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16 calls to xmlsitemap_url() in XML sitemap 5

hook_xmlsitemap_engines in docs/xmlsitemap.php
Define actions for search engines.
hook_xmlsitemap_links in docs/xmlsitemap.php
Define additional links to add to the site map.
theme_xmlsitemap_node_view_news in xmlsitemap_node/xmlsitemap_node.module
Display the nodes of a view as a Google News site map.
theme_xmlsitemap_node_view_sitemap in xmlsitemap_node/xmlsitemap_node.module
Display the nodes of a view as an XML site map.
xmlsitemap_help in ./xmlsitemap.module
Implementation of hook_help().
xmlsitemap_robotstxt in ./xmlsitemap.module
Implementation of hook_robotstxt().
_xmlsitemap_additional_links in ./xmlsitemap.module
Get additional links.
_xmlsitemap_engines_ask in xmlsitemap_engines/xmlsitemap_engines.module
Define actions for
_xmlsitemap_engines_bing in xmlsitemap_engines/xmlsitemap_engines.module
Define actions for Bing.
_xmlsitemap_engines_google in xmlsitemap_engines/xmlsitemap_engines.module
Define actions for Google.
_xmlsitemap_engines_yahoo in xmlsitemap_engines/xmlsitemap_engines.module
Define actions for Yahoo!.
_xmlsitemap_file_create_url in ./xmlsitemap.module
Modified version of file_create_url(). Allows us to remove language prefixes.
_xmlsitemap_node_links in xmlsitemap_node/xmlsitemap_node.module
Get node links.
_xmlsitemap_output_index in ./xmlsitemap.module
Generate the site map index.
_xmlsitemap_term_links in xmlsitemap_term/xmlsitemap_term.module
Get term links.
_xmlsitemap_user_links in xmlsitemap_user/xmlsitemap_user.module
Get user profile links.