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function webform_conditional_operators in Webform 7.4

Return a list of all Webform conditional operators.

4 calls to webform_conditional_operators()
WebformConditionals::executeConditionals in includes/
Executes the conditionals on a submission.
webform_conditional_operators_list in includes/
Return a nested list of all available operators, suitable for a select list.
webform_conditional_prepare_javascript in includes/
Loop through all the conditional settings and add needed JavaScript settings.
_webform_conditional_expand_value_forms in includes/
Expand out all the value forms that could potentially be used.


includes/, line 1002
Form elements and menu callbacks to provide conditional handling in Webform.


function webform_conditional_operators() {
  static $operators;
  if (!isset($operators)) {
    $operators = module_invoke_all('webform_conditional_operator_info');
    drupal_alter('webform_conditional_operators', $operators);
  return $operators;