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class JWTVerifier in Auth0 Single Sign On 8.2

Class JWTVerifier. Used to validate JWTs issued by Auth0.

@package Auth0\SDK


Expanded class hierarchy of JWTVerifier


5.7.0, replacement available in upcoming 7.0.0: Auth0\SDK\Helpers\Tokens\IdTokenVerifier

3 files declare their use of JWTVerifier
AuthController.php in src/Controller/AuthController.php
Contains \Drupal\auth0\Controller\AuthController.
AuthHelper.php in src/Util/AuthHelper.php
Contains \Drupal\auth0\Util\AuthHelper.
TokenGeneratorTest.php in vendor/auth0/auth0-php/tests/API/Helpers/TokenGeneratorTest.php


vendor/auth0/auth0-php/src/JWTVerifier.php, line 20


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class JWTVerifier {

   * Instance of JWKFetcher, injected or instantiated with this class's config options.
   * @var JWKFetcher|null
  protected $JWKFetcher;

   * Algorithms supported.
   * Only pass in the expected algorithm (HS256 or RS256).
   * @var array
  protected $supported_algs = [

   * Audiences expected in the token.
   * @var array
  protected $valid_audiences;

   * Authorized issuing domain.
   * Required for RS256 tokens.
   * @var array|null
  protected $authorized_iss;

   * Application Client Secret.
   * Required for HS256 tokens.
   * @var string|null
  protected $client_secret;

   * Path to the JWKS for RS256 tokens.
   * @var string
  protected $jwks_path = '.well-known/jwks.json';

   * JWTVerifier Constructor.
   * @param array           $config     Uses the following keys:
   *                - valid_audiences (Array) - Required; list of audiences accepted by the service.
   *                - client_secret (String) - Required for HS256; Auth0 Application Client Secret.
   *                - authorized_iss (Array) - Required for RS256; list of issuers trusted by the service.
   *                - supported_algs (Array) - List of supported algorithms; defaults to HS256.
   *                - cache (CacheHandler) - Optional. Instance of CacheHandler to cache the JWKs.
   *                - guzzle_options (Array) - Extra Guzzle HTTP client options used when getting a JWKS.
   *                - jwks_path (string) - Path from the issuer domain to the JWKS; used for RS256.
   * @param JWKFetcher|null $jwkFetcher Instance of the JWKFetcher class to inject or null to instantiate.
   * @throws CoreException If the suported_algs config key is set.
   * @throws CoreException If the valid_audiences config key is empty.
   * @throws CoreException If the token supports RS256 and the authorized_iss config key is empty.
   * @throws CoreException If the the token supports HS256 and the client_secret config key is empty.
  public function __construct(array $config, JWKFetcher $jwkFetcher = null) {
    $cache = null;
    $guzzleOptions = [];

    // Allow for dependency injection of a JWKFetcher object.
    $this->JWKFetcher = $jwkFetcher;
    if (!$this->JWKFetcher instanceof JWKFetcher) {

      // CacheHandler implementation to be used in JWKFetcher.
      if (isset($config['cache']) && $config['cache'] instanceof CacheHandler) {
        $cache = $config['cache'];

      // Pass in Guzzle client options, if present.
      if (isset($config['guzzle_options']) && is_array($config['guzzle_options'])) {
        $guzzleOptions = $config['guzzle_options'];
      $this->JWKFetcher = new JWKFetcher($cache, $guzzleOptions);

    // JWKS path to use; see variable declaration above for default.
    if (isset($config['jwks_path'])) {
      $this->jwks_path = (string) $config['jwks_path'];

    // Legacy misspelling in JWT library.
    if (isset($config['suported_algs'])) {
      throw new CoreException('`suported_algs` was properly renamed to `supported_algs`');

    // Make sure we have audiences to check.
    if (empty($config['valid_audiences'])) {
      throw new CoreException('The audience is mandatory');
    $this->valid_audiences = $config['valid_audiences'];

    // Set the supported algorithms if passed; see variable declaration above for default.
    if (isset($config['supported_algs'])) {
      $this->supported_algs = $config['supported_algs'];

    // Check for algorithms that are not HS256 or RS256.
    $unsupported_algs = array_diff($this->supported_algs, [
    if (!empty($unsupported_algs)) {
      throw new CoreException('Cannot support the following algorithm(s): ' . implode(', ', $unsupported_algs));

    // Set if the authorized issuer is passed; enforce if RS256.
    if (!empty($config['authorized_iss'])) {
      $this->authorized_iss = $config['authorized_iss'];
    else {
      if ($this
        ->supportsAlg('RS256')) {
        throw new CoreException('The token iss property is required when accepting RS256 signed tokens');

    // Only store the client_secret if this is an HS256 token.
    if ($this
      ->supportsAlg('HS256')) {

      // HS256 tokens require a client_secret.
      if (empty($config['client_secret'])) {
        throw new CoreException('The client_secret is required when accepting HS256 signed tokens');
      if (!isset($config['secret_base64_encoded']) || $config['secret_base64_encoded']) {

        // If secret_base64_encoded is not passed or it is passed as truth-y, decode the client secret.
        $this->client_secret = $this
      else {

        // Otherwise, leave as-is.
        $this->client_secret = $config['client_secret'];

   * Verify and decode a JWT.
   * @param string $jwt JWT to verify and decode.
   * @return mixed
   * @throws InvalidTokenException If the token does not have 3 sections.
   * @throws InvalidTokenException If the algorithm used to sign the token is not supported.
   * @throws InvalidTokenException If the token does not have a valid audience.
   * @throws CoreException If an RS256 token is missing a key ID.
   * @throws CoreException If an RS256 token does not have a valid issuer.
   * @throws CoreException If the token cannot be decoded.
  public function verifyAndDecode($jwt) {
    $tks = explode('.', $jwt);
    if (count($tks) !== 3) {
      throw new InvalidTokenException('Wrong number of segments');
    try {
      $head_decoded = $this
      $body_decoded = $this
    } catch (\DomainException $e) {
      throw new InvalidTokenException('Malformed token.');
    if (!is_object($head_decoded) || !is_object($body_decoded)) {
      throw new InvalidTokenException('Malformed token.');
    if (empty($head_decoded->alg)) {
      throw new InvalidTokenException('Token algorithm not found');
    if (!$this
      ->supportsAlg($head_decoded->alg)) {
      throw new InvalidTokenException('Token algorithm not supported');

    // Validate the token audience, if present.
    if (!empty($body_decoded->aud)) {
      $audience = is_array($body_decoded->aud) ? $body_decoded->aud : [
      if (!count(array_intersect($audience, $this->valid_audiences))) {
        $message = 'Invalid token audience ' . implode(', ', $audience);
        $message .= '; expected ' . implode(', ', $this->valid_audiences);
        throw new InvalidTokenException($message);
    if ('HS256' === $head_decoded->alg) {
      $secret = $this->client_secret;
    else {
      if (empty($head_decoded->kid)) {
        throw new CoreException('Token key ID is missing for RS256 token');
      if (empty($body_decoded->iss) || !in_array($body_decoded->iss, $this->authorized_iss)) {
        throw new CoreException('We cannot trust on a token issued by `' . $body_decoded->iss . '`');
      $jwks_url = $body_decoded->iss . $this->jwks_path;
      $secret = $this->JWKFetcher
    try {
      return $this
        ->decodeToken($jwt, $secret);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      throw new CoreException($e

   * Wrapper for JWT::decode().
   * @param string       $jwt    JWT to decode.
   * @param string|array $secret Secret to use.
   * @return mixed
   * @codeCoverageIgnore
  protected function decodeToken($jwt, $secret) {
    return JWT::decode($jwt, $secret, $this->supported_algs);

   * Base64 decode a string.
   * @param string $encoded Base64 encoded string.
   * @return string
   * @codeCoverageIgnore
  private function decodeB64($encoded) {
    return JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($encoded);

   * Base64 and JSON decode a string.
   * @param string $segment Base64 encoded JSON string.
   * @return object
   * @codeCoverageIgnore
  private function decodeTokenSegment($segment) {
    return JWT::jsonDecode($this

   * Check whether the $alg parameter is supported.
   * @param string $alg Algorithm to check.
   * @return boolean
   * @codeCoverageIgnore
  private function supportsAlg($alg) {
    return in_array($alg, $this->supported_algs);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
JWTVerifier::$authorized_iss protected property Authorized issuing domain. Required for RS256 tokens.
JWTVerifier::$client_secret protected property Application Client Secret. Required for HS256 tokens.
JWTVerifier::$JWKFetcher protected property Instance of JWKFetcher, injected or instantiated with this class's config options.
JWTVerifier::$jwks_path protected property Path to the JWKS for RS256 tokens.
JWTVerifier::$supported_algs protected property Algorithms supported. Only pass in the expected algorithm (HS256 or RS256).
JWTVerifier::$valid_audiences protected property Audiences expected in the token.
JWTVerifier::decodeB64 private function Base64 decode a string.
JWTVerifier::decodeToken protected function Wrapper for JWT::decode().
JWTVerifier::decodeTokenSegment private function Base64 and JSON decode a string.
JWTVerifier::supportsAlg private function Check whether the $alg parameter is supported.
JWTVerifier::verifyAndDecode public function Verify and decode a JWT.
JWTVerifier::__construct public function JWTVerifier Constructor.