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Functions in Webform Confirm Email Address 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_webform_confirm_email_emails_form ./ theme hook defined in hook_theme_registry_alter(). 1
theme_webform_confirm_email_email_add_form ./ theme hook defined in hook_theme_registry_alter(). 1
webform_confirmation_email_load ./ Menu loader callback 1
webform_confirm_email_confirmation_email_add ./ submit handler callback from the confirmation email add button 1
webform_confirm_email_confirmation_email_delete ./ callback function set in hook_menu(). It creates the delete email form for confirmation emails 1
webform_confirm_email_confirmation_email_edit ./ callback function set in hook_menu(). It creates the email settings form for the confirmation request emails 1
webform_confirm_email_confirmation_request_email_add ./ submit handler callback from the confirmation request email add button 1
webform_confirm_email_confirmation_request_email_delete ./ callback function set in hook_menu(). 1
webform_confirm_email_confirmation_request_email_edit ./ callback function set in hook_menu(). 1
webform_confirm_email_form_webform_emails_form_alter ./ Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter()
webform_confirm_email_generate_key ./webform_confirm_email.module generate a hash for a new email submission 2
webform_confirm_email_install ./webform_confirm_email.install Implementation of hook_install().
webform_confirm_email_is_confirmation_request ./webform_confirm_email.module 1
webform_confirm_email_mail_alter ./webform_confirm_email.module Implementation of hook_mail_alter().
webform_confirm_email_menu ./webform_confirm_email.module Implementation of hook_menu(). The callback function is registered here to handle all page requests with confirmation hash codes in the URL
webform_confirm_email_report_abuse ./webform_confirm_email.module Report abuse callback function, currently not implemented 1
webform_confirm_email_response_form ./webform_confirm_email.module This function builds the confirmation form that a user reaches when he/she followes the link provided in the confirmation request email. The submit callback function, that is set here, will later take care of sending the confirmation email(s). 1
webform_confirm_email_schema ./webform_confirm_email.install Implementation of hook_schema().
webform_confirm_email_theme_registry_alter ./ implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
webform_confirm_email_uninstall ./webform_confirm_email.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
webform_confirm_email_webform_component_delete ./ Implements hook_webform_component_delete().
webform_confirm_email_webform_submission_delete ./webform_confirm_email.module Implements hook_webform_submission_delete().
_webform_confirm_email_build_confirmation_email ./webform_confirm_email.module helper function to build an email out of it's parts 1
_webform_confirm_email_build_webform_email_delete_form ./ helper function to build a form based on the 'webform_email_delete_form' from the webform module 2
_webform_confirm_email_build_webform_email_edit_form ./ helper function to build a form based on the 'webform_email_edit_form' from the webform module 2
_webform_confirm_email_confirmation_email_delete_submit ./ submit handler for deleting confirmation emails 1
_webform_confirm_email_confirmation_request_email_delete_submit ./ submit handler for deleting confirmation request emails 1
_webform_confirm_email_confirmed_form_submit ./webform_confirm_email.module Form submit callback function of the confirmation form the user gets presented when he/she clicks on the confirmation URL that was sent to him/her with the confirmation request email. It's main purpose is to send off the confirmation email(s)… 1
_webform_confirm_email_edit_confirmation_email_submit ./ submit handler for confirmation request emails edit form 1
_webform_confirm_email_edit_confirmation_request_email_submit ./ submit handler for confirmation request emails edit form 1

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