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webform_confirm_email.module in Webform Confirm Email Address 7.2


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 * @file
include_once '';
include_once '';

 * Implements hook_webform_submission_delete().
 * Respond to a Webform submission being deleted - if a submission
 * is deleted the hash for the confirmation URL can be deleted too
 * @param $node
 *   The Webform node on which this submission was made.
 * @param $submission
 *   The Webform submission that was just deleted from the database.
function webform_confirm_email_webform_submission_delete($node, $submission) {
    ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
    ->condition('sid', $submission->sid)

 * Check whether a given email ID is a confirmation or conditional email
 * and return its type.
 * @param $nid
 *   The Webform node ID for which the email type is fetched
 * @param $eid
 *   The Webform email ID for which the email type is fetched
function webform_confirm_email_get_email_type($nid, $eid) {
  return db_query('SELECT email_type ' . '  FROM {webform_confirm_email} ' . '    WHERE nid = :nid ' . '    AND   eid = :eid ', array(
    ':nid' => (int) $nid,
    ':eid' => (int) $eid,

 * Generate a hash for a new email submission, or get an existing hash.
 * @param $nid
 *   node id of the submitted form
 * @param $sid
 *   submission id of the submitted form
 * @param $eid
 *   The email ID of the email that is being confirmed.
 * @return string
 *   The hash for this submission / email.
function webform_confirm_email_generate_key($nid, $sid, $eid) {
  $data = "webform-confirm-email-code:{$nid}:{$sid}:{$eid}";
  return drupal_hmac_base64($data, drupal_get_private_key());

 * Implements hook_mail_alter().
 * When drupal sends an email this function checks whether there is an entry
 * in the webform_confirm_email table that identifies the email as being a
 * confirmation request or confirmation email.
 * If it's a confirmational mail a hash code is generated, an URL is generated
 * out of the hash and the [submission:confirm_url] is replaced in the email by
 * this generated confirmation URL.
 * If it's a confirmation email, the email is stopped from being send; This is because
 * after a webform submission the webform module would send all emails that are
 * registered for this form; but we want the confirmation email to be send only when
 * the user uses the confirmation link that is send to him/her in the confirmation request email.
 * @param $message
function webform_confirm_email_mail_alter(&$message) {
  if (!empty($message['params']['node']) && !empty($message['params']['submission'])) {
    $nid = (int) $message['params']['node']->nid;
    $sid = (int) $message['params']['submission']->sid;
    $eid = (int) $message['params']['email']['eid'];
    if (webform_confirm_email_get_email_type($nid, $eid) == WEBFORM_CONFIRM_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION && isset($message['params']['webform_confirm_email_confirmation_send']) == FALSE) {
      $obj = array(
        'nid' => $nid,
        'sid' => $sid,
        'email' => $message,
        'created' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'],
      $message['send'] = FALSE;

      // prevents drupal_mail from actually sending the message
      drupal_write_record('webform_confirm_email_queued_emails', $obj);

 * Access callback: Check the confirmation page hash value.
function webform_confirm_email_confirmation_access($node, $submission, $eid, $code) {
  return webform_confirm_email_generate_key($node->nid, $submission->sid, $eid) === $code;

 * Page callback: User clicked on a confirmation link.
 * When any confirmation link is clicked for the first time:
 * - All the emails waiting for the confirmation are sent.
 * - The submission is marked as confirmed.
 * Later clicks on the same or other confirmation links will not lead to any
 * action. The user simply redirected to the appropriate URL.
function webform_confirm_email_confirmation($node, $submission, $eid) {
    'confirmed' => 1,
    ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
    ->condition('sid', $submission->sid)
  $first_confirmation = !$submission->confirmed;
  $submission->confirmed = 1;
  $messages = db_select('webform_confirm_email_queued_emails', 'e')
    ->fields('e', array(
    ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
    ->condition('sid', $submission->sid)
  foreach ($messages as $email_message) {
    $email_message = unserialize($email_message);

    // Concatenate and wrap the e-mail body.
    if (is_array($email_message['body'])) {
      $email_message['body'] = implode("\n\n", $email_message['body']);
    $email_message['params']['webform_confirm_email_confirmation_send'] = TRUE;
    $email_message = drupal_mail($email_message['module'], $email_message['key'], $email_message['to'], $email_message['language'], $email_message['params'], $email_message['from'], TRUE);
    if ($email_message['result'] == FALSE) {
      watchdog('mail', 'Error sending e-mail (from %from to %to).', array(
        '%from' => $email_message['from'],
        '%to' => $email_message['to'],
      drupal_set_message(t('Unable to send e-mail. ' . 'Please contact the site administrator if the problem persists.'), 'error');
    ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
    ->condition('sid', $submission->sid)

  // Let other modules react to the submission being confirmed.
  module_invoke_all('webform_confirm_email_email_confirmed', $node, $submission, $first_confirmation);
  if (module_exists('rules') == TRUE) {
    rules_invoke_event('webform_confirm_email_email_confirmed', $node, $submission, $first_confirmation);
  $redirect_url = db_query('SELECT redirect_url ' . '  FROM {webform_confirm_email} ' . '    WHERE nid = :nid ' . '    AND   eid = :eid ', array(
    ':nid' => $node->nid,
    ':eid' => $eid,
  if ($redirect_url == NULL) {
    if (empty($node->webform['redirect_url']) == TRUE) {
    elseif ($node->webform['redirect_url'] == '<confirmation>' || $node->webform['redirect_url'] == '<none>') {
      $redirect_url = 'node/' . $node->nid . '/done';
    else {
      $redirect_url = $node->webform['redirect_url'];
  $redirect = array(
    'path' => $redirect_url,
    'code' => 302,
    'query' => array(
      'sid' => $submission->sid,
      'confirm' => TRUE,
      'token' => md5($submission->submitted . $submission->sid . drupal_get_private_key()),
  drupal_alter('webform_confirm_email_confirmation_redirect', $redirect, $node, $submission);
  drupal_goto($redirect['path'], $redirect, $redirect['code']);

 * Implements hook_menu().
function webform_confirm_email_menu() {
  return array(
    'node/%webform_menu/sid/%webform_menu_submission/eid/%/confirm_email/%' => array(
      'title' => 'Submit email confirmation',
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_confirmation',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_confirmation_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'node/%webform_menu/webform/confirmation_request/%webform_menu_email' => array(
      'title' => t('Edit confirmation request e-mail settings'),
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_confirmation_request_email_edit',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'node_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'node/%webform_menu/webform/confirmation_request/%webform_menu_email/delete' => array(
      'title' => t('Delete a confirmation request e-mail'),
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_delete',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'node_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'node/%webform_menu/webform/confirmation/%webform_menu_email' => array(
      'title' => t('Edit confirmation e-mail settings'),
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_confirmation_email_edit',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'node_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'node/%webform_menu/webform/confirmation/%webform_menu_email/delete' => array(
      'title' => t('Delete a confirmation e-mail'),
      'load arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_delete',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'node_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'node/%webform_menu/webform/confirmation-settings' => array(
      'title' => t('Confirmation mail settings'),
      'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'node_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'weight' => 2,
      'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,

 * Implements hook_menu_alter().
function webform_confirm_email_menu_alter(&$items) {
  $items['node/%webform_menu/webform-results'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_results_submissions',
    'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_confirm_email'),
    'file' => '',
  ) + $items['node/%webform_menu/webform-results'];
  $items['node/%webform_menu/webform-results/submissions'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_results_submissions',
    'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_confirm_email'),
    'file' => '',
  ) + $items['node/%webform_menu/webform-results/submissions'];
  $items['node/%webform_menu/webform-results/table'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'webform_confirm_email_results_table',
    'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_confirm_email'),
    'file' => '',
  ) + $items['node/%webform_menu/webform-results/table'];

 * Implements hook_token_info_alter().
function webform_confirm_email_token_info_alter(&$data) {
  $data['tokens']['submission']['confirm_url'] = array(
    'name' => t("Confirmation URL"),
    'description' => t('The URL in the email body generated by webform_confirm_email for the user to click and confirm his/her submissions.'),

* Implementation hook_token_info().
function webform_confirm_email_token_info() {
  $info['types']['webform-submission'] = array(
    'name' => t('Submission'),
    'description' => t('Tokens related to webform submissions.'),
    'needs-data' => 'submission',
  $info['tokens']['webform-submission']['serial'] = array(
    'name' => t('Serial number'),
    'description' => t('The serial number of this webform submission.'),
  $info['tokens']['webform-submission']['sid'] = array(
    'name' => t('Submission ID'),
    'description' => t('The unique indentifier for the webform submission.'),
  $info['tokens']['webform-submission']['date'] = array(
    'name' => t('Date submitted'),
    'description' => t('The date the webform was submitted.'),
    'type' => 'date',
  $info['tokens']['webform-submission']['ip-address'] = array(
    'name' => t('IP address'),
    'description' => t('The IP address that was used when submitting the webform.'),
  $info['tokens']['webform-submission']['user'] = array(
    'name' => t('Submitter'),
    'description' => t('The user that submitted the webform result.'),
    'type' => 'user',
  $info['tokens']['webform-submission']['url'] = array(
    'name' => t('URL'),
    'description' => t("Webform tokens related to the submission's URL."),
    'type' => 'url',
  $info['tokens']['webform-submission']['edit-url'] = array(
    'name' => t('Edit URL'),
    'description' => t("Webform tokens related to the submission's Edit URL."),
    'type' => 'url',
  return $info;

 * Implements hook_tokens().
function webform_confirm_email_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data = array(), array $options = array()) {
  $replacements = array();
  if ($type !== 'submission' && $type !== 'webform-submission' || empty($data['webform-submission'])) {
    return $replacements;
  $submission = $data['webform-submission'];
  $sanitize = !empty($options['sanitize']);
  $url_options = array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
  if (isset($options['language'])) {
    $url_options['language'] = $options['language'];
    $language_code = $options['language']->language;
  else {
    $language_code = NULL;
  $node = isset($data['node']) ? $data['node'] : node_load($submission->nid);
  if ($type === 'submission' && isset($tokens['confirm_url']) && !empty($data['webform-email'])) {
    $nid = (int) $node->nid;
    $sid = (int) $submission->sid;
    $eid = (int) $data['webform-email']['eid'];
    if (webform_confirm_email_get_email_type($nid, $eid) == WEBFORM_CONFIRM_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST) {
      $code = webform_confirm_email_generate_key($nid, $sid, $eid);
      $confirm_url = url("node/{$nid}/sid/{$sid}/eid/{$eid}/confirm_email/{$code}", array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
        'external' => FALSE,
      if (!empty($data['webform-email']['html'])) {
        $confirm_url = "<a href=\"{$confirm_url}\">{$confirm_url}</a>";
      $replacements['[submission:confirm_url]'] = $confirm_url;
  elseif ($type === 'webform-submission' && !empty($tokens)) {
    foreach ($tokens as $key => $repl_str) {
      switch ($key) {
        case 'serial':
          $replacements[$repl_str] = $submission->serial ? $submission->serial : '';
        case 'sid':
          $replacements[$repl_str] = $submission->sid ? $submission->sid : '';
        case 'date':
          $replacements[$repl_str] = format_date($submission->submitted, 'medium', '', NULL, $language_code);
        case 'ip-address':
          $replacements[$repl_str] = $sanitize ? check_plain($submission->remote_addr) : $submission->remote_addr;
        case 'user':
          $account = user_load($submission->uid);
          $name = format_username($account);
          $replacements[$repl_str] = $sanitize ? check_plain($name) : $name;
        case 'url':
          $replacements[$repl_str] = $submission->sid ? url("node/{$node->nid}/submission/{$submission->sid}", $url_options) : '';
        case 'edit-url':
          $replacements[$repl_str] = $submission->sid ? url("node/{$node->nid}/submission/{$submission->sid}/edit", $url_options) : '';

    // Chained token relationships.
    if ($date_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'date')) {
      $replacements += token_generate('date', $date_tokens, array(
        'date' => $submission->submitted,
      ), $options);
    if (($user_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'user')) && ($account = user_load($submission->uid))) {
      $replacements += token_generate('user', $user_tokens, array(
        'user' => $account,
      ), $options);
    if ($submission->sid) {
      if ($url_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'url')) {
        $replacements += token_generate('url', $url_tokens, array(
          'path' => "node/{$node->nid}/submission/{$submission->sid}",
        ), $options);
      if ($url_tokens = token_find_with_prefix($tokens, 'edit-url')) {
        $replacements += token_generate('url', $url_tokens, array(
          'path' => "node/{$node->nid}/submission/{$submission->sid}/edit",
        ), $options);
  return $replacements;

 * Implements hook_help().
function webform_confirm_email_help($path, $arg) {
  if ($path === 'admin/help#webform_confirm_email') {
    return '<h3>Configuration</h3>
You will only notice it is installed when visiting a webform emails
configuration tab. That is, if your webform is defined on a node with node ID
19, you\'ll find the settings by "".
With webform_confirm_email installed you\'ll see 3 email tables instead of 1,
one table for "standard emails", one for "confirmation request emails" and one
for "confirmation emails".
The "standard emails" behave just like normal webform emails, "confirmation
reques emails" are send to users asking them to click on a confirmation link
and "confirmation emails" are send only when the confirmation link was used.
The forms for changing the 3 different webform email settings (from address,
from name, to address, to name, ...) is the same as the webform email settings
form.  The only difference is in the 2nd email type, the "confirmation request
email", where you have an added entry in the "Token values" list, here you\'ll
find the [submission:confirm_url] token that should be used in confirmation
request emails.
This token will be expanded to the confirmation link. So as an example the
content of your "E-mail template" could look like this:
"Hallo [submission:values:first_name] [submission:values:last_name],
<p style="text-indent:2em;">please visit the link below to confirm your submission.</p>
Thank you!
Your petition team"';

 * Implements hook_cron().
function webform_confirm_email_cron() {

  // get all node id's that we have to check for expired requests
  $nids_lifetime = db_query('SELECT nid, confirm_email_request_lifetime, confirm_email_delete_submissions ' . '  FROM {webform} ' . '  WHERE confirm_email_request_lifetime IS NOT NULL ')
  if (!empty($nids_lifetime)) {
    foreach ($nids_lifetime as $nid => $settings) {

      // Calculate the oldest timestamp that is still not expired for this nid.
      $timestamp = REQUEST_TIME - $settings->confirm_email_request_lifetime;
      $expired_sids[$nid] = db_select('webform_confirm_email_queued_emails', 'e')
        ->fields('e', array(
        ->condition('nid', $nid)
        ->condition('created', $timestamp, '<')
        ->condition('nid', $nid)
        ->condition('created', $timestamp, '<')
      if ($settings->confirm_email_delete_submissions) {
        require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'webform') . '/includes/';
        $node = node_load($nid);
        foreach ($expired_sids[$nid] as $sid) {
          webform_submission_delete($node, webform_get_submission($nid, $sid));
    if ($expired_sids) {
      module_invoke_all('webform_confirm_email_request_expired', $expired_sids);

 * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
function webform_confirm_email_theme_registry_alter(&$registry) {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_confirm_email');
  $t =& $registry['webform_results_submissions'];
  if ($t['type'] == 'module') {
    $t['template'] = $path . '/templates/webform-results-submissions';
    $t['file'] = '';
    $t['includes'][] = $path . '/';
    $t['theme path'] = $path;
    $functions = [];
    foreach ($t['preprocess functions'] as $f) {
      if ($f == 'template_preprocess_webform_results_submissions') {
        $functions[] = 'template_preprocess_webform_confirm_email_results_submissions';
      $functions[] = $f;
    $t['preprocess functions'] = $functions;
  $t =& $registry['webform_results_table'];
  if ($t['type'] == 'module') {
    $t['file'] = '';
    $t['includes'][] = $path . '/';
    $t['theme path'] = $path;
    $t['variables']['confirmed_form'] = NULL;
    $t['function'] = 'theme_webform_confirm_email_results_table';
  $registry['webform_emails_form']['function'] = 'theme_webform_confirm_email_emails_form';
  $registry['webform_email_add_form']['function'] = 'theme_webform_confirm_email_email_add_form';

 * Implements hook_webform_template_insert().
function webform_confirm_email_webform_template_insert($node, $template) {
  db_query('INSERT INTO {webform_confirm_email} ' . '  (nid, eid, email_type) ' . '  SELECT :target_nid, eid, email_type ' . '    FROM {webform_confirm_email} ' . '      WHERE nid=:template_nid ', array(
    ':target_nid' => $node->nid,
    ':template_nid' => $template->nid,

 * Implements hook_webform_template_update().
function webform_confirm_email_webform_template_update($node, $template) {
    ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
  webform_confirm_email_webform_template_insert($node, $template);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function webform_confirm_email_form_webform_results_download_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  $options = array(
    WEBFORM_CONFIRM_EMAIL_FILTER_NONE => t('Download all submissions'),
    WEBFORM_CONFIRM_EMAIL_FILTER_CONFIRMED => t('Download only confirmed submissions'),
    WEBFORM_CONFIRM_EMAIL_FILTER_UNCONFIRMED => t('Download only unconfirmed submissions'),
  $form['range']['confirmed'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('You can restrict the download to include only (un)confirmed submissions'),
    '#default_value' => WEBFORM_CONFIRM_EMAIL_FILTER_NONE,
    '#options' => $options,
    '#access' => TRUE,
  array_unshift($form['range']['#element_validate'], 'webform_confirm_email_range_validate');
  return $form;

 * Form-API element validate function for the range element.
function webform_confirm_email_range_validate($element, &$form_state) {

 * Helper function to store and retrieve the range configuration.
 * This is a hack to smuggle in this value into our query alter function.
 * @see webform_confirm_email_query_webform_download_sids_alter()
function _webform_confirm_email_range_confirmed($value = NULL) {
  $v =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!is_null($value)) {
    $v = $value;
  return $v;

 * Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
function webform_confirm_email_query_webform_download_sids_alter($query) {
  $confirmed = _webform_confirm_email_range_confirmed();
  if (!empty($confirmed)) {
    $op = $confirmed == WEBFORM_CONFIRM_EMAIL_FILTER_CONFIRMED ? '>' : '=';
      ->condition('ws.confirmed', 0, $op);

 * Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
function webform_confirm_email_query_webform_get_submissions_sids_alter($query) {

 * Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
function webform_confirm_email_query_webform_get_submission_count_alter($query) {

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function webform_confirm_email_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 3.0,
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_confirm_email') . '/views',

 * Implements hook_node_export_alter().
function webform_confirm_email_node_export_alter(array &$nodes, $format) {
  $module = 'webform_confirm_email';
  foreach ($nodes as $i => &$node) {
    foreach ($node->webform['emails'] as $eid => &$email) {
      $email[$module] = db_select($module)
        ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
        ->condition('eid', $eid)

 * Implements hook_node_export_after_import_alter().
function webform_confirm_email_node_export_after_import_alter(array &$nodes, $format, $save) {
  $module = 'webform_confirm_email';
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    foreach ($node->webform['emails'] as $eid => $email) {
      $email['nid'] = $node->nid;
      if (is_object($email[$module])) {
        $email[$module]->nid = $node->nid;
        drupal_write_record($module, $email[$module]);

 * Implements hook_batch_alter().
 * Override the rows callback for webform batch downloads.
 * @see webform_results_export_batch()
function webform_confirm_email_batch_alter(array &$batch) {

  // Look for a batch API array as defined in webform_results_export_batch().
  foreach ($batch['sets'] as &$batch_set) {
    if (!empty($batch_set['operations'][2]) && $batch_set['operations'][2][0] == 'webform_results_batch_rows') {

      // Call our wrapped version of webform_results_batch_row() instead.
      $batch_set['operations'][2][0] = 'webform_confirm_email_results_batch_rows';

 * Callback to add the confirmed filter to the query for batch jobs.
 * @see webform_confirm_email_batch_alter()
function webform_confirm_email_results_batch_rows($node, $format = 'delimited', $options = array(), &$context) {
  if (isset($options['range']['confirmed'])) {
  webform_results_batch_rows($node, $format, $options, $context);


Namesort descending Description
webform_confirm_email_batch_alter Implements hook_batch_alter().
webform_confirm_email_confirmation Page callback: User clicked on a confirmation link.
webform_confirm_email_confirmation_access Access callback: Check the confirmation page hash value.
webform_confirm_email_cron Implements hook_cron().
webform_confirm_email_form_webform_results_download_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
webform_confirm_email_generate_key Generate a hash for a new email submission, or get an existing hash.
webform_confirm_email_get_email_type Check whether a given email ID is a confirmation or conditional email and return its type.
webform_confirm_email_help Implements hook_help().
webform_confirm_email_mail_alter Implements hook_mail_alter(). When drupal sends an email this function checks whether there is an entry in the webform_confirm_email table that identifies the email as being a confirmation request or confirmation email. If it's a confirmational…
webform_confirm_email_menu Implements hook_menu().
webform_confirm_email_menu_alter Implements hook_menu_alter().
webform_confirm_email_node_export_after_import_alter Implements hook_node_export_after_import_alter().
webform_confirm_email_node_export_alter Implements hook_node_export_alter().
webform_confirm_email_query_webform_download_sids_alter Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
webform_confirm_email_query_webform_get_submissions_sids_alter Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
webform_confirm_email_query_webform_get_submission_count_alter Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
webform_confirm_email_range_validate Form-API element validate function for the range element.
webform_confirm_email_results_batch_rows Callback to add the confirmed filter to the query for batch jobs.
webform_confirm_email_theme_registry_alter Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
webform_confirm_email_tokens Implements hook_tokens().
webform_confirm_email_token_info Implementation hook_token_info().
webform_confirm_email_token_info_alter Implements hook_token_info_alter().
webform_confirm_email_views_api Implements hook_views_api().
webform_confirm_email_webform_submission_delete Implements hook_webform_submission_delete().
webform_confirm_email_webform_template_insert Implements hook_webform_template_insert().
webform_confirm_email_webform_template_update Implements hook_webform_template_update().
_webform_confirm_email_range_confirmed Helper function to store and retrieve the range configuration.