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function theme_advanced_forum_shadow_topic in Advanced Forum 6.2

Theme function to create shadow topic reference.


$title: Unlinked title of the topic.

$nid: Node id of the topic.

$new_forum: Name of the forum that now contains the topic.

Return value

String to print in place of the title/author info on topic lists.

1 theme call to theme_advanced_forum_shadow_topic()
_template_preprocess_advanced_forum_topic_list_view in includes/
@file Holds the contents of a preprocess function moved into its own file to ease memory requirements and having too much code in one file.


includes/, line 150
Holds theme functions and template preprocesses. Other style related functions are in


function theme_advanced_forum_shadow_topic($title, $nid, $new_forum) {
  return $title . '<br />' . t('This topic has been moved to "!forum"', array(
    '!forum' => $new_forum,
  )) . ' (' . l(t('View topic'), "node/{$nid}") . ')';