function amazons3_file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize_alter in AmazonS3 7.2
Implements hook_file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize_alter().
- ./
amazons3.module, line 516 - Hook implementations for the AmazonS3 module.
function amazons3_file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize_alter(&$uri, $scheme, $target) {
if ($scheme == 's3') {
try {
// If this try passes, $uri is a fully-formed s3:// URI with a bucket.
$url = S3Url::factory($uri);
// Validate that the bucket exists. Sometimes we might be passed in URIs
// without a bucket, like s3://image.jpg. If image.jpg is not a bucket, we
// assume that image.jpg is supposed to be created in the default bucket.
$bucket = $url
$s3 = S3Client::factory(array(), $bucket);
S3Client::validateBucketExists($bucket, $s3, new \Drupal\amazons3\Cache());
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// Catch if S3Url::factory() can not parse $uri. That happens if we are
// passed in a bare URI like s3://. Fall back to the default bucket.
$uri = amazons3_uri_add_bucket($target);
} catch (S3ConnectValidationException $e) {
// Catch if a bucket does not exist or is invalid.
$uri = amazons3_uri_add_bucket($target);