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function _amazons3_explode_list in AmazonS3 7.2

Explode newlines in our admin form into arrays to save.


array $form: The form being displayed.

array &$form_state: The current state of the form.

1 string reference to '_amazons3_explode_list'
amazons3_admin in ./
Form API callback for the configuration form.


./, line 180


function _amazons3_explode_list($form, &$form_state) {
  $keys = array(
  $values =& $form_state['values'];
  foreach ($keys as $form_key) {
    $values[$form_key] = explode("\n", $values[$form_key]);
    $values[$form_key] = array_map('trim', $values[$form_key]);
    $values[$form_key] = array_filter($values[$form_key], 'strlen');

  // Presigned URLs are special in that they are pipe-separated lines.
  $presigned_config = array();
  foreach ($values['amazons3_presigned_urls'] as $presigned_line) {
    list($timeout, $pattern) = explode("|", $presigned_line);
    $presigned_config[] = array(
      'timeout' => $timeout,
      'pattern' => $pattern,
  $values['amazons3_presigned_urls'] = $presigned_config;