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Functions in Advanced Forum 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
advanced_forum_preprocess_views_view_fields__advanced_forum_search_topic includes/
advanced_forum_preprocess_views_view_forum_topic_list__advanced_forum_topic_list includes/
advanced_forum_preprocess_views_view__advanced_forum_group_topic_list includes/
advanced_forum_preprocess_views_view__advanced_forum_topic_list includes/
advanced_forum_process_container includes/ Prepare an individual container for display. 1
advanced_forum_process_forum includes/ Prepare an individual forum for display. 1
advanced_forum_reply_num_new ./advanced_forum.module Get the number of new posts on a topic. This is simply a wrapper to either call the comment module version or the nodecomment module version. 4
advanced_forum_settings_page includes/ Defines the Advanced Forum settings form. 1
advanced_forum_statistics_latest_users ./advanced_forum.module Return the newest X active (not blocked) users, linked to their profiles. 1
advanced_forum_statistics_online_users ./advanced_forum.module Return an array of online usernames, linked to their profiles. 1
advanced_forum_statistics_replies ./advanced_forum.module Counts total amount of replies. Initial posts are added to this total in the calling function. 3
advanced_forum_statistics_topics ./advanced_forum.module Count total amount of forum threads. 1
advanced_forum_statistics_users ./advanced_forum.module Count total amount of active users. 1
advanced_forum_stripe includes/ 1
advanced_forum_style_info includes/ Get the info for a style, using an additive notation to include all items from the parent lineage. 1
advanced_forum_style_lineage includes/ Starting at a given style, return paths of it and all ancestor styles 5
advanced_forum_theme ./advanced_forum.module Implementation of hook_theme().
advanced_forum_theme_registry_alter ./advanced_forum.module Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
advanced_forum_type_is_in_forum ./advanced_forum.module Return whether a given node type is allowed in the whole forum or given forum. 2
advanced_forum_uninstall ./advanced_forum.install
advanced_forum_unread_replies_in_forum ./advanced_forum.module Calculates the number of unread replies for each forum and returns the count for the requested forum. 1
advanced_forum_update_5000 ./advanced_forum.install
advanced_forum_update_5003 ./advanced_forum.install
advanced_forum_update_5004 ./advanced_forum.install
advanced_forum_update_5005 ./advanced_forum.install
advanced_forum_user_can_reply ./advanced_forum.module 1
advanced_forum_views_api ./advanced_forum.module
advanced_forum_views_data includes/views/ Implementation of hook_views_data().
advanced_forum_views_data_alter includes/views/ Use views_data_alter to add items to the node table that are relevant to topic icons.
advanced_forum_views_default_views includes/views/ Loads the included views
advanced_forum_views_handlers includes/views/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers() to register all of the basic handlers views uses.
advanced_forum_views_plugins includes/views/ Implementation of hook_views_plugins().
advanced_forum_views_post_render ./advanced_forum.module Post render a view and replace any advanced forum tokens.
template_preprocess_advanced_forum_topic_list_view includes/ Display a view as a forum topic list style.
theme_advanced_forum_l includes/ Theme function to display a link, optionally buttonized.
theme_advanced_forum_node_type_create_list includes/ Theme function to show list of types that can be posted in forum.
theme_advanced_forum_post_edited includes/ Theme function to show who last edited a post.
theme_advanced_forum_reply_link includes/ Theme function to format the reply link at the top/bottom of topic.
theme_advanced_forum_shadow_topic includes/ Theme function to create shadow topic reference.
theme_advanced_forum_simple_author_pane includes/ Theme function to show simple author pane when not using Author Pane.
theme_advanced_forum_subcontainer_list includes/ Theme function to a formatted list of subcontainers.
theme_advanced_forum_subforum_list includes/ Theme function to a formatted list of subforums.
theme_advanced_forum_topic_pager includes/ Theme function to return assembled pager for use on each topic in list.
_advanced_forum_add_files includes/ Adds extra files needed for styling. This is currently just CSS files but was made generic to allow adding javascript in the future. 19
_advanced_forum_comment_wrapper includes/ Wrap forum comments a little differently to make it easier. 1
_advanced_forum_preprocess_comment includes/ @file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file. 1
_advanced_forum_preprocess_forums includes/ @file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file. 1
_advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_list includes/ @file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file. 1
_advanced_forum_preprocess_node includes/ @file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file. 1
_advanced_forum_process_plugin includes/ Process a single hook implementation of a advanced_forum plugin. 1


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