_tables ./backup_migrate.module Get a list of tables in the db. Works with MySQL, Postgres not tested. 2
_backup_migrate_get_table_names ./backup_migrate.module Get the list of table names. 6
_backup_migrate_get_table_structure_sql ./backup_migrate.module Get the sql for the structure of the given table. 1
_backup_migrate_gzip_encode ./backup_migrate.module Gzip encode a file. 2
_backup_migrate_list_files ./backup_migrate.module List the previously created backup files. 1
_backup_migrate_path_is_in_save_dir ./backup_migrate.module Return the path on the server to save the dump files. 6
_backup_migrate_remove_expired_backups ./backup_migrate.module Remove older backups keeping only the number specified by the aministrator. 2
_backup_migrate_restore_file ./backup_migrate.module Restore from a previously backed up files. Accepts any file created by the backup function. 2
_backup_migrate_restore_from_server ./backup_migrate.module Restore a backup file (from the server). 1
_backup_migrate_save_to_disk ./backup_migrate.module Save the backup file to the appropriete folder on the server. 2
_backup_migrate_send_file_to_download ./backup_migrate.module Force a browser download for the file. 1
_backup_migrate_temp_file ./backup_migrate.module Get a temp file. Store it in the normal save path for slightly better security in shared environments. 6
_backup_migrate_temp_files_delete ./backup_migrate.module Delete all temporary files. 2
_backup_migrate_test_file_readable_remotely ./backup_migrate.module Check if a file can be read remotely via http. 2
_backup_migrate_zip_encode ./backup_migrate.module Zip encode a file. 2

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