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Functions in Advanced Forum 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
advanced_forum_addvars ./advanced_forum.module Provides D5 compatability wrapper for node/comment preprocess functions.
advanced_forum_call_preprocess ./ Backports the template preprocess system. 10
advanced_forum_first_new_comment ./advanced_forum.module Returns the ID of the first unread comment. 1
advanced_forum_first_new_post_link ./advanced_forum.module Returns a link directly to the first new post in a topic. 1
advanced_forum_get_current_style ./advanced_forum.module Returns the name of the forum style to use. 12
advanced_forum_get_forums ./advanced_forum.module Returns a list of all forums for a given taxonomy id 1
advanced_forum_get_forum_list ./advanced_forum.module
advanced_forum_get_last_page ./advanced_forum.module Returns the page number of the last page starting at 0 like the pager does. 1
advanced_forum_install ./advanced_forum.install @file Installation code for Advanced Forum.
advanced_forum_last_post_in_topic ./advanced_forum.module Returns the cid of the last post in a topic. 1
advanced_forum_last_post_link ./advanced_forum.module 1
advanced_forum_markasread ./advanced_forum.module Marks all posts in forums or in a given forum as read by the current user. 1
advanced_forum_markasread_access ./advanced_forum.module Helper function to tell whether a user should be able to mark forums read. 2
advanced_forum_menu ./advanced_forum.module Implementation of hook_menu().
advanced_forum_page ./advanced_forum.module Menu callback; prints a forum listing. 1
advanced_forum_path_to_images ./advanced_forum.module Returns the path to the advanced forum image directory 4
advanced_forum_path_to_style ./advanced_forum.module Returns the full path to the advanced forum style, including the style name 2
advanced_forum_perm ./advanced_forum.module Implementation of hook_perm().
advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_forum_legend ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the forum statistics template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_topic_header ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the topic header template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_topic_legend ./advanced_forum.module
advanced_forum_preprocess_advf_forum_statistics ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the forum statistics template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_author_pane ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the author pane.
advanced_forum_preprocess_comment ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the comment template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_comment_wrapper ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the comment wrapper template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_forums ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the forum template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_icon ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the forum icon template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_list ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the forum list template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_submitted ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the submitted by/in template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_topic_list ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the topic list template.
advanced_forum_preprocess_node ./advanced_forum.module Preprocesses template variables for the node template.
advanced_forum_settings_page ./advanced_forum.module Defines the Advanced Forum settings form. 1
advanced_forum_statistics_comments ./advanced_forum.module Count total amount of comments on forum threads. 1
advanced_forum_statistics_latest_user ./advanced_forum.module Return the latest active user. 1
advanced_forum_statistics_online_users ./advanced_forum.module Return an array of online usernames, linked to their profiles. 1
advanced_forum_statistics_topics ./advanced_forum.module Count total amount of forum threads. 1
advanced_forum_statistics_users ./advanced_forum.module Count total amount of active users. 1
advanced_forum_theme_image ./advanced_forum.module Wrapper around theme_image that automatically includes the path. 6
advanced_forum_treat_as_forum_post ./advanced_forum.module This function returns true if the node/comment should be themed and otherwise treated as a forum post. 3
advanced_forum_uninstall ./advanced_forum.install
advanced_forum_unread_comments_in_forum ./advanced_forum.module Returns the number of unread posts in a given forum for a given user 1
advanced_forum_update_5000 ./advanced_forum.install
advanced_forum_update_5003 ./advanced_forum.install
advanced_forum_update_5004 ./advanced_forum.install
comment_new_page_count ./ 3
phptemplate_forum_display ./advanced_forum.module Implementation of theme_forum_display().
phptemplate_forum_icon ./advanced_forum.module Implementation of theme_forum_icon
phptemplate_forum_list ./advanced_forum.module Implementation of theme_forum_list().
phptemplate_forum_submitted ./advanced_forum.module
phptemplate_forum_topic_list ./advanced_forum.module Implementation of theme_forum_topic_list().


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