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public function Auth0::__construct in Auth0 Single Sign On 8.2

BaseAuth0 Constructor.


array $config - Required configuration options.: Configuration:

  • domain (String) Required. Auth0 domain for your tenant
  • client_id (String) Required. Client ID found in the Application settings
  • client_secret (String) Required. Client Secret found in the Application settings
  • redirect_uri (String) Required. Authentication callback URI
  • response_mode (String) Optional. Default `query`
  • response_type (String) Optional. Default `code`
  • persist_user (Boolean) Optional. Persist the user info, default true
  • persist_access_token (Boolean) Optional. Persist the access token, default false
  • persist_refresh_token (Boolean) Optional. Persist the refresh token, default false
  • persist_id_token (Boolean) Optional. Persist the ID token, default false
  • store (Mixed) Optional. A class that implements StorageInterface or false for none; leave empty to default to SessionStore
  • state_handler (Mixed) Optional. A class that implements StateHandler of false for none; leave empty to default to SessionStore SessionStateHandler
  • debug (Boolean) Optional. Turn on debug mode, default false
  • guzzle_options (Object) Optional. Options passed to Guzzle
  • skip_userinfo (Boolean) Optional. True to use id_token for user, false to call the userinfo endpoint, default false
  • session_base_name (String) Optional. A common prefix for all session keys. Default `auth0_`
  • session_cookie_expires (Integer) Optional. Seconds for session cookie to expire (if default store is used). Default `604800`


CoreException If `domain` is not provided.

CoreException If `client_id` is not provided.

CoreException If `client_secret` is not provided.

CoreException If `redirect_uri` is not provided.


vendor/auth0/auth0-php/src/Auth0.php, line 260


Class Auth0 Provides access to Auth0 authentication functionality.




public function __construct(array $config) {
  if (empty($config['domain'])) {
    throw new CoreException('Invalid domain');
  if (empty($config['client_id'])) {
    throw new CoreException('Invalid client_id');
  if (empty($config['client_secret'])) {
    throw new CoreException('Invalid client_secret');
  if (empty($config['redirect_uri'])) {
    throw new CoreException('Invalid redirect_uri');
  $this->domain = $config['domain'];
  $this->clientId = $config['client_id'];
  $this->clientSecret = $config['client_secret'];
  $this->clientSecretEncoded = !empty($config['secret_base64_encoded']);
  $this->redirectUri = $config['redirect_uri'];
  if (isset($config['audience'])) {
    $this->audience = $config['audience'];
  if (isset($config['response_mode'])) {
    $this->responseMode = $config['response_mode'];
  if (isset($config['response_type'])) {
    $this->responseType = $config['response_type'];
  if (isset($config['scope'])) {
    $this->scope = $config['scope'];
  if (isset($config['guzzle_options'])) {
    $this->guzzleOptions = $config['guzzle_options'];
  $this->skipUserinfo = false;
  if (isset($config['skip_userinfo']) && is_bool($config['skip_userinfo'])) {
    $this->skipUserinfo = $config['skip_userinfo'];

  // If a token algorithm is passed, make sure it's a specific string.
  if (!empty($config['id_token_alg'])) {
    if (!in_array($config['id_token_alg'], [
    ])) {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid id_token_alg; must be "HS256" or "RS256"');
    $this->idTokenAlg = $config['id_token_alg'];

  // If a token audience is passed, make sure it's an array.
  if (!empty($config['id_token_aud'])) {
    if (!is_array($config['id_token_aud'])) {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid id_token_aud; must be an array of string values');
    $this->idTokenAud = $config['id_token_aud'];

  // If a token issuer is passed, make sure it's an array.
  if (!empty($config['id_token_iss'])) {
    if (!is_array($config['id_token_iss'])) {
      throw new CoreException('Invalid id_token_iss; must be an array of string values');
    $this->idTokenIss = $config['id_token_iss'];
  $this->debugMode = isset($config['debug']) ? $config['debug'] : false;

  // User info is persisted by default.
  if (isset($config['persist_user']) && false === $config['persist_user']) {

  // Access token is not persisted by default.
  if (!isset($config['persist_access_token']) || false === $config['persist_access_token']) {

  // Refresh token is not persisted by default.
  if (!isset($config['persist_refresh_token']) || false === $config['persist_refresh_token']) {

  // ID token is not persisted by default.
  if (!isset($config['persist_id_token']) || false === $config['persist_id_token']) {
  $session_base_name = !empty($config['session_base_name']) ? $config['session_base_name'] : SessionStore::BASE_NAME;
  $session_cookie_expires = isset($config['session_cookie_expires']) ? $config['session_cookie_expires'] : SessionStore::COOKIE_EXPIRES;
  if (isset($config['store'])) {
    if ($config['store'] === false) {
      $emptyStore = new EmptyStore();
    else {
  else {
    $sessionStore = new SessionStore($session_base_name, $session_cookie_expires);
  if (isset($config['state_handler'])) {
    if ($config['state_handler'] === false) {
      $this->stateHandler = new DummyStateHandler();
    else {
      $this->stateHandler = $config['state_handler'];
  else {
    $stateStore = new SessionStore($session_base_name, $session_cookie_expires);
    $this->stateHandler = new SessionStateHandler($stateStore);
  $this->authentication = new Authentication($this->domain, $this->clientId, $this->clientSecret, $this->audience, $this->scope, $this->guzzleOptions);
  $this->user = $this->store
  $this->accessToken = $this->store
  $this->idToken = $this->store
  $this->refreshToken = $this->store