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 * This file includes helper functions for creating reports for webform.module
 * @author Nathan Haug <>
 * @author Pontus Ullgren <>
 * @copyright Pontus Ullgren 2004

 * Retrieve lists of submissions for a given webform.
 * @param $nid
 *   The node id of the webform
function _webform_results_submissions($nid) {
  $header = theme('webform_results_submissions_header', $nid);
  $submissions = _webform_fetch_submissions($nid, $header);
  return theme('webform_results_submissions', $nid, $submissions);

 * Theme the header of the submissions table.
 * This is done in it's own function so that webform can retrieve the header and
 * use it for sorting the results.
function theme_webform_results_submissions_header($nid) {
  return array(
      'data' => t('#'),
      'field' => 'sid',
      'sort' => 'asc',
      'data' => t('Submitted'),
      'field' => 'submitted',
      'data' => t('User'),
      'field' => 'name',
      'data' => t('IP Address'),
      'field' => 'remote_addr',
      'data' => t('Operations'),
      'colspan' => user_access('clear webform results') ? '3' : '2',

 * Theme the submissions tab of the webform results page.
 * @param $nid
 *   The nid of the node whose results are being displayed.
 * @param $submissions
 *   An array of all submissions for this webform.
function theme_webform_results_submissions($nid, $submissions) {
  global $user;

  // This header has to be generated seperately so we can add the SQL necessary
  // to sort the results.
  $header = theme('webform_results_submissions_header', $nid);
  $rows = array();
  foreach ($submissions as $sid => $submission) {
    $row = array(
      format_date($submission->submitted, 'small'),
      theme('username', $submission),
      l(t('View'), "node/{$nid}/results/view/" . $submission->sid, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE),
    if (user_access("edit own webform submissions") && $user->uid == $submission->uid || user_access("edit webform submissions")) {
      $row[] = l(t('Edit'), "node/{$nid}/results/edit/" . $submission->sid, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
    else {
      $row[] = t('Edit');
    if (user_access('clear webform results')) {
      $row[] = l(t('Delete'), "node/{$nid}/results/delete/" . $submission->sid, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
    $rows[] = $row;
  return theme('table', $header, $rows);

 * Create a table containing all submitted values for a webform node.
 * @param $nid
 *   The node ID of the node to show results for.
function _webform_results_table($nid) {
  include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'webform') . "/";

  // Load Components.

  // Get all the component cid and names for the node.
  $node = node_load($nid);

  // Get all the submissions for the node.
  $header = theme('webform_results_table_header', $nid);
  $submissions = _webform_fetch_submissions($nid, $header);
  return theme('webform_results_table', $nid, $node->ewbformcomponents, $submissions);
function theme_webform_results_table_header($nid) {
  return array(
      'data' => t('#'),
      'field' => 'sid',
      'sort' => 'asc',
      'data' => t('Submitted'),
      'field' => 'submitted',
      'data' => t('User'),
      'field' => 'name',
      'data' => t('IP Address'),
      'field' => 'remote_addr',

 * Theme the results table displaying all the submissions for a particular node.
 * @param $nid
 *   The nid of the node whose results are being displayed.
 * @param $components
 *   An associative array of the components for this webform.
 * @param $submissions
 *   An array of all submissions for this webform.
function theme_webform_results_table($nid, $components, $submissions) {
  $header = array();
  $rows = array();
  $cell = array();
  $node = node_load($nid);

  // This header has to be generated seperately so we can add the SQL necessary.
  // to sort the results.
  $header = theme('webform_results_table_header', $nid);

  // Generate a row for each submission.
  foreach ($submissions as $sid => $submission) {
    $cell[] = l($sid, 'node/' . $nid, NULL, "sid=" . $sid);
    $cell[] = format_date($submission->submitted, "small");
    $cell[] = theme('username', $submission);
    $cell[] = $submission->remote_addr;
    $component_headers = array();

    // Generate a cell for each component.
    foreach ($node->webformcomponents as $component) {
      $table_function = "_webform_table_data_" . $component['type'];
      if (function_exists($table_function)) {
        $submission_output = $table_function($submission->data[$component['cid']], $component);
        if ($submission_output !== NULL) {
          $component_headers[] = $component['name'];
          $cell[] = $submission_output;
    $rows[] = $cell;
  if (!empty($component_headers)) {
    $header = array_merge($header, $component_headers);
  return theme('table', $header, $rows);

 * Generate a Excel-readable CSV file containing all submissions for a webform.
 * The CSV requires that the data be presented in a flat file.  In order
 * to maximize useability to the Excel community and minimize subsequent
 * stats or spreadsheet programming this program extracts data from the
 * various records for a given session and presents them as a single file
 * where each row represents a single record.
 * The structure of the file is:
 *   Heading Line 1: Gives group overviews padded by empty cells to the
 *                   next group.  A group may be a question and corresponds
 *                   to a component in the webform philosophy. Each group
 *                   overview will have a fixed number of columns beneath it.
 *   Heading line 2: gives column headings
 *   Data line 1 .....
 *   Data line 2 .....
 * An example of this format is given below.  Note the columns have had spaces
 * added so the columns line up.  This is not the case with actual file where
 * a column may be null.  Note also, that multiple choice questions as produced
 * by checkboxes or radio buttons have been presented as "yes" or "no" and the
 * actual choice text is retained only in the header line 2.
 * Data from text boxes and input fields are written out in the body of the table.
 *   Submission Details,    ,   ,      ,Question 1,        ,        ,..,        ,Question 2,        ,        ,..,        ,Question n
 *   timestamp         ,time,SID,userid,Choice 1  ,Choice 2,Choice 3,..,Choice n,Choice 1  ,Choice 2,Choice 3,..,Choice n,Comment
 *   21 Feb 2005       ,1835,23 ,34    ,Yes       ,No      ,No      ,..,No      ,Yes       ,Yes     ,Yes     ,..,Yes     ,My comment
 *   23 Feb 2005       ,1125,24 ,89    ,Yes       ,Yes     ,No      ,..,No      ,Yes       ,Yes     ,Yes     ,..,Yes     ,Hello
 *   ...............................................................................................................
 *   27 Feb 2005       ,1035,56 ,212   ,Yes       ,No      ,No      ,..,No      ,Yes       ,No      ,Yes     ,..,Yes     ,How is this?
function _webform_results_download($nid) {
  include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'webform') . "/";
  $node = node_load($nid);
  $file_name = tempnam(variable_get('file_directory_temp', FILE_DIRECTORY_TEMP), 'webform');
  $handle = @fopen($file_name, 'w');

  // The @ suppresses errors.
  $header[0] .= $node->title . ",,,,";
  $header[1] .= "Submission Details,,,,,";
  $header[2] .= "Serial,SID,Time,IP Address,UID,Username";

  // Compile header information.

  // Load all components.
  foreach ($node->webformcomponents as $cid => $component) {
    $csv_header_function = "_webform_csv_headers_" . $component['type'];
    if (function_exists($csv_header_function)) {

      // Let each component determine its headers.
      $component_header = $csv_header_function($component);
      $header[0] .= ',"' . str_replace(array(
      ), array(
      ), $component_header[0]) . '"';
      $header[1] .= ',"' . str_replace(array(
      ), array(
      ), $component_header[1]) . '"';
      $header[2] .= ',"' . str_replace(array(
      ), array(
      ), $component_header[2]) . '"';

  // Write header information.
  $file_record = $header[0] . "\n" . $header[1] . "\n" . $header[2] . "\n";
  @fwrite($handle, $file_record);

  // Get all the submissions for the node.
  $submissions = _webform_fetch_submissions($nid);

  // Generate a row for each submission.
  $rowcount = 0;
  foreach ($submissions as $sid => $submission) {
    $row = ++$rowcount . "," . $sid . ",\"" . format_date($submission->submitted, 'small') . "\",\"" . $submission->remote_addr . "\"," . $submission->uid . ",\"" . $submission->name . "\"";
    foreach ($node->webformcomponents as $cid => $component) {
      $csv_data_function = "_webform_csv_data_" . $component['type'];
      if (function_exists($csv_data_function)) {

        // Let each component add its data.
        $row .= ',"' . str_replace(array(
        ), array(
        ), $csv_data_function($submission->data[$cid], $component)) . '"';

    // Write data from submissions.
    @fwrite($handle, $row . "\n");

  // Close the file.
  drupal_set_header("Content-type: text/csv; charset=utf-8");
  drupal_set_header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . preg_replace('/\\.$/', '', str_replace(' ', '_', $node->title)) . ".csv");

  // The @ makes it silent.

  // Clean up, the @ makes it silent.

 * Provides a simple analysis of all submissions to a webform.
function _webform_results_analysis($nid) {
  $rows = array();
  $question_number = 0;
  $node = node_load($nid);
  $headers = array(
      'data' => t('responses'),
      'colspan' => '10',

  // Load all component types.
  foreach ($node->webformcomponents as $component) {

    // Do component specific call.
    $analysis_function = "_webform_analysis_rows_" . $component['type'];
    if (function_exists($analysis_function)) {
      $crows = $analysis_function($component);
      if (is_array($crows)) {
        $row[0] = array(
          'data' => '<strong>' . $question_number . '</strong>',
          'rowspan' => count($crows) + 1,
          'valign' => 'top',
        $row[1] = array(
          'data' => '<strong>' . $component['name'] . '</strong>',
          'colspan' => '10',
        $rows = array_merge($rows, array_merge(array(
        ), $crows));
  return theme('table', $headers, $rows);


Namesort descending Description
theme_webform_results_submissions Theme the submissions tab of the webform results page.
theme_webform_results_submissions_header Theme the header of the submissions table.
theme_webform_results_table Theme the results table displaying all the submissions for a particular node.
_webform_results_analysis Provides a simple analysis of all submissions to a webform.
_webform_results_download Generate a Excel-readable CSV file containing all submissions for a webform.
_webform_results_submissions Retrieve lists of submissions for a given webform.
_webform_results_table Create a table containing all submitted values for a webform node.