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class Auth0 in Auth0 Single Sign On 8.2

Class Auth0 Provides access to Auth0 authentication functionality.

@package Auth0\SDK


Expanded class hierarchy of Auth0

2 files declare their use of Auth0
Auth0Test.php in vendor/auth0/auth0-php/tests/Auth0Test.php
AuthController.php in src/Controller/AuthController.php
Contains \Drupal\auth0\Controller\AuthController.
2 string references to 'Auth0' in ./ in ./


vendor/auth0/auth0-php/src/Auth0.php, line 28


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class Auth0 {

   * Available keys to persist data.
   * @var array
  public $persistantMap = [

   * Auth0 URL Map (not currently used in the SDK)
   * @var array
  public static $URL_MAP = [
    'api' => 'https://{domain}/api/',
    'authorize' => 'https://{domain}/authorize/',
    'token' => 'https://{domain}/oauth/token/',
    'user_info' => 'https://{domain}/userinfo/',

   * Auth0 Domain, found in Application settings
   * @var string
  protected $domain;

   * Auth0 Client ID, found in Application settings
   * @var string
  protected $clientId;

   * Auth0 Client Secret, found in Application settings
   * @var string
  protected $clientSecret;

   * True if the client secret is base64 encoded, false if not.
   * This information can be found in your Auth0 Application settings below the Client Secret field.
   * @var boolean
  protected $clientSecretEncoded;

   * Response mode
   * @var string
  protected $responseMode = 'query';

   * Response type
   * @var string
  protected $responseType = 'code';

   * Audience for the API being used
   * @var string
  protected $audience;

   * Scope for ID tokens and /userinfo endpoint
   * @var string
  protected $scope = 'openid profile email';

   * Auth0 Refresh Token
   * @var string
  protected $refreshToken;

   * Redirect URI needed on OAuth2 requests, aka callback URL
   * @var string
  protected $redirectUri;

   * Debug mode flag.
   * @var boolean
  protected $debugMode;

   * Debugger function.
   * Will be called only if $debug_mode is true.
   * @var \Closure
  protected $debugger;

   * The access token retrieved after authorization.
   * NULL means that there is no authorization yet.
   * @var string
  protected $accessToken;

   * JWT for identity information
   * @var string
  protected $idToken;

   * Decoded version of the ID token
   * @var array
  protected $idTokenDecoded;

   * Storage engine for persistence
   * @var StoreInterface
  protected $store;

   * The user object provided by Auth0
   * @var string
  protected $user;

   * Authentication Client.
   * @var \Auth0\SDK\API\Authentication
  protected $authentication;

   * Configuration options for Guzzle HTTP client.
   * @var array
   * @see
  protected $guzzleOptions = [];

   * Skip the /userinfo endpoint call and use the ID token.
   * @var boolean
  protected $skipUserinfo;

   * Algorithm used for ID token validation.
   * Can be "HS256" or "RS256" only.
   * @var string
  protected $idTokenAlg;

   * Valid audiences for ID tokens.
   * @var array
  protected $idTokenAud = [];

   * Valid issuer(s) for ID tokens.
   * @var array
  protected $idTokenIss = [];

   * State Handler.
   * @var StateHandler
  protected $stateHandler;

   * BaseAuth0 Constructor.
   * @param  array $config - Required configuration options.
   * Configuration:
   *     - domain                 (String)  Required. Auth0 domain for your tenant
   *     - client_id              (String)  Required. Client ID found in the Application settings
   *     - client_secret          (String)  Required. Client Secret found in the Application settings
   *     - redirect_uri           (String)  Required. Authentication callback URI
   *     - response_mode          (String)  Optional. Default `query`
   *     - response_type          (String)  Optional. Default `code`
   *     - persist_user           (Boolean) Optional. Persist the user info, default true
   *     - persist_access_token   (Boolean) Optional. Persist the access token, default false
   *     - persist_refresh_token  (Boolean) Optional. Persist the refresh token, default false
   *     - persist_id_token       (Boolean) Optional. Persist the ID token, default false
   *     - store                  (Mixed)   Optional. A class that implements StorageInterface or false for none;
   *                                                  leave empty to default to SessionStore
   *     - state_handler          (Mixed)   Optional. A class that implements StateHandler of false for none;
   *                                                  leave empty to default to SessionStore SessionStateHandler
   *     - debug                  (Boolean) Optional. Turn on debug mode, default false
   *     - guzzle_options         (Object)  Optional. Options passed to Guzzle
   *     - skip_userinfo          (Boolean) Optional. True to use id_token for user, false to call the
   *                                                  userinfo endpoint, default false
   *     - session_base_name      (String)  Optional. A common prefix for all session keys. Default `auth0_`
   *     - session_cookie_expires (Integer) Optional. Seconds for session cookie to expire (if default store is used).
   *                                                  Default `604800`
   * @throws CoreException If `domain` is not provided.
   * @throws CoreException If `client_id` is not provided.
   * @throws CoreException If `client_secret` is not provided.
   * @throws CoreException If `redirect_uri` is not provided.
  public function __construct(array $config) {
    if (empty($config['domain'])) {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid domain');
    if (empty($config['client_id'])) {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid client_id');
    if (empty($config['client_secret'])) {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid client_secret');
    if (empty($config['redirect_uri'])) {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid redirect_uri');
    $this->domain = $config['domain'];
    $this->clientId = $config['client_id'];
    $this->clientSecret = $config['client_secret'];
    $this->clientSecretEncoded = !empty($config['secret_base64_encoded']);
    $this->redirectUri = $config['redirect_uri'];
    if (isset($config['audience'])) {
      $this->audience = $config['audience'];
    if (isset($config['response_mode'])) {
      $this->responseMode = $config['response_mode'];
    if (isset($config['response_type'])) {
      $this->responseType = $config['response_type'];
    if (isset($config['scope'])) {
      $this->scope = $config['scope'];
    if (isset($config['guzzle_options'])) {
      $this->guzzleOptions = $config['guzzle_options'];
    $this->skipUserinfo = false;
    if (isset($config['skip_userinfo']) && is_bool($config['skip_userinfo'])) {
      $this->skipUserinfo = $config['skip_userinfo'];

    // If a token algorithm is passed, make sure it's a specific string.
    if (!empty($config['id_token_alg'])) {
      if (!in_array($config['id_token_alg'], [
      ])) {
        throw new CoreException('Invalid id_token_alg; must be "HS256" or "RS256"');
      $this->idTokenAlg = $config['id_token_alg'];

    // If a token audience is passed, make sure it's an array.
    if (!empty($config['id_token_aud'])) {
      if (!is_array($config['id_token_aud'])) {
        throw new CoreException('Invalid id_token_aud; must be an array of string values');
      $this->idTokenAud = $config['id_token_aud'];

    // If a token issuer is passed, make sure it's an array.
    if (!empty($config['id_token_iss'])) {
      if (!is_array($config['id_token_iss'])) {
        throw new CoreException('Invalid id_token_iss; must be an array of string values');
      $this->idTokenIss = $config['id_token_iss'];
    $this->debugMode = isset($config['debug']) ? $config['debug'] : false;

    // User info is persisted by default.
    if (isset($config['persist_user']) && false === $config['persist_user']) {

    // Access token is not persisted by default.
    if (!isset($config['persist_access_token']) || false === $config['persist_access_token']) {

    // Refresh token is not persisted by default.
    if (!isset($config['persist_refresh_token']) || false === $config['persist_refresh_token']) {

    // ID token is not persisted by default.
    if (!isset($config['persist_id_token']) || false === $config['persist_id_token']) {
    $session_base_name = !empty($config['session_base_name']) ? $config['session_base_name'] : SessionStore::BASE_NAME;
    $session_cookie_expires = isset($config['session_cookie_expires']) ? $config['session_cookie_expires'] : SessionStore::COOKIE_EXPIRES;
    if (isset($config['store'])) {
      if ($config['store'] === false) {
        $emptyStore = new EmptyStore();
      else {
    else {
      $sessionStore = new SessionStore($session_base_name, $session_cookie_expires);
    if (isset($config['state_handler'])) {
      if ($config['state_handler'] === false) {
        $this->stateHandler = new DummyStateHandler();
      else {
        $this->stateHandler = $config['state_handler'];
    else {
      $stateStore = new SessionStore($session_base_name, $session_cookie_expires);
      $this->stateHandler = new SessionStateHandler($stateStore);
    $this->authentication = new Authentication($this->domain, $this->clientId, $this->clientSecret, $this->audience, $this->scope, $this->guzzleOptions);
    $this->user = $this->store
    $this->accessToken = $this->store
    $this->idToken = $this->store
    $this->refreshToken = $this->store

   * Redirect to the hosted login page for a specific client
   * @param null  $state            - state value.
   * @param null  $connection       - connection to use.
   * @param array $additionalParams - additional, valid parameters.
   * @return void
   * @see \Auth0\SDK\API\Authentication::get_authorize_link()
   * @see
  public function login($state = null, $connection = null, array $additionalParams = []) {
    $params = [];
    if ($state) {
      $params['state'] = $state;
    if ($connection) {
      $params['connection'] = $connection;
    if (!empty($additionalParams) && is_array($additionalParams)) {
      $params = array_replace($params, $additionalParams);
    $login_url = $this
    header('Location: ' . $login_url);

   * Build the login URL.
   * @param array $params Array of authorize parameters to use.
   * @return string
  public function getLoginUrl(array $params = []) {
    $default_params = [
      'scope' => $this->scope,
      'audience' => $this->audience,
      'response_mode' => $this->responseMode,
      'response_type' => $this->responseType,
      'redirect_uri' => $this->redirectUri,
    $auth_params = array_replace($default_params, $params);
    $auth_params = array_filter($auth_params);
    if (empty($auth_params['state'])) {
      $auth_params['state'] = $this->stateHandler
    else {
    return $this->authentication
      ->get_authorize_link($auth_params['response_type'], $auth_params['redirect_uri'], null, null, $auth_params);

   * Get userinfo from persisted session or from a code exchange
   * @return array|null
   * @throws ApiException (see self::exchange()).
   * @throws CoreException (see self::exchange()).
  public function getUser() {
    if (!$this->user) {
    return $this->user;

   * Get access token from persisted session or from a code exchange
   * @return string|null
   * @throws ApiException (see self::exchange()).
   * @throws CoreException (see self::exchange()).
  public function getAccessToken() {
    if (!$this->accessToken) {
    return $this->accessToken;

   * Get ID token from persisted session or from a code exchange
   * @return string|null
   * @throws ApiException (see self::exchange()).
   * @throws CoreException (see self::exchange()).
  public function getIdToken() {
    if (!$this->idToken) {
    return $this->idToken;

   * Get refresh token from persisted session or from a code exchange
   * @return string|null
   * @throws ApiException (see self::exchange()).
   * @throws CoreException (see self::exchange()).
  public function getRefreshToken() {
    if (!$this->refreshToken) {
    return $this->refreshToken;

   * Exchange authorization code for access, ID, and refresh tokens
   * @throws CoreException If the state value is missing or invalid.
   * @throws CoreException If there is already an active session.
   * @throws ApiException If access token is missing from the response.
   * @throws RequestException If HTTP request fails (e.g. access token does not have userinfo scope).
   * @return boolean
   * @see
  public function exchange() {
    $code = $this
    if (!$code) {
      return false;
    $state = $this
    if (!$this->stateHandler
      ->validate($state)) {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid state');
    if ($this->user) {
      throw new CoreException('Can\'t initialize a new session while there is one active session already');
    $response = $this->authentication
      ->code_exchange($code, $this->redirectUri);
    if (empty($response['access_token'])) {
      throw new ApiException('Invalid access_token - Retry login.');
    if (isset($response['refresh_token'])) {
    if (!empty($response['id_token'])) {
    if ($this->skipUserinfo) {
      $user = $this->idTokenDecoded;
    else {
      $user = $this->authentication
    if ($user) {
    return true;

   * Renews the access token and ID token using an existing refresh token.
   * Scope "offline_access" must be declared in order to obtain refresh token for later token renewal.
   * @param array $options Options for the token endpoint request.
   *      - options.scope         Access token scope requested; optional.
   * @throws CoreException If the Auth0 object does not have access token and refresh token
   * @throws ApiException If the Auth0 API did not renew access and ID token properly
   * @link
  public function renewTokens(array $options = []) {
    if (!$this->accessToken) {
      throw new CoreException('Can\'t renew the access token if there isn\'t one valid');
    if (!$this->refreshToken) {
      throw new CoreException('Can\'t renew the access token if there isn\'t a refresh token available');
    $response = $this->authentication
      ->refresh_token($this->refreshToken, $options);
    if (empty($response['access_token']) || empty($response['id_token'])) {
      throw new ApiException('Token did not refresh correctly. Access or ID token not provided.');

   * Set the user property to a userinfo array and, if configured, persist
   * @param array $user - userinfo from Auth0.
   * @return $this
  public function setUser(array $user) {
    if (in_array('user', $this->persistantMap)) {
        ->set('user', $user);
    $this->user = $user;
    return $this;

   * Sets and persists the access token.
   * @param string $accessToken - access token returned from the code exchange.
   * @return \Auth0\SDK\Auth0
  public function setAccessToken($accessToken) {
    if (in_array('access_token', $this->persistantMap)) {
        ->set('access_token', $accessToken);
    $this->accessToken = $accessToken;
    return $this;

   * Sets, validates, and persists the ID token.
   * @param string $idToken - ID token returned from the code exchange.
   * @return \Auth0\SDK\Auth0
   * @throws CoreException
   * @throws Exception\InvalidTokenException
  public function setIdToken($idToken) {
    $jwtVerifier = new JWTVerifier([
      'valid_audiences' => !empty($this->idTokenAud) ? $this->idTokenAud : [
      'supported_algs' => $this->idTokenAlg ? [
      ] : [
      'authorized_iss' => $this->idTokenIss ? $this->idTokenIss : [
        'https://' . $this->domain . '/',
      'client_secret' => $this->clientSecret,
      'secret_base64_encoded' => $this->clientSecretEncoded,
      'guzzle_options' => $this->guzzleOptions,
    $this->idTokenDecoded = (array) $jwtVerifier
    if (in_array('id_token', $this->persistantMap)) {
        ->set('id_token', $idToken);
    $this->idToken = $idToken;
    return $this;

   * Sets and persists the refresh token.
   * @param string $refreshToken - refresh token returned from the code exchange.
   * @return \Auth0\SDK\Auth0
  public function setRefreshToken($refreshToken) {
    if (in_array('refresh_token', $this->persistantMap)) {
        ->set('refresh_token', $refreshToken);
    $this->refreshToken = $refreshToken;
    return $this;

   * Get the authorization code from POST or GET, depending on response_mode
   * @return string|null
   * @see
  protected function getAuthorizationCode() {
    $code = null;
    if ($this->responseMode === 'query' && isset($_GET['code'])) {
      $code = $_GET['code'];
    else {
      if ($this->responseMode === 'form_post' && isset($_POST['code'])) {
        $code = $_POST['code'];
    return $code;

   * Get the state from POST or GET, depending on response_mode
   * @return string|null
   * @see
  protected function getState() {
    $state = null;
    if ($this->responseMode === 'query' && isset($_GET['state'])) {
      $state = $_GET['state'];
    else {
      if ($this->responseMode === 'form_post' && isset($_POST['state'])) {
        $state = $_POST['state'];
    return $state;

   * Delete any persistent data and clear out all stored properties
   * @return void
  public function logout() {
    $this->accessToken = null;
    $this->user = null;
    $this->idToken = null;
    $this->refreshToken = null;

   * Delete all persisted data
   * @return void
  public function deleteAllPersistentData() {
    foreach ($this->persistantMap as $key) {

   * Removes $name from the persistantMap, thus not persisting it when we set the value.
   * @param string $name - value to remove from persistence.
   * @return void
  private function dontPersist($name) {
    $key = array_search($name, $this->persistantMap);
    if ($key !== false) {

   * Set the storage engine that implements StoreInterface
   * @param StoreInterface $store - storage engine to use.
   * @return \Auth0\SDK\Auth0
  public function setStore(StoreInterface $store) {
    $this->store = $store;
    return $this;

   * Set the debugger closure
   * @param \Closure $debugger - debugger closure to use.
   * @return void
  public function setDebugger(\Closure $debugger) {
    $this->debugger = $debugger;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Auth0::$accessToken protected property The access token retrieved after authorization. NULL means that there is no authorization yet.
Auth0::$audience protected property Audience for the API being used
Auth0::$authentication protected property Authentication Client.
Auth0::$clientId protected property Auth0 Client ID, found in Application settings
Auth0::$clientSecret protected property Auth0 Client Secret, found in Application settings
Auth0::$clientSecretEncoded protected property True if the client secret is base64 encoded, false if not. This information can be found in your Auth0 Application settings below the Client Secret field.
Auth0::$debugger protected property Debugger function. Will be called only if $debug_mode is true.
Auth0::$debugMode protected property Debug mode flag.
Auth0::$domain protected property Auth0 Domain, found in Application settings
Auth0::$guzzleOptions protected property Configuration options for Guzzle HTTP client.
Auth0::$idToken protected property JWT for identity information
Auth0::$idTokenAlg protected property Algorithm used for ID token validation. Can be "HS256" or "RS256" only.
Auth0::$idTokenAud protected property Valid audiences for ID tokens.
Auth0::$idTokenDecoded protected property Decoded version of the ID token
Auth0::$idTokenIss protected property Valid issuer(s) for ID tokens.
Auth0::$persistantMap public property Available keys to persist data.
Auth0::$redirectUri protected property Redirect URI needed on OAuth2 requests, aka callback URL
Auth0::$refreshToken protected property Auth0 Refresh Token
Auth0::$responseMode protected property Response mode
Auth0::$responseType protected property Response type
Auth0::$scope protected property Scope for ID tokens and /userinfo endpoint
Auth0::$skipUserinfo protected property Skip the /userinfo endpoint call and use the ID token.
Auth0::$stateHandler protected property State Handler.
Auth0::$store protected property Storage engine for persistence
Auth0::$URL_MAP public static property Auth0 URL Map (not currently used in the SDK)
Auth0::$user protected property The user object provided by Auth0
Auth0::deleteAllPersistentData public function Delete all persisted data
Auth0::dontPersist private function Removes $name from the persistantMap, thus not persisting it when we set the value.
Auth0::exchange public function Exchange authorization code for access, ID, and refresh tokens
Auth0::getAccessToken public function Get access token from persisted session or from a code exchange
Auth0::getAuthorizationCode protected function Get the authorization code from POST or GET, depending on response_mode
Auth0::getIdToken public function Get ID token from persisted session or from a code exchange
Auth0::getLoginUrl public function Build the login URL.
Auth0::getRefreshToken public function Get refresh token from persisted session or from a code exchange
Auth0::getState protected function Get the state from POST or GET, depending on response_mode
Auth0::getUser public function Get userinfo from persisted session or from a code exchange
Auth0::login public function Redirect to the hosted login page for a specific client
Auth0::logout public function Delete any persistent data and clear out all stored properties
Auth0::renewTokens public function Renews the access token and ID token using an existing refresh token. Scope "offline_access" must be declared in order to obtain refresh token for later token renewal.
Auth0::setAccessToken public function Sets and persists the access token.
Auth0::setDebugger public function Set the debugger closure
Auth0::setIdToken public function Sets, validates, and persists the ID token.
Auth0::setRefreshToken public function Sets and persists the refresh token.
Auth0::setStore public function Set the storage engine that implements StoreInterface
Auth0::setUser public function Set the user property to a userinfo array and, if configured, persist
Auth0::__construct public function BaseAuth0 Constructor.