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webform_confirm_email.module in Webform Confirm Email Address 6.3


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// test with email strings, not components (if that makes any sense)
// test multiple confirmations (ORed: one trigger needed to send all)

 * conditions could actually be infered from email config
include_once '';

 * Implements hook_webform_submission_delete().
 * Respond to a Webform submission being deleted - if a submission
 * is deleted the hash for the confirmation URL can be deleted too
 * @param $node
 *   The Webform node on which this submission was made.
 * @param $submission
 *   The Webform submission that was just deleted from the database.
function webform_confirm_email_webform_submission_delete($node, $submission) {
  db_query('DELETE FROM {webform_confirm_email_code} ' . 'WHERE nid = %d ' . 'AND   sid = %d ', $node->nid, $submission->sid);
function webform_confirm_email_is_confirmation_request($nid, $eid) {
  $obj = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT nid ' . 'FROM {webform_confirm_email} ' . 'WHERE nid = %d ' . 'AND   eid = %d ', (int) $nid, (int) $eid));
  return is_object($obj);

 * generate a hash for a new email submission
 * @param $nid
 *   node id of the submitted form
 * @param $sid
 *   submission id of the submitted form
 * @param $email
 *   email address of the submitter; if empty, it's assumed that the submission
 *   has already happened and the webform_confirm_email_code table is searched
 *   for a hash
function webform_confirm_email_generate_key($nid, $sid, $eid) {
  return hash_hmac('md5', serialize(array(
  )), drupal_get_private_key());

 * Implementation of hook_mail_alter().
 * When drupal sends an email this function checks whether there is an entry
 * in the webform_confirm_email table that identifies the email as being a
 * confirmation request email.
 * If it's then a hash code is generated and an URL is build out of the hash.
 * The "%confirm_url" variable in the mail body is replaced by this generated
 * confirmation URL.
 * @param $message
function webform_confirm_email_mail_alter(&$message) {
  if (!empty($message['params']['submission'])) {
    if (webform_confirm_email_is_confirmation_request($message['params']['email']['nid'], $message['params']['email']['eid']) == TRUE) {
      $eid = (int) $message['params']['email']['eid'];
      $nid = (int) $message['params']['email']['nid'];
      $sid = (int) $message['params']['submission']->sid;
      $code = webform_confirm_email_generate_key($nid, $sid, $eid);
      $confirm_url = url("node/{$nid}/sid/{$sid}/eid/{$eid}/confirm_email/{$code}", array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'external' => FALSE,

      // replace %confirm_url with proper URL
      foreach ($message['body'] as $i => $b) {
        $message['body'][$i] = str_replace('%confirm_url', $confirm_url, $b);
      $query = db_query('SELECT eid ' . 'FROM {webform_confirm_email_confirmation_emails} ' . 'WHERE nid = %d ', $nid);
      $confirmation_emails = array();
      while ($conf_eid = db_fetch_array($query)) {
        $conf_eid = array_shift($conf_eid);
        $confirmation_emails[$conf_eid] = _webform_confirm_email_build_confirmation_email($nid, $sid, webform_confirmation_email_load($conf_eid, $nid));
      $obj = array(
        'nid' => $nid,
        'sid' => $sid,
        'eid' => $eid,
        'code' => $code,
        'confirmation_emails' => serialize($confirmation_emails),
      drupal_write_record('webform_confirm_email_code', $obj);

 * helper function to build an email out of it's parts
 * copied from webform_submission_send_mail()
function _webform_confirm_email_build_confirmation_email($nid, $sid, $email) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.submissions');
  $node = node_load($nid);
  $submission = webform_get_submission($nid, $sid);

  // Set the HTML property based on availablity of MIME Mail.
  $email['html'] = $email['html'] && webform_email_html_capable();

  // Pass through the theme layer if using the default template.
  if ($email['template'] == 'default') {
    $email['message'] = theme(array(
      'webform_mail_' . $node->nid,
    ), $node, $submission, $email);
  else {
    $email['message'] = $email['template'];

  // Replace tokens in the message.
  $email['message'] = _webform_filter_values($email['message'], $node, $submission, $email, FALSE, TRUE);

  // Build the e-mail headers.
  $email['headers'] = theme(array(
    'webform_mail_headers_' . $nid,
  ), $node, $submission, $email);

  // Assemble the From string.
  if (isset($email['headers']['From'])) {

    // If a header From is already set, don't override it.
    $email['from'] = $email['headers']['From'];
  else {
    $email['from'] = webform_format_email_address($email['from_address'], $email['from_name'], $node, $submission);

  // Update the subject if set in the themed headers.
  if (isset($email['headers']['Subject'])) {
    $email['subject'] = $email['headers']['Subject'];
  else {
    $email['subject'] = webform_format_email_subject($email['subject'], $node, $submission);

  // Update the to e-mail if set in the themed headers.
  if (isset($email['headers']['To'])) {
    $email['email'] = $email['headers']['To'];

  // Generate the list of addresses that this e-mail will be sent to.
  $addresses = array_filter(explode(',', $email['email']));
  $addresses_final = array();
  foreach ($addresses as $address) {
    $address = trim($address);

    // After filtering e-mail addresses with component values, a single value
    // might contain multiple addresses (such as from checkboxes or selects).
    $address = webform_format_email_address($address, NULL, $node, $submission, TRUE, FALSE, 'short');
    if (is_array($address)) {
      foreach ($address as $new_address) {
        $new_address = trim($new_address);
        if (valid_email_address($new_address)) {
          $addresses_final[] = $new_address;
    elseif (valid_email_address($address)) {
      $addresses_final[] = $address;
  $messages = array();

  // Mail the webform results.
  foreach ($addresses_final as $address) {
    $message = array();

    // Verify that this submission is not attempting to send any spam hacks.
    if (_webform_submission_spam_check($address, $email['subject'], $email['from'], $email['headers'])) {
    $language = $user->uid ? user_preferred_language($user) : language_default();

    // this is a workaround: because the confirmation emails are stored seperately in the
    // webform_confirm_email_confirmation_emails table it is possible that one of these will
    // get the same eid as on of the confirmation request emails (wich are stored in webform_emails)
    // if that happens our hook_mail_alter above will start doing unwanted things, hence we set
    // eid to 0 here because none of the webform emails will ever get that eid
    $email['eid'] = 0;
    $mail_params = array(
      'message' => $email['message'],
      'subject' => $email['subject'],
      'headers' => $email['headers'],
      'node' => $node,
      'submission' => $submission,
      'email' => $email,
    if (webform_email_html_capable()) {

      // Load attachments for the e-mail.
      $attachments = array();
      if ($email['attachments']) {
        foreach ($node->webform['components'] as $component) {
          if (webform_component_feature($component['type'], 'attachment') && !empty($submission->data[$component['cid']]['value'][0])) {
            if (webform_component_implements($component['type'], 'attachments')) {
              $files = webform_component_invoke($component['type'], 'attachments', $component, $submission->data[$component['cid']]['value']);
              if ($files) {
                $attachments = array_merge($attachments, $files);

      // Enable drupal_mail_alter() to alter attachments.
      $mail_params['attachments'] = $attachments;

      // Prepare (but don't send) the e-mail normally.
      $message['html_capable'] = drupal_mail('webform', 'submission', $address, $language, $mail_params, $email['from'], FALSE);
      $message['html_capable']['html'] = !$email['html'];
    $message['module'] = 'webform';
    $message['key'] = 'submission';
    $message['to'] = $address;
    $message['language'] = $language;
    $message['params'] = $mail_params;
    $message['from'] = $email['from'];
    $messages[] = $message;
  return $messages;

 * Form submit callback function of the confirmation form
 * the user gets presented when he/she clicks on the confirmation URL
 * that was sent to him/her with the confirmation request email.
 * It's main purpose is to send off the confirmation email(s) that was stored
 * previously in the webform_confirm_email_mail_alter function.
function _webform_confirm_email_confirmed_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $nid = (int) $form['nid']['#value'];
  $sid = (int) $form['sid']['#value'];
  $conf_request_eid = (int) $form['eid']['#value'];

  //redirect user after confirmation to original webform
  $form_state['redirect'] = 'node/' . $nid;
  $emails = unserialize(db_result(db_query('SELECT confirmation_emails ' . 'FROM {webform_confirm_email_code} ' . 'WHERE nid = %d ' . 'AND   sid = %d ' . 'AND   eid = %d ', $nid, $sid, $conf_request_eid)));
  $emails = unserialize($emails);

  //module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.submissions');
  if (isset($emails) == TRUE) {
    foreach ($emails as $confirmation_eid => $messages) {

      // one message can have more then 1 recipient so we loop
      // and send each message separately
      foreach ($messages as $index => $message) {
        if (webform_email_html_capable() && isset($message['html_capable']) == TRUE) {

          // Send the e-mail via MIME mail.
          $html_message = $message['html_capable'];
          $result = mimemail($html_message['from'], $html_message['to'], $html_message['subject'], $html_message['body'], $html_message['html'], $html_message['headers'], $html_message['html'] ? $html_message['body'] : NULL, $html_message['params']['attachments'], 'webform');

          // Support boolean (older) or array-based return values from MIME Mail.
          if (is_array($result) == TRUE && $result['result'] != FALSE || is_array($result) == FALSE && $result != FALSE) {
          else {
            watchdog('mail', 'Error sending e-mail (from %from to %to).', array(
              '%from' => $html_message['from'],
              '%to' => $html_message['to'],
            ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
            drupal_set_message(t('Unable to send e-mail. Please contact the site administrator if the problem persists.'), 'error');
        else {
          $result = drupal_mail($message['module'], $message['key'], $message['to'], $message['language'], $message['params'], $message['from']);
          if ($result['result'] == TRUE) {
          else {
            watchdog('mail', 'Error sending e-mail (from %from to %to).', array(
              '%from' => $message['from'],
              '%to' => $message['to'],
            ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
            drupal_set_message(t('Unable to send e-mail. Please contact the site administrator if the problem persists.'), 'error');
      if (count($messages) == 0) {
  if (count($emails) == 0) {
    db_query('DELETE FROM {webform_confirm_email_code} ' . 'WHERE nid = %d ' . 'AND   sid = %d ' . 'AND   eid = %d ', $nid, $sid, $conf_request_eid);

 * This function builds the confirmation form that a user reaches
 * when he/she followes the link provided in the confirmation request email.
 * The submit callback function, that is set here, will later take
 * care of sending the confirmation email(s).
function webform_confirm_email_response_form($form_state, $nid, $sid, $eid, $code) {
  $nid = (int) $nid;
  $sid = (int) $sid;
  $eid = (int) $eid;
  if (empty($code) == TRUE || webform_confirm_email_generate_key($nid, $sid, $eid) != $code) {
    return drupal_not_found();
  $form = array(
    'nid' => array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $nid,
    'sid' => array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $sid,
    'eid' => array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $eid,
    '#submit' => array(
  $question = t('Confirm your email address?');
  $description = t('You are here to confirm your email address to complete a form submission ' . 'process. You can acknowledge this was you, click no to report the abuse ' . 'of your email address or ignore this form knowing no email messages ' . 'were sent from our site in your name.');
  $report_abuse_url = 'node/' . $nid . '/report_abuse/' . $sid . "/{$code}";
  return confirm_form($form, $question, $report_abuse_url, $description, t('Yes, that was me.'), t('No, someone is using my email address without my knowledge.'));

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
 * The callback function is registered here to handle all page requests
 * with confirmation hash codes in the URL
function webform_confirm_email_menu() {
  return array(
    'node/%/sid/%/eid/%/confirm_email' => array(
      'title' => 'Submit email confirmation',
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => TRUE,
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'node/%webform_menu/webform/confirmation_request/%webform_menu_email' => array(
      'title' => t('Edit confirmation request e-mail settings'),
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_confirmation_request_email_edit',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'node_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'node/%webform_menu/webform/confirmation_request/%webform_menu_email/delete' => array(
      'title' => t('Delete a confirmation request e-mail'),
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_confirmation_request_email_delete',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'node_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'node/%webform_menu/webform/confirmation/%webform_confirmation_email' => array(
      'title' => t('Edit confirmation e-mail settings'),
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_confirmation_email_edit',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'node_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'node/%webform_menu/webform/confirmation/%webform_confirmation_email/delete' => array(
      'title' => t('Delete a confirmation request e-mail'),
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_confirmation_email_delete',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'node_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,

    //We're not doing anything helpful with this right now.
    'node/%webform_menu/report_abuse/%webform_menu_submission/%' => array(
      'title' => t('Report abuse regarding email confirmation'),
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_report_abuse',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => TRUE,
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,

 * Report abuse callback function, currently not implemented
function webform_confirm_email_report_abuse() {
  return t('Sorry, not implemented yet. Try <a href="/contact">contact</a>.');



Namesort descending Description
webform_confirm_email_generate_key generate a hash for a new email submission
webform_confirm_email_mail_alter Implementation of hook_mail_alter().
webform_confirm_email_menu Implementation of hook_menu(). The callback function is registered here to handle all page requests with confirmation hash codes in the URL
webform_confirm_email_report_abuse Report abuse callback function, currently not implemented
webform_confirm_email_response_form This function builds the confirmation form that a user reaches when he/she followes the link provided in the confirmation request email. The submit callback function, that is set here, will later take care of sending the confirmation email(s).
webform_confirm_email_webform_submission_delete Implements hook_webform_submission_delete().
_webform_confirm_email_build_confirmation_email helper function to build an email out of it's parts
_webform_confirm_email_confirmed_form_submit Form submit callback function of the confirmation form the user gets presented when he/she clicks on the confirmation URL that was sent to him/her with the confirmation request email. It's main purpose is to send off the confirmation email(s)…