You are here in Advanced Forum 6.2

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Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file.


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 * @file
 * Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file
 * to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file.
function _advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_list(&$variables) {

  // Tell Drupal to use our forum list template file.
  advanced_forum_add_template_suggestions("forum-list", $variables['template_files']);

  // Added variable for default collapsed configuration
  $variables['collapsed_main_list'] = variable_get('advanced_forum_default_collapsed_list', '');

  // Add needed items for the collapsible containers.
  $variables['collapsible'] = variable_get('advanced_forum_collapsible_containers', 'toggle');
  if ($variables['collapsible'] != 'none') {
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'advanced_forum') . '/js/advanced_forum.js', 'module');
      'advanced_forum' => array(
        'effect' => $variables['collapsible'],
    ), 'setting');

    // Add JS setting for default collapsed config so that intial display for this list will be collapsed
      'advanced_forum' => array(
        'default_collapsed_list' => $variables['collapsed_main_list'],
    ), 'setting');
  else {
    $variables['collapsible'] = FALSE;

  // The tid is the ID of the container or forum we are in. Assign it to
  // $parent_id for easy reference, assign it to the forum_id template variable
  // to give it a nice name for themers, then get rid of the original variable.
  $parent_id = isset($variables['tid']) ? $variables['tid'] : 0;
  $variables['forum_id'] = $parent_id;

  // Add a variable showning if we are using taxonomy image for easier theming.
  $variables['use_taxonomy_image'] = function_exists('taxonomy_image_display') && variable_get('advanced_forum_use_taxonomy_image', TRUE);

  // Process the containers and forums and move them to a new variable.
  $items = array();
  $lowest_depth = 0;
  foreach ($variables['forums'] as $id => $forum) {
    if (empty($forum->container)) {
      $items[$id] = advanced_forum_process_forum($forum);
    else {
      $items[$id] = advanced_forum_process_container($forum);

    // Figure out how deep the hierarchy goes for the next step.
    if ($forum->depth > $lowest_depth) {
      $lowest_depth = $forum->depth;

  // Calculate number of and number of new child posts for each item.
  for ($depth = $lowest_depth; $depth > 0; $depth--) {
    foreach ($items as $id => $item) {
      if ($item->depth == $depth) {
        $items[$item->parents['0']]->child_total_topics += $item->total_topics + $item->child_total_topics;
        $items[$item->parents['0']]->child_new_topics += $item->new_topics + $item->child_new_topics;
        $items[$item->parents['0']]->child_total_posts += $item->total_posts + $item->child_total_posts;
        $items[$item->parents['0']]->child_new_posts += $item->new_posts + $item->child_new_posts;

  // Loop through all the items and fill the $tables variable that will
  // hold all the tables with the containers and forums organized, processed,
  // and ready for the template.
  if ($parent_id) {

    // On a container page. Fake the main table.
    $table_counter = 1;
    $tables[$table_counter]['table_info'] = advanced_forum_process_container($variables['parents'][0]);
  else {
    $table_counter = 0;
  foreach ($items as $id => $item) {

    // Get a handle on the parent of this item.
    if ($parent_id && $item->depth == 0) {

      // If we are on a container page, the parent of root items is the main
      // container that is being used for the table info.
      $parent = $tables[$table_counter]['table_info'];
    elseif (!empty($variables['forums'][$item->parents[0]])) {

      // For simplicity, we assume forums/containers have only one parent.
      $parent = $variables['forums'][$item->parents[0]];

    // Intentional no "else" because only root items on the main page have
    // no parent and we don't use the variable there.
    // If we aren't on the main forum page, we need to bump up the depth.
    $item_depth = $parent_id ? $item->depth + 1 : $item->depth;
    if (!empty($item->container)) {

      // CONTAINERS.
      if ($item_depth == 0) {

        // Top level container always starts a new table.
        $tables[$table_counter]['table_info'] = $item;
        $tables[$table_counter]['items'] = array();

        // Reset the striping.
      elseif ($item_depth == 1) {

        // Subcontainer at top level is treated like a forum.
        // We set the forum icon here, rather than in the process_forum
        // function because we need to take into account new content
        // in children.
        if ($item->new_topics || $item->new_posts || $item->child_new_topics || $item->child_new_posts) {
          $item->icon_classes = "forum-list-icon forum-list-icon-new-posts";
          $item->icon_text = t("New posts");
        else {
          $item->icon_classes = "forum-list-icon forum-list-icon-default";
          $item->icon_text = t("No new");

        // Set the variable to control the row striping.
        $item->zebra = advanced_forum_stripe();

        // Add the container info to the table's item list.
        $tables[$table_counter]['items'][$id] = $item;
      elseif ($item_depth == 2) {

        // A container elsewhere gets added to the parent's subcontainer list.
        $tables[$table_counter]['items'][$parent->tid]->subcontainer_list[$id] = $item;
    else {

      // FORUMS.
      // We set the forum icon here, rather than in the process_forum
      // function because we need to take into account new content
      // in children.
      if ($item->new_topics || $item->new_posts || $item->child_new_topics || $item->child_new_posts) {
        $item->icon_classes = "forum-list-icon forum-list-icon-new-posts";
        $item->icon_text = t("New posts");
      else {
        $item->icon_classes = "forum-list-icon forum-list-icon-default";
        $item->icon_text = t("No new");
      if ($item_depth == 0) {

        // This is a forum at the root. If it is the first or the first
        // since the last container, make a new table. Otherwise, put it in
        // the previous table.
        if (empty($table_counter) || !empty($tables[$table_counter]['table_info']->container)) {

          // This is the first root item or the current table belongs to a
          // container. Start a new generic one. We need a tid so just grab
          // the tid of the current forum for it.
          $tables[$table_counter]['table_info']->name = t('Forums');
          $tables[$table_counter]['table_info']->description = '';
          $tables[$table_counter]['table_info']->tid = $item->tid;

          // Reset the striping.

        // Set the variable to control the row striping.
        $item->zebra = advanced_forum_stripe();

        // Add the forum info to the table's item list.
        $tables[$table_counter]['items'][$id] = $item;
      elseif ($item_depth == 1) {

        // Main forum. Add it to the item list.
        if (empty($item->container)) {
          $item->zebra = advanced_forum_stripe();
        $tables[$table_counter]['items'][$id] = $item;
      elseif ($item_depth == 2) {

        // Subforum.
        $tables[$table_counter]['items'][$parent->tid]->subforum_list[$id] = $item;

  // Theme subcontainers and subforums.
  foreach ($tables as $table_id => $table) {
    foreach ($table['items'] as $item_id => $item) {
      if (!empty($item->subforum_list)) {
        $tables[$table_id]['items'][$item_id]->subforums = theme('advanced_forum_subforum_list', $item->subforum_list);
      if (!empty($item->subcontainer_list)) {
        $tables[$table_id]['items'][$item_id]->subcontainers = theme('advanced_forum_subcontainer_list', $item->subcontainer_list);
  $variables['tables'] = $tables;

  // Remove unneeded variables.
function advanced_forum_stripe($reset = FALSE) {
  static $stripe = 'odd';
  if ($reset) {
    $stripe = 'odd';
  else {
    $stripe = $stripe == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd';
  return $stripe;

 * Prepare an individual container for display.
function advanced_forum_process_container($container) {

  // Create the link to the container.
  $container->link = url("forum/{$container->tid}");

  // Sanitise the name and description so they can be safely printed.
  $container->name = check_plain($container->name);
  $container->description = !empty($container->description) ? filter_xss_admin($container->description) : '';

  // Create a variable to check if the item is a container in the template.
  $container->is_container = TRUE;

  // @TODO: Make the icon change if subforums have posts.
  $container->icon_classes = "forum-list-icon forum-list-icon-default";
  $container->icon_text = t("No new");

  // Add in the taxonomy image, if any.
  if (function_exists('taxonomy_image_display') && variable_get('advanced_forum_use_taxonomy_image', TRUE)) {
    $container->forum_image = taxonomy_image_display($container->tid, NULL, variable_get('advanced_forum_use_taxonomy_image_preset', ''));

  // Initialize these variables to avoid notices later.
  $container->total_topics = 0;
  $container->new_topics = 0;
  $container->total_posts = 0;
  $container->new_posts = 0;
  $container->child_total_topics = 0;
  $container->child_new_topics = 0;
  $container->child_total_posts = 0;
  $container->child_new_posts = 0;
  return $container;

 * Prepare an individual forum for display.
function advanced_forum_process_forum($forum) {

  // Create a variable to check if the item is a container in the template.
  $forum->is_container = FALSE;

  // Create the link to the forum.
  $forum->link = url("forum/{$forum->tid}");

  // Sanitise the name and description so they can be safely printed.
  // We don't do this for subforum names because that is sent through l()
  // in the theme function which runs it through check_plain().
  $forum->name = empty($forum->parents[0]) ? check_plain($forum->name) : $forum->name;
  $forum->description = !empty($forum->description) ? filter_xss_admin($forum->description) : '';

  // Initialize these variables to avoid notices later since not all forums
  // have new content or even any content at all.
  $forum->total_topics = 0;
  $forum->child_total_topics = 0;
  $forum->new_topics = 0;
  $forum->new_topics_text = '';
  $forum->new_topics_link = '';
  $forum->child_new_topics = 0;
  $forum->total_posts = 0;
  $forum->child_total_posts = 0;
  $forum->new_posts = 0;
  $forum->new_posts_text = '';
  $forum->new_posts_link = '';
  $forum->child_new_posts = 0;

  // Rename these to make them more descriptive.
  if (isset($forum->num_topics)) {
    $forum->total_topics = $forum->num_topics;
  if (isset($forum->num_posts)) {
    $forum->total_posts = $forum->num_posts;

  // If the viewer is authenticated, check for new topics and posts.
  global $user;
  if ($user->uid) {

    // New topics.
    $forum->new_topics = _forum_topics_unread($forum->tid, $user->uid);
    if ($forum->new_topics) {
      $forum->new_topics_text = format_plural($forum->new_topics, '1 new', '@count new');
      $forum->new_topics_link = url("forum/{$forum->tid}", array(
        'fragment' => 'new',

    // New posts are optional because the query is slow.
    if (variable_get('advanced_forum_get_new_comments', 0)) {
      $forum->new_posts = advanced_forum_unread_replies_in_forum($forum->tid, $user->uid) + $forum->new_topics;
      if ($forum->new_posts) {
        $forum->new_posts_text = format_plural($forum->new_posts, '1 new', '@count new');
        $forum->new_posts_path = "forum/{$forum->tid}";
        $forum->new_posts_link = url("forum/{$forum->tid}", array(
          'fragment' => 'new',

  // Process the "last post" object into a printable string.
  // Trying to copy the string back into the variable directly caused odd bugs
  // so we move it to a temp variable then unset the original.
  // Before doing so, however, we make a copy in case another module implementing
  // hook_TYPE_alter() needs access to the raw data.
  $forum->last_post_obj = $forum->last_post;
  $last_post = empty($forum->last_post) ? '' : $forum->last_post;
  $forum->last_post = theme('forum_submitted', $last_post);

  // Add in the taxonomy image, if any
  if (function_exists('taxonomy_image_display') && variable_get('advanced_forum_use_taxonomy_image', TRUE)) {
    $forum->forum_image = taxonomy_image_display($forum->tid, NULL, variable_get('advanced_forum_use_taxonomy_image_preset', ''));
  drupal_alter('advanced_forum', $forum);
  return $forum;


Namesort descending Description
advanced_forum_process_container Prepare an individual container for display.
advanced_forum_process_forum Prepare an individual forum for display.
_advanced_forum_preprocess_forum_list @file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file.