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class WSClientRESTEndpoint in Web service client 7

A remote endpoint type for invoking REST services.


Expanded class hierarchy of WSClientRESTEndpoint

1 string reference to 'WSClientRESTEndpoint'
wsclient_rest_wsclient_endpoint_types in wsclient_rest/wsclient_rest.module
Implements hook_wsclient_endpoint_types().


wsclient_rest/, line 11
Web service client REST - include file.

View source
class WSClientRESTEndpoint extends WSClientEndpoint {

   * @var HttpClient
  protected $client;
  public function __construct(WSClientServiceDescription $service) {
    $this->service = $service;
    $this->url = $service->url;

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * @return HttpClient
  public function client() {
    if (!isset($this->client)) {
      $settings = $this->service->settings;

      // Determine which type of authentication to use.
      $authentication = NULL;
      if (isset($settings['authentication'])) {

        // Handle each type of authentication.
        foreach ($settings['authentication'] as $auth => $auth_settings) {

          // @todo Remove this check once multiple authentications are
          // implemented.
          if ($auth == 'type') {

          // @todo Remove this check once multiple authentications are
          // implemeted. For now the switch would cause the last configured
          // authentication type to be taken.
          if ($auth == $settings['authentication']['type']) {

            // @todo Allow multiple authentications by implementing and using
            // HttpClientCompositeAuth.
            switch ($auth) {

              // OAuth v2 support using the http_client module.
              case 'oauth2':
                $authentication = new HttpClientOAuth2($auth_settings);

              // Default authentication options from the http_client module.
              case 'basic':
              case 'wss':
                $username = $auth_settings['username'];
                $password = $auth_settings['password'];
                $authentication = new HttpClientBasicAuth($username, $password);
      if (wsclient_rest_has_old_formatter($settings)) {
        $formatter = new $settings['formatter']();
        $this->client = new HttpClient($authentication, $formatter, $this);
      else {
        $formatters = array();
        foreach (array(
        ) as $formatter_type) {

          // Settings could be missing.
          $formatter_settings = !empty($settings[$formatter_type]['settings']) ? $settings[$formatter_type]['settings'] : array();
          $formatters[$formatter_type] = new $settings[$formatter_type]['class']($formatter_settings);
        $formatter = new HttpClientCompositeFormatter($formatters['send_formatter'], $formatters['receive_formatter']);
        $this->client = new HttpClient($authentication, $formatter, $this);

      // Pass through additional curl options.
      if (!empty($settings['curl options'])) {
        $this->client->options['curlopts'] = $settings['curl options'];
    return $this->client;

   * Calls the REST service.
   * @param string $operation_name
   *   The name of the operation to execute.
   * @param array $arguments
   *   Arguments to pass to the service with this operation.
  public function call($operation_name, $arguments) {
    $operation = $this->service->operations[$operation_name];
    $operation_url = isset($operation['url']) ? $operation['url'] : '';

    // Replace argument patterns in the operation URL.
    foreach ($arguments as $key => $value) {
      if (strpos($operation_url, '@' . $key) !== FALSE) {
        $operation_url = str_replace('@' . $key, $value, $operation_url);
    $client = $this
    $type = isset($operation['type']) ? $operation['type'] : 'GET';
    $data = NULL;
    if (isset($operation['data'])) {
      $data = $arguments[$operation['data']];

    // Services module compliance: post fields should be in the $data array
    // instead of $arguments.
    if ($type == 'POST' || $type == 'PUT') {
      $data = array_merge((array) $data, $arguments);
      if (empty($data)) {
    try {
      $response = $client
        ->execute(new HttpClientRequest($this->service->url . $operation_url, array(
        'method' => $type,
        'parameters' => $arguments,
        'data' => $data,
      return $response;
    } catch (HttpClientException $e) {
      throw new WSClientException('Error invoking the REST service %name, operation %operation: %error', array(
        '%name' => $this->service->label,
        '%operation' => $operation_name,
        '%error' => $e

   * Adds options to the Web Service config form specific to the REST service.
   * Allows the user to choose which formatter (JSO, PHP, XML) to use for
   * requesting or parsing
   * @see WSClientEndpoint::formAlter($form, $form_state)
  public function formAlter(&$form, &$form_state) {
    $service = $form_state['service'];
    $options = wsclient_rest_formatters_as_options();
    switch ($form_state['form']) {
      case 'main':
        $default_formatter = NULL;
        foreach (array(
        ) as $formatter_type) {
          if (wsclient_rest_has_custom_formatter($service->settings, $formatter_type)) {
            $default_formatter = 'custom';
          else {
            $default_formatter = isset($service->settings[$formatter_type]['class']) ? $service->settings[$formatter_type]['class'] : 'WsclientRestJSONFormatter';
          switch ($formatter_type) {
            case 'send_formatter':
              $title = t('Request formatter (send_formatter)');
              $description = t('Choose how to serialize the request.');
              $weight = 50;
            case 'receive_formatter':
              $title = t('Response formatter (receive_formatter)');
              $description = t('Choose how to parse the response.');
              $weight = 55;
          $form['settings'][$formatter_type] = array(
            '#type' => 'fieldset',
            '#title' => $title,
            '#tree' => TRUE,
            '#weight' => $weight,
          $form['settings'][$formatter_type]['class'] = array(
            '#type' => 'select',
            '#title' => t('Formatter'),
            '#default_value' => $default_formatter,
            '#description' => $description,
            '#options' => $options,
      case 'operation':
        $operation = $form_state['operation'];
        $form['type'] = array(
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#title' => t('HTTP Method'),
          '#default_value' => isset($operation['type']) ? $operation['type'] : 'GET',
          '#description' => t('Specify the HTTP request method used for this operation.'),
          '#options' => array(
            'GET' => 'GET',
            'POST' => 'POST',
            'PUT' => 'PUT',
            'DELETE' => 'DELETE',
          '#weight' => -5,
        $form['url'] = array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#title' => t('Path'),
          '#default_value' => isset($operation['url']) ? $operation['url'] : '',
          '#description' => t('The path to append to the services base URL. In order to construct the path using parameter values make use of replacements in the form "@parameter-name". E.g. the path "node/@nid" together with a "nid" parameter could be used to construct the path to a Drupal node.'),
          '#weight' => -5,

    // Allow formatters to alter the form.
    foreach ($options as $options_groupped) {
      foreach (array_keys($options_groupped) as $formatter_class) {
        if ($formatter_class == 'custom') {

          // Skip custom.
        $formatter = new $formatter_class();
        if (method_exists($formatter, 'formAlter')) {
            ->formAlter($form, $form_state);
    $form['#submit'][] = 'wsclient_rest_form_submit';

   * Alters the given request.
   * The public alterRequest method supported by Hugo Wetterberg's HttpClient.
   * The request to be altered is passed to drupal_alter() with the service
   * definition as a context.
   * @param HttpClientRequest $request
   *   The request to be altered.
   * @see HttpClient
   * @see hook_wsclient_rest_request_alter()
  public function alterRequest($request) {
    drupal_alter('wsclient_rest_request', $request, $this->service);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
WSClientEndpoint::$service protected property
WSClientEndpoint::$url protected property
WSClientEndpoint::clearCache public function Clear any caches the endpoint maintains. Overrides WSClientEndpointInterface::clearCache
WSClientEndpoint::dataTypes public function An array of info about data types used by the provided events/actions being not entities. Overrides WSClientEndpointInterface::dataTypes
WSClientRESTEndpoint::$client protected property Overrides WSClientEndpoint::$client
WSClientRESTEndpoint::alterRequest public function Alters the given request.
WSClientRESTEndpoint::call public function Calls the REST service. Overrides WSClientEndpoint::call
WSClientRESTEndpoint::client public function
WSClientRESTEndpoint::formAlter public function Adds options to the Web Service config form specific to the REST service. Overrides WSClientEndpoint::formAlter
WSClientRESTEndpoint::__construct public function Overrides WSClientEndpoint::__construct