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Functions in AmazonS3 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
amazons3_admin ./ Form API callback for the configuration form. 1
amazons3_admin_validate ./ Validate the admin form.
amazons3_field_default_field_bases_alter ./amazons3.module Implements hook_field_default_field_bases_alter().
amazons3_field_info_alter ./amazons3.module Implements hook_field_info_alter().
amazons3_field_widget_form_alter ./amazons3.module Implements hook_field_widget_form_alter().
amazons3_field_widget_uri ./amazons3.module Return the destination URI for a file field. 1
amazons3_file_create_object ./amazons3.module Create a file object. 1
amazons3_file_entity_upload_destination_uri_alter ./amazons3.module Implements hook_file_entity_upload_destination_uri_alter().
amazons3_file_like_field ./amazons3.module Return an array of field types that are like a file field. 3
amazons3_file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize_alter ./amazons3.module Implements hook_file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize_alter().
amazons3_flush_caches ./amazons3.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
amazons3_form_bucket_validate ./amazons3.module Element validate callback to validate a bucket name. 2
amazons3_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter ./amazons3.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
amazons3_form_field_ui_field_settings_form_alter ./amazons3.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
amazons3_image_deliver ./amazons3.module Image delivery callback that uploads a derivative to S3. 1
amazons3_image_load ./amazons3.module Load an image, exiting if it could not be loaded. 3
amazons3_image_style_path_alter ./amazons3.module Implements hook_image_style_path_alter().
amazons3_menu ./amazons3.module Implements hook_menu().
amazons3_permission ./amazons3.module Implements hook_permission().
amazons3_requirements ./amazons3.install Implements hook_requirements().
amazons3_schema ./amazons3.install Implements hook_schema().
amazons3_stream_wrappers ./amazons3.module Implements hook_stream_wrappers().
amazons3_uninstall ./amazons3.install Implements hook_uninstall().
amazons3_update_7100 ./amazons3.install Install the caching table.
amazons3_update_7101 ./amazons3.install Change uid to a varchar.
amazons3_update_7102 ./amazons3.install Update the filesize column to use a bigint, to allow TB filesizes.
amazons3_update_7200 ./amazons3.install Enable composer, add a bucket to all URIs, and delete the HTTPS variable.
amazons3_update_7201 ./amazons3.install Copy Amazon keys in the database from awssdk 1.x.
amazons3_update_7202 ./amazons3.install Switch to using the cache API for metadata.
amazons3_update_7203 ./amazons3.install Convert all multiline string variables to arrays.
amazons3_update_7204 ./amazons3.install Convert presigned URLs to structured arrays.
amazons3_upload_location ./amazons3.module Return a URI for use in an #upload_location or similar form element. 2
amazons3_uri_add_bucket ./amazons3.module Add the default bucket and return a string URL. 1
hook_amazons3_command_alter ./amazons3.api.php Allows modules to alter an S3 command after it has been created.
hook_amazons3_command_prepare ./amazons3.api.php Allows modules to add arguments to an S3 command. Each S3 command corresponds to an S3 API call, such as 'GetObject'. The 's3-2006-03-01.php' file shipped with the AWS SDK has a complete listing of all supported commands…
hook_amazons3_command_prepare_alter ./amazons3.api.php Allows modules to alter the arguments to an S3 command.
_amazons3_explode_list ./ Explode newlines in our admin form into arrays to save. 1
_amazons3_field_configuration ./amazons3.module Add S3 configuration to file field settings forms. 2
_amazons3_generate_image_style ./amazons3.module Generate an image style derivative and upload it to S3. 1
_amazons3_image_wait_transfer ./amazons3.module Wait for an image to appear in a directory, and transfer it when it appears. 1
_amazons3_implode ./ Load a variable array and implode it into a string. 1

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