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Functions relating to the style system, not including core hooks and preprocess / theme functions.


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 * @file
 * Functions relating to the style system, not including core hooks and
 * preprocess / theme functions.

// STYLE API ****************************************************************/

 * Returns the name of the forum style to use.
function advanced_forum_get_current_style() {
  return variable_get('advanced_forum_style', 'silver_bells');
function advanced_forum_get_style($style) {
  return ctools_get_plugins('advanced_forum', 'styles', $style);
function advanced_forum_get_all_styles() {
  return ctools_get_plugins('advanced_forum', 'styles');

 * Returns the path to the advanced forum style, including the style name
function advanced_forum_path_to_style($requested_style = NULL) {

  // Set a static variable so this is cached after the first call.
  static $style_paths = array();
  if (empty($requested_style)) {

    // If no style is passed in, assume the current style is wanted.
    $requested_style = advanced_forum_get_current_style();
  if (empty($style_path)) {

    // Get the path information
    $styles = advanced_forum_get_all_styles();
    foreach ($styles as $key => $style) {
      $style_paths[$key] = $style['path'];
  return $style_paths[$requested_style];

 * Starting at a given style, return paths of it and all ancestor styles
function advanced_forum_style_lineage($style = NULL) {
  static $lineages = array();
  if (empty($style)) {

    // If no style is passed in, assume the current style is wanted.
    $style = advanced_forum_get_current_style();
  if (!array_key_exists($style, $lineages)) {
    $lineage = array();

    // Get an array with information from all styles.
    $all_styles = advanced_forum_get_all_styles();

    // Add the current style to the lineage first
    $lineage[$style] = $all_styles[$style]['path'];

    // Check if there is an "extra style" listed. This allows you to grab the
    // CSS of one other style and toss it in as a pseudo parent. We do not
    // follow the path up its parent. The primary use is for adding in the
    // "stacked" CSS but could be used for other purposes as well.
    if (!empty($all_styles[$style]['extra style']) && !empty($all_styles[$all_styles[$style]['extra style']]['path'])) {
      $extra_style = $all_styles[$style]['extra style'];
      $lineage[$extra_style] = $all_styles[$extra_style]['path'];

    // Grab the style we are looking at. This variable starts out as the current
    // style in use on the page but will change as we move up the chain.
    $current_style = $style;
    while (!empty($all_styles[$current_style]['base style'])) {

      // There is a parent style, so move up to it.
      $current_style = $all_styles[$current_style]['base style'];

      // Make sure the listed parent style actually exists.
      if (!empty($all_styles[$current_style]['path'])) {

        // Add the style to our list.
        $lineage[$current_style] = $all_styles[$current_style]['path'];
    $lineages[$style] = $lineage;
  return $lineages[$style];

 * Load any .inc files related to the style so that preprocess
 * functions can run as appropriate.
function advanced_forum_load_style_includes($style = NULL) {
  $lineage = advanced_forum_style_lineage($style);
  foreach ($lineage as $key => $path) {
    if (file_exists("{$path}/{$key}.inc")) {
      require_once "{$path}/{$key}.inc";

 * Get the info for a style, using an additive notation to
 * include all items from the parent lineage.
function advanced_forum_style_info($style = NULL) {
  static $info = array();
  if (empty($style)) {

    // If no style is passed in, assume the current style is wanted.
    $style = advanced_forum_get_current_style();
  if (!array_key_exists($style, $info)) {
    $info[$style] = array();
    $lineage = advanced_forum_style_lineage();
    foreach ($lineage as $key => $dir) {

      // using the + operator is additive but will not overwrite.
      // $lineage comes out as the actual style with each
      // successive style after it, so simply adding the arrays
      // together means that all info will be combined and keys
      // in the parent info will be defaults passed down to children
      // only if they do not override them.
      $info[$style] += advanced_forum_get_style($key);
  return $info[$style];
function advanced_forum_is_styled($content, $teaser = FALSE, $type = 'node') {

  // This is the ID of the topic starting node
  static $master_topic_id;

  // Give other modules a first crack at making the decision. To keep this
  // simple, the last one in the array wins.
  $topic_ids = module_invoke_all('advanced_forum_is_styled_alter', $content, $teaser, $type);
  $topic_id = end($topic_ids);
  if (!$topic_id) {

    // If no other modules made a decision on this, we look at it.
    switch ($type) {
      case 'node':
        if (!empty($content->comment_target_nid) && $content->comment_target_nid == $master_topic_id) {

          // This nodecomment is attached to a node we already know is styled.
          $topic_id = $master_topic_id;
        else {

          // See if the node should be styled.
          $topic_id = advanced_forum_node_is_styled($content, $teaser);
      case 'comment':
        $topic_id = advanced_forum_comment_is_styled($content, $master_topic_id);
      case 'comment-wrapper':
        if ($content->nid == $master_topic_id) {

          // Use our comment wrapper only if we are on a styled node.
          $topic_id = $master_topic_id;
  if ($topic_id > 0) {

    // If we have a positive number for the topic ID, then this item is styled.
    // We need to update the master ID, add the CSS/JS files, and tell the caller
    // our decision.
    $master_topic_id = $topic_id;
    return TRUE;
  elseif ($topic_id == -42) {

    // A -42 means all the tests passed but the node is being previewed so there
    // is no node id, yet. Add the files and return true but don't update the
    // master topic ID.
    return TRUE;
function advanced_forum_node_is_styled($node, $teaser = FALSE) {

  // Get the list of types that should have the style applied
  $styled_node_types = variable_get('advanced_forum_styled_node_types', array(

  // If this type is in the list of types that should be styled...
  if (in_array($node->type, $styled_node_types)) {

    // ...and if we are styling teasers or this isn't a teaser...
    if (variable_get('advanced_forum_style_teasers', FALSE) || !$teaser) {

      // ...and if this is not a new node being previewed...
      if (!empty($node->nid)) {

        // ...and if we are styling non forum tagged nodes or this is forum tagged...
        if (!variable_get('advanced_forum_style_only_forum_tagged', TRUE) || advanced_forum_is_forum_tagged($node)) {

          // ... then return the node ID.
          return $node->nid;
      else {

        // ...and if we are styling non forum tagged nodes or this is forum tagged...
        if (!variable_get('advanced_forum_style_only_forum_tagged', TRUE) || advanced_forum_is_forum_tagged($node, TRUE)) {

          // ...Send back -42 as a special code to say that this should be
          // styled but that it isn't the actual node id.
          return -42;
function advanced_forum_comment_is_styled($comment, $master_topic_id) {
  if (isset($master_topic_id) && $comment->nid == $master_topic_id) {

    // This comment is on a node we already know is styled, or a previous
    // comment on this node is styled, so the comment is styled.
    return $master_topic_id;
  if (variable_get("advanced_forum_style_all_comments", 0)) {

    // All comments on this site should be styled.
    return $comment->nid;

  // Load up the node this comment is attached to and see if it is styled.
  // This should not happen often, only in a case where the comment is
  // displayed seperately from the node (such as a reply preview).
  $node = node_load($comment->nid);
  if (advanced_forum_node_is_styled($node, FALSE)) {
    return $comment->nid;

  // Comment doesn't pass any styling test
  return -1;
function advanced_forum_is_forum_tagged($node, $preview = FALSE) {
  $vid = variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', '');
  if ($preview) {
    foreach ($node->taxonomy as $term) {
      if ($term->vid == $vid) {
        return TRUE;
  else {

    // Get a list of the terms attached to this node
    $terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary($node, $vid);
    if (count($terms) > 0) {
      return TRUE;

 * Returns the path to actual site theme in use because path_to_theme is flaky.
function advanced_forum_path_to_theme() {
  global $theme;
  if (!empty($theme)) {

    // Normally, the global theme variable is set, so we use that.
    return drupal_get_path('theme', $theme);

  // For some reason I've never figured out, some users are reporting
  // that the global theme variable is not set when this is called.
  // As a band-aid solution, this will pull the default theme out of the
  // database and use that.
  $default_theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'garland');
  return drupal_get_path('theme', $default_theme);

 * Manipulate the template suggestions to add in one for each style as well
 * as the default.
function advanced_forum_add_template_suggestions($template, &$template_suggestions) {

  // We only need to calculate the style lineage once per page load.
  static $lineage;
  if (empty($lineage)) {
    $lineage = advanced_forum_style_lineage();
    $lineage = array_reverse($lineage, TRUE);

  // Add a suggestion for each style in the lineage.
  foreach ($lineage as $key => $path) {
    $template_suggestions[] = "advanced_forum.{$key}.{$template}";

  // Add in a version without any style name at the end. The order will be
  // reversed when drupal_discover_template() looks for the first matching
  // file so adding this at the end means it will be found first.
  $template_suggestions[] = "advanced_forum.{$template}";

 * Adds extra files needed for styling.
 * This is currently just CSS files but was made generic to allow adding
 * javascript in the future.
function _advanced_forum_add_files() {

  // This could get called more than once on a page and we only need to do it once.
  static $added;
  if (empty($added)) {
    $added = TRUE;
    $lineage = advanced_forum_style_lineage();
    $lineage = array_reverse($lineage, TRUE);
    $theme_path = advanced_forum_path_to_theme();
    foreach (array(
    ) as $css_type) {
      $css_file = "{$theme_path}/advanced_forum.{$css_type}";
      if (file_exists($css_file)) {

        // CSS files with no style name in the theme directory trump all
        // to provide a theme specific style override.
      else {

        // For each style from the current style on up through each parent
        // style, look for the style specific CSS file first in the active
        // theme and then in the style directory.
        foreach ($lineage as $key => $path) {
          $css_file = "/advanced_forum.{$key}.{$css_type}";
          if (file_exists("{$theme_path}/{$css_file}")) {

            // If the style specific file is in the theme, use that.
          elseif (file_exists("{$path}/{$css_file}")) {

            // Otherwise look in the style for it.
            drupal_add_css("{$path}" . "{$css_file}");

 * Allow themable wrapping of all comments.
function advanced_forum_comment_wrapper($content, $node) {

  // See if this is a forum post:
  $vid = variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', '');
  foreach ($node->taxonomy as $tid => $term) {
    if ($term->vid == $vid) {
      return _advanced_forum_comment_wrapper($content, $node);
  return phptemplate_comment_wrapper($content, $node);

 * Wrap forum comments a little differently to make it easier.
function _advanced_forum_comment_wrapper($content, $node) {
  return '<div id="comments" class="forum-comment-wrapper">' . $content . '</div>';

// CTOOLS INTEGRATION FOR STYLES ********************************************/
function advanced_forum_ctools_plugin_styles() {
  return array(
    'info file' => TRUE,
    'load themes' => TRUE,


Namesort descending Description
advanced_forum_add_template_suggestions Manipulate the template suggestions to add in one for each style as well as the default.
advanced_forum_comment_wrapper Allow themable wrapping of all comments.
advanced_forum_get_current_style Returns the name of the forum style to use.
advanced_forum_load_style_includes Load any .inc files related to the style so that preprocess functions can run as appropriate.
advanced_forum_path_to_style Returns the path to the advanced forum style, including the style name
advanced_forum_path_to_theme Returns the path to actual site theme in use because path_to_theme is flaky.
advanced_forum_style_info Get the info for a style, using an additive notation to include all items from the parent lineage.
advanced_forum_style_lineage Starting at a given style, return paths of it and all ancestor styles
_advanced_forum_add_files Adds extra files needed for styling. This is currently just CSS files but was made generic to allow adding javascript in the future.
_advanced_forum_comment_wrapper Wrap forum comments a little differently to make it easier.