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public function EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::setUseLabels in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Serialiser/GraphViz.php \EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz::setUseLabels()

Turn on/off the option to display labels instead of URIs.

When this option is turned on, then labels for resources will be displayed instead of the full URI of a resource. This makes it simpler to create friendly diagrams that non-technical people can understand.

This option is turned off by default.


bool $useLabels A boolean value to turn labels on and off:

Return value

object EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz


vendor/easyrdf/easyrdf/lib/EasyRdf/Serialiser/GraphViz.php, line 104


Class to serialise an EasyRdf_Graph to GraphViz


public function setUseLabels($useLabels) {
  $this->useLabels = $useLabels;
  return $this;