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class EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz in Zircon Profile 8.0

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  1. 8 vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Serialiser/GraphViz.php \EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz

Class to serialise an EasyRdf_Graph to GraphViz

Depends upon the GraphViz 'dot' command line tools to render images.

See for more information.

@package EasyRdf @copyright Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Nicholas J Humfrey @license


Expanded class hierarchy of EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz

1 string reference to 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz'
Format.php in vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Format.php


vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Serialiser/GraphViz.php, line 49

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class EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz extends EasyRdf_Serialiser {
  private $dotCommand = 'dot';
  private $useLabels = false;
  private $onlyLabelled = false;
  private $attributes = array(
    'charset' => 'utf-8',

   * Constructor
   * @return object EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz
  public function __construct() {

   * Set the path to the GraphViz 'dot' command
   * Default is to search PATH for the command 'dot'.
   * @param string $cmd   The path to the 'dot' command.
   * @return object EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz
  public function setDotCommand($cmd) {
    $this->dotCommand = $cmd;
    return $this;

   * Get the path to the GraphViz 'dot' command
   * The default value is simply 'dot'
   * @return string The path to the 'dot' command.
  public function getDotCommand() {
    return $this->dotCommand;

   * Turn on/off the option to display labels instead of URIs.
   * When this option is turned on, then labels for resources will
   * be displayed instead of the full URI of a resource. This makes
   * it simpler to create friendly diagrams that non-technical people
   * can understand.
   * This option is turned off by default.
   * @param bool $useLabels   A boolean value to turn labels on and off
   * @return object EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz
  public function setUseLabels($useLabels) {
    $this->useLabels = $useLabels;
    return $this;

   * Get the state of the use labels option
   * @return bool The current state of the use labels option
  public function getUseLabels() {
    return $this->useLabels;

   * Turn on/off the option to only display nodes and edges with labels
   * When this option is turned on, then only nodes (resources and literals)
   * and edges (properties) will only be displayed if they have a label. You
   * can use this option, to create concise, diagrams of your data, rather than
   * the RDF.
   * This option is turned off by default.
   * @param bool $onlyLabelled   A boolean value to enable/display only labelled items
   * @return object EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz
  public function setOnlyLabelled($onlyLabelled) {
    $this->onlyLabelled = $onlyLabelled;
    return $this;

   * Get the state of the only Only Labelled option
   * @return bool The current state of the Only Labelled option
  public function getOnlyLabelled() {
    return $this->onlyLabelled;

   * Set an attribute on the GraphViz graph
   * Example:
   *     $serialiser->setAttribute('rotate', 90);
   * See the GraphViz tool documentation for information about the
   * available attributes.
   * @param string $name    The name of the attribute
   * @param string $value   The value for the attribute
   * @return object EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz
  public function setAttribute($name, $value) {
    $this->attributes[$name] = $value;
    return $this;

   * Get an attribute of the GraphViz graph
   * @param string $name    Attribute name
   * @return string The value of the graph attribute
  public function getAttribute($name) {
    return $this->attributes[$name];

   * Convert an EasyRdf object into a GraphViz node identifier
   * @ignore
  protected function nodeName($entity) {
    if ($entity instanceof EasyRdf_Resource) {
      if ($entity
        ->isBNode()) {
        return "B" . $entity
      else {
        return "R" . $entity
    else {
      return "L" . $entity;

   * Internal function to escape a string into DOT safe syntax
   * @ignore
  protected function escape($input) {
    if (preg_match('/^([a-z_][a-z_0-9]*|-?(\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?))$/i', $input)) {
      return $input;
    else {
      return '"' . str_replace(array(
      ), array(
      ), $input) . '"';

   * Internal function to escape an associate array of attributes and
   * turns it into a DOT notation string
   * @ignore
  protected function escapeAttributes($array) {
    $items = '';
    foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
      $items[] = $this
        ->escape($k) . '=' . $this
    return '[' . implode(',', $items) . ']';

   * Internal function to create dot syntax line for either a node or an edge
   * @ignore
  protected function serialiseRow($node1, $node2 = null, $attributes = array()) {
    $result = '  ' . $this
    if ($node2) {
      $result .= ' -> ' . $this
    if (count($attributes)) {
      $result .= ' ' . $this
    return $result . ";\n";

   * Internal function to serialise an EasyRdf_Graph into a DOT formatted string
   * @ignore
  protected function serialiseDot($graph) {
    $result = "digraph {\n";

    // Write the graph attributes
    foreach ($this->attributes as $k => $v) {
      $result .= '  ' . $this
        ->escape($k) . '=' . $this
        ->escape($v) . ";\n";

    // Go through each of the properties and write the edges
    $nodes = array();
    $result .= "\n  // Edges\n";
    foreach ($graph
      ->resources() as $resource) {
      $name1 = $this
      foreach ($resource
        ->propertyUris() as $property) {
        $label = null;
        if ($this->useLabels) {
          $label = $graph
        if ($label === null) {
          if ($this->onlyLabelled == true) {
          else {
            $label = EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($property);
        foreach ($resource
          ->all("<{$property}>") as $value) {
          $name2 = $this
          $nodes[$name1] = $resource;
          $nodes[$name2] = $value;
          $result .= $this
            ->serialiseRow($name1, $name2, array(
            'label' => $label,
    $result .= "\n  // Nodes\n";
    foreach ($nodes as $name => $node) {
      $type = substr($name, 0, 1);
      $label = '';
      if ($type == 'R') {
        if ($this->useLabels) {
          $label = $node
        if (!$label) {
          $label = $node
        if (!$label) {
          $label = $node
        $result .= $this
          ->serialiseRow($name, null, array(
          'URL' => $node
          'label' => $label,
          'shape' => 'ellipse',
          'color' => 'blue',
      elseif ($type == 'B') {
        if ($this->useLabels) {
          $label = $node
        $result .= $this
          ->serialiseRow($name, null, array(
          'label' => $label,
          'shape' => 'circle',
          'color' => 'green',
      else {
        $result .= $this
          ->serialiseRow($name, null, array(
          'label' => strval($node),
          'shape' => 'record',
    $result .= "}\n";
    return $result;

   * Internal function to render a graph into an image
   * @ignore
  public function renderImage($graph, $format = 'png') {
    $dot = $this
    return EasyRdf_Utils::execCommandPipe($this->dotCommand, array(
    ), $dot);

   * Serialise an EasyRdf_Graph into a GraphViz dot document.
   * Supported output format names: dot, gif, png, svg
   * @param EasyRdf_Graph $graph  An EasyRdf_Graph object.
   * @param string        $format The name of the format to convert to.
   * @param array         $options
   * @throws EasyRdf_Exception
   * @return string The RDF in the new desired format.
  public function serialise($graph, $format, array $options = array()) {
    parent::checkSerialiseParams($graph, $format);
    switch ($format) {
      case 'dot':
        return $this
      case 'png':
      case 'gif':
      case 'svg':
        return $this
          ->renderImage($graph, $format);
        throw new EasyRdf_Exception("EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz does not support: {$format}");



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
EasyRdf_Serialiser::$prefixes protected property
EasyRdf_Serialiser::addPrefix protected function Keep track of the prefixes used while serialising @ignore
EasyRdf_Serialiser::checkSerialiseParams protected function Check and cleanup parameters passed to serialise() method @ignore
EasyRdf_Serialiser::reversePropertyCount protected function Protected method to get the number of reverse properties for a resource If a resource only has a single property, the number of values for that property is returned instead. @ignore
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::$attributes private property
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::$dotCommand private property
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::$onlyLabelled private property
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::$useLabels private property
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::escape protected function Internal function to escape a string into DOT safe syntax
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::escapeAttributes protected function Internal function to escape an associate array of attributes and turns it into a DOT notation string
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::getAttribute public function Get an attribute of the GraphViz graph
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::getDotCommand public function Get the path to the GraphViz 'dot' command
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::getOnlyLabelled public function Get the state of the only Only Labelled option
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::getUseLabels public function Get the state of the use labels option
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::nodeName protected function Convert an EasyRdf object into a GraphViz node identifier
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::renderImage public function Internal function to render a graph into an image
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::serialise public function Serialise an EasyRdf_Graph into a GraphViz dot document. Overrides EasyRdf_Serialiser::serialise
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::serialiseDot protected function Internal function to serialise an EasyRdf_Graph into a DOT formatted string
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::serialiseRow protected function Internal function to create dot syntax line for either a node or an edge
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::setAttribute public function Set an attribute on the GraphViz graph
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::setDotCommand public function Set the path to the GraphViz 'dot' command
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::setOnlyLabelled public function Turn on/off the option to only display nodes and edges with labels
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::setUseLabels public function Turn on/off the option to display labels instead of URIs.
EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::__construct public function Constructor Overrides EasyRdf_Serialiser::__construct