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function _xmlsitemap_term_links in XML sitemap 5

Get term links.


$excludes: An array of node types to exclude.:

Return value

An array of links. Each link is an array containing the XML values for a site map URL.

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1 call to _xmlsitemap_term_links()
xmlsitemap_term_xmlsitemap_links in xmlsitemap_term/xmlsitemap_term.module
Implementation of hook_xmlsitemap_links().


xmlsitemap_term/xmlsitemap_term.module, line 56
Adds terms to the site map.


function _xmlsitemap_term_links($excludes = array()) {
  $links = array();
  $result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql("\n    SELECT t.*, v.module, xt.last_changed, xt.previously_changed, xt.priority_override, ua.dst AS alias\n    FROM {term_data} t\n    LEFT JOIN {vocabulary} v ON v.vid = t.vid\n    LEFT JOIN {xmlsitemap_term} xt ON xt.tid = t.tid\n    LEFT JOIN {url_alias} ua ON =\n    WHERE (t.vid NOT IN (" . (empty($excludes) ? 0 : implode(', ', $excludes)) . ") AND xt.priority_override IS NULL OR xt.priority_override >= 0)\n    AND t.tid <> %d\n  ", 't', 'tid'), _xmlsitemap_term_frontpage());
  while ($term = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    if ($term->module == 'forum') {
      $url = xmlsitemap_url("forum/{$term->tid}", $term->alias, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
    elseif ($term->module != 'taxonomy' && ($path = module_invoke($term->module, 'term_path', $term))) {
      $alias = drupal_lookup_path('alias', $path);
      if ($alias !== FALSE) {
        $term->alias = $alias;
      $url = xmlsitemap_url($path, $term->alias, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
    else {
      $url = xmlsitemap_url("taxonomy/term/{$term->tid}", $term->alias, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
    $age = time() - $term->last_changed;
    $interval = empty($term->previously_changed) ? 0 : $term->last_changed - $term->previously_changed;
    $links[] = array(
      'tid' => $term->tid,
      '#loc' => $url,
      '#lastmod' => $term->last_changed,
      '#changefreq' => max($age, $interval),
      '#priority' => _xmlsitemap_term_priority($term),
  return $links;