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function mimemail in Mime Mail 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 mimemail.module \mimemail()

Compose and optionally send a MIME-encoded e-mail message.

Determines the mail engine to use, then prepares the message by calling it's prepare function. Uses the default engine, If another one does not exist.


$sender: The email address or user object who is sending the message.

$recipient: An email address or user object who is receiving the message.

$subject: A subject line string.

$body: The message body in HTML format.

$plaintext: Whether to send the message as plaintext only or HTML. If set to 1, Yes or TRUE, then the message will be sent as plaintext.

$headers: Optional e-mail headers in a keyed array.

$text: Optional plaintext portion of a multipart e-mail.

$attachments: An array of arrays which describe one or more attachments. Existing files can be added by path, dinamically-generated files can be added by content. The internal array consists of the following parts:

  • filepath: Relative Drupal path to an existing file (filecontent is NULL).
  • filecontent: The actual content of the file (filepath is NULL).
  • filename: The filename of the file.
  • filemime: The MIME type of the file.

The array of arrays looks something like this: Array ( [0] => Array ( [filepath] => '/sites/default/files/attachment.txt' [filecontent] => 'My attachment.' [filename] => 'attachment.txt' [filemime] => 'text/plain' ) )

$mailkey: An identifier for the message.

$send: Send the message directly.

Return value

An array containing the MIME-encoded message, including headers and body.

4 calls to mimemail()
mimemail.module in ./mimemail.module
Component module for sending MIME-encoded e-mails.
mimemail_rules_action_mail_to_user in includes/
Implements action to send a mail to a user and to an arbitrary mail address.
mimemail_rules_action_mail_to_users_of_role in includes/
Implements action to send mail to all users of a specific role group(s).
mimemail_send_mail_action in modules/mimemail_action/mimemail_action.module
Implements a configurable Drupal action. Sends an email.
11 string references to 'mimemail'
mimemail_admin_settings in includes/
Module configuration form.
mimemail_disable in ./mimemail.install
Implements hook_disable().
mimemail_mailengine in ./mimemail.module
The default mailengine.
mimemail_menu in ./mimemail.module
Implements hook_menu().
mimemail_prepare_message in ./mimemail.module
Default engine's prepare function.

... See full list


./mimemail.module, line 286
Component module for sending MIME-encoded e-mails.


function mimemail($sender, $recipient, $subject, $body, $plaintext = NULL, $headers = array(), $text = NULL, $attachments = array(), $mailkey = '', $send = TRUE) {
  $engine = variable_get('mimemail_engine', 'mimemail');
  $mailengine = $engine . '_mailengine';
  $engine_prepare_message = $engine . '_prepare_message';
  if (!$engine || !function_exists($mailengine)) {
    return FALSE;
  if (function_exists($engine_prepare_message)) {
    $message = $engine_prepare_message($sender, $recipient, $subject, $body, $plaintext, $headers, $text, $attachments, $mailkey);
  else {
    $message = mimemail_prepare_message($sender, $recipient, $subject, $body, $plaintext, $headers, $text, $attachments, $mailkey);

  // Optionally send e-mail.
  if ($send) {
    $message['result'] = mimemail_send_message($message);
  return $message;