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function _webform_results_table in Webform 5

Create a table containing all submitted values for a webform node.


$nid: The node ID of the node to show results for.

1 call to _webform_results_table()
webform_results in ./webform.module
Menu callback for all content under admin/content/webform.


./, line 83


function _webform_results_table($nid) {
  include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'webform') . "/";

  // Load Components.

  // Get all the component cid and names for the node.
  $node = node_load($nid);

  // Get all the submissions for the node.
  $header = theme('webform_results_table_header', $nid);
  $submissions = _webform_fetch_submissions($nid, $header);
  return theme('webform_results_table', $nid, $node->ewbformcomponents, $submissions);