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Auth0Test.php in Auth0 Single Sign On 8.2




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namespace Auth0\Tests;

use Auth0\SDK\Auth0;
use Auth0\SDK\Exception\ApiException;
use Auth0\SDK\Exception\CoreException;
use Auth0\Tests\Traits\ErrorHelpers;
use Firebase\JWT\JWT;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\MockHandler;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;

 * Class Auth0Test
 * @package Auth0\Tests
class Auth0Test extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  use ErrorHelpers;

   * Basic Auth0 class config options.
   * @var array
  public static $baseConfig = [
    'domain' => '__test_domain__',
    'client_id' => '__test_client_id__',
    'client_secret' => '__test_client_secret__',
    'redirect_uri' => '__test_redirect_uri__',
    'store' => false,
    'state_handler' => false,

   * Default request headers.
   * @var array
  protected static $headers = [
    'content-type' => 'json',

   * Runs after each test completes.
  public function tearDown() {
    $_GET = [];

   * Test that the exchange call returns false before making any HTTP calls if no code is present.
   * @throws ApiException
   * @throws CoreException
  public function testThatExchangeReturnsFalseIfNoCodePresent() {
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig);

   * Test that the exchanges succeeds when there is both and access token and an ID token present.
   * @throws ApiException
   * @throws CoreException
  public function testThatExchangeSucceedsWithIdToken() {
    $id_token_payload = [
      'sub' => '123',
    $id_token = JWT::encode($id_token_payload, '__test_client_secret__');
    $response_body = '{"access_token":"1.2.3","id_token":"' . $id_token . '","refresh_token":"4.5.6"}';
    $mock = new MockHandler([
      // Code exchange response.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, $response_body),
      // Userinfo response.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, json_encode($id_token_payload)),
    $add_config = [
      'guzzle_options' => [
        'handler' => HandlerStack::create($mock),
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig + $add_config);
    $_GET['code'] = uniqid();
      ->assertEquals($id_token_payload, $auth0
      ->assertEquals($id_token, $auth0
      ->assertEquals('1.2.3', $auth0
      ->assertEquals('4.5.6', $auth0

   * Test that the exchanges succeeds when there is only an access token.
   * @throws ApiException
   * @throws CoreException
  public function testThatExchangeSucceedsWithNoIdToken() {
    $mock = new MockHandler([
      // Code exchange response.
      // Respond with no ID token, access token with correct number of segments.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, '{"access_token":"1.2.3","refresh_token":"4.5.6"}'),
      // Userinfo response.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, '{"sub":"123"}'),
    $add_config = [
      'scope' => 'offline_access read:messages',
      'audience' => 'https://api.identifier',
      'guzzle_options' => [
        'handler' => HandlerStack::create($mock),
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig + $add_config);
    $_GET['code'] = uniqid();
      'sub' => '123',
    ], $auth0
      ->assertEquals('1.2.3', $auth0
      ->assertEquals('4.5.6', $auth0

   * Test that the skip_userinfo config option uses the ID token instead of calling /userinfo.
   * @throws ApiException
   * @throws CoreException
  public function testThatExchangeSkipsUserinfo() {
    $id_token_payload = [
      'sub' => 'correct_sub',
    $id_token = JWT::encode($id_token_payload, '__test_client_secret__');
    $mock = new MockHandler([
      // Code exchange response.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, '{"access_token":"1.2.3","id_token":"' . $id_token . '"}'),
    $add_config = [
      'scope' => 'openid',
      'skip_userinfo' => true,
      'guzzle_options' => [
        'handler' => HandlerStack::create($mock),
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig + $add_config);
    $_GET['code'] = uniqid();
      'sub' => 'correct_sub',
    ], $auth0
      ->assertEquals($id_token, $auth0
      ->assertEquals('1.2.3', $auth0

   * Test that renewTokens fails if there is no access_token stored.
   * @throws ApiException Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatRenewTokensFailsIfThereIsNoAccessToken() {
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig);
    try {
      $caught_exception = false;
    } catch (CoreException $e) {
      $caught_exception = $this
        ->errorHasString($e, "Can't renew the access token if there isn't one valid");

   * Test that renewTokens fails if there is no refresh_token stored.
   * @throws ApiException Should not be thrown in this test.
   * @throws CoreException Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatRenewTokensFailsIfThereIsNoRefreshToken() {
    $mock = new MockHandler([
      // Code exchange response.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, '{"access_token":"1.2.3"}'),
    $add_config = [
      'skip_userinfo' => true,
      'persist_access_token' => true,
      'guzzle_options' => [
        'handler' => HandlerStack::create($mock),
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig + $add_config);
    $_GET['code'] = uniqid();
    try {
      $caught_exception = false;
    } catch (CoreException $e) {
      $caught_exception = $this
        ->errorHasString($e, "Can't renew the access token if there isn't a refresh token available");

   * Test that renewTokens fails if the API response is invalid.
   * @throws ApiException Should not be thrown in this test.
   * @throws CoreException Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatRenewTokensFailsIfNoAccessOrIdTokenReturned() {
    $mock = new MockHandler([
      // Code exchange response.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, '{"access_token":"1.2.3","refresh_token":"2.3.4"}'),
      // Refresh token response without ID token.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, '{"access_token":"1.2.3"}'),
      // Refresh token response without access token.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, '{"id_token":"1.2.3"}'),
    $add_config = [
      'skip_userinfo' => true,
      'persist_access_token' => true,
      'guzzle_options' => [
        'handler' => HandlerStack::create($mock),
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig + $add_config);
    $_GET['code'] = uniqid();
    try {
      $caught_exception = false;
    } catch (ApiException $e) {
      $caught_exception = $this
        ->errorHasString($e, 'Token did not refresh correctly. Access or ID token not provided');

    // Run the same method again to get next queued response without an access token.
    try {
      $caught_exception = false;
    } catch (ApiException $e) {
      $caught_exception = $this
        ->errorHasString($e, 'Token did not refresh correctly. Access or ID token not provided');

   * Test that renewTokens succeeds with non-empty access_token and refresh_token stored.
   * @throws ApiException Should not be thrown in this test.
   * @throws CoreException Should not be thrown in this test.
  public function testThatRenewTokensSucceeds() {
    $id_token = JWT::encode([
      'sub' => uniqid(),
    ], '__test_client_secret__');
    $request_history = [];
    $mock = new MockHandler([
      // Code exchange response.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, '{"access_token":"1.2.3","refresh_token":"2.3.4"}'),
      // Refresh token response.
      new Response(200, self::$headers, '{"access_token":"__test_access_token__","id_token":"' . $id_token . '"}'),
    $handler = HandlerStack::create($mock);
    $add_config = [
      'skip_userinfo' => true,
      'persist_access_token' => true,
      'guzzle_options' => [
        'handler' => $handler,
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig + $add_config);
    $_GET['code'] = uniqid();
      'scope' => 'openid',
      ->assertEquals('__test_access_token__', $auth0
      ->assertEquals($id_token, $auth0
    $renew_request = $request_history[1]['request'];
    $renew_body = json_decode($renew_request
      ->getBody(), true);
      ->assertEquals('openid', $renew_body['scope']);
      ->assertEquals('__test_client_secret__', $renew_body['client_secret']);
      ->assertEquals('__test_client_id__', $renew_body['client_id']);
      ->assertEquals('2.3.4', $renew_body['refresh_token']);
      ->assertEquals('https://__test_domain__/oauth/token', (string) $renew_request
  public function testThatGetLoginUrlUsesDefaultValues() {
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig);
    $parsed_url = parse_url($auth0
      ->assertEquals('https', $parsed_url['scheme']);
      ->assertEquals('__test_domain__', $parsed_url['host']);
      ->assertEquals('/authorize', $parsed_url['path']);
    $url_query = explode('&', $parsed_url['query']);
      ->assertContains('scope=openid%20profile%20email', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('response_type=code', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('redirect_uri=__test_redirect_uri__', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('client_id=__test_client_id__', $url_query);
  public function testThatGetLoginUrlAddsValues() {
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig);
    $custom_params = [
      'connection' => '__test_connection__',
      'prompt' => 'none',
      'audience' => '__test_audience__',
      'state' => '__test_state__',
    $auth_url = $auth0
    $parsed_url_query = parse_url($auth_url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
    $url_query = explode('&', $parsed_url_query);
      ->assertContains('redirect_uri=__test_redirect_uri__', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('client_id=__test_client_id__', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('connection=__test_connection__', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('prompt=none', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('audience=__test_audience__', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('state=__test_state__', $url_query);
  public function testThatGetLoginUrlOverridesDefaultValues() {
    $auth0 = new Auth0(self::$baseConfig);
    $override_params = [
      'scope' => 'openid profile email',
      'response_type' => 'id_token',
      'response_mode' => 'form_post',
    $auth_url = $auth0
    $parsed_url_query = parse_url($auth_url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
    $url_query = explode('&', $parsed_url_query);
      ->assertContains('scope=openid%20profile%20email', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('response_type=id_token', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('response_mode=form_post', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('redirect_uri=__test_redirect_uri__', $url_query);
      ->assertContains('client_id=__test_client_id__', $url_query);
  public function testThatGetLoginUrlGeneratesState() {
    $custom_config = self::$baseConfig;
    $auth0 = new Auth0($custom_config);

    // Ignore cookie error triggered when session is started.
    // phpcs:ignore
    $auth_url = @$auth0
    $parsed_url_query = parse_url($auth_url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
    $url_query = explode('&', $parsed_url_query);
      ->assertContains('state=' . $_SESSION['auth0__webauth_state'], $url_query);



Namesort descending Description
Auth0Test Class Auth0Test