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Functions in AmazonS3 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
amazons3_admin ./amazons3.module Implements hook_admin(). 1
amazons3_admin_validate ./amazons3.module Validate the admin form.
amazons3_clear_cache_submit ./amazons3.module Admin sub-form submit callback; clear file metadata cache. 1
amazons3_field_default_field_bases_alter ./amazons3.module Implements hook_field_default_field_bases_alter().
amazons3_help ./amazons3.module Implements hook_help().
amazons3_menu ./amazons3.module Implements hook_menu().
amazons3_permission ./amazons3.module Implements hook_permission().
amazons3_requirements ./amazons3.install Implements hook_requirements().
amazons3_schema ./amazons3.install Implements hook_schema().
amazons3_stream_wrappers ./amazons3.module Implements hook_stream_wrappers().
amazons3_uninstall ./amazons3.install Implements hook_uninstall().
amazons3_update_7100 ./amazons3.install Install the caching table.
amazons3_update_7101 ./amazons3.install Change uid to a varchar.
amazons3_update_7102 ./amazons3.install Update the filesize column to use a bigint, to allow TB filesizes.
hook_amazons3_save_headers ./amazons3.api.php Allows other modules to change the headers/metadata used when saving an object to S3. See the headers array in the create_object documentation.
hook_amazons3_url_info ./amazons3.api.php Allows other modules to change the format and options used when creating an external URL. For example the URL can be a URL directly to the file, or can be a URL to a torrent. In addition, it can be authenticated (time limited), and in that case a…

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