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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Webform 7.4

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
WebformComponentsTestCase class tests/WebformComponentsTestCase.test Webform module component tests.
WebformConditionals class includes/ Performs analysis and topological sorting on the conditionals.
WebformConditionalsTestCase class tests/WebformConditionalsTestCase.test Webform module conditional tests.
WebformGeneralTestCase class tests/WebformGeneralTestCase.test Test general functionality of Webform.
WebformPermissionsTestCase class tests/WebformPermissionsTestCase.test Webform module permission tests.
WebformSubmissionTestCase class tests/WebformSubmissionTestCase.test Webform module submission tests.
WebformTestCase class tests/WebformTestCase.test Webform module tests. 5
WebformUnitTestCase class tests/WebformUnitTestCase.test Webform module unit tests.
webform_exporter class includes/exporters/ Base class defining the common methods available to exporters. 2
webform_exporter_delimited class includes/exporters/ Webform exporter for creating CSV/TSV delimited files. 1
webform_exporter_excel_delimited class includes/exporters/ The Excel exporter currently is just a tab-delimited export.
webform_exporter_excel_xlsx class includes/exporters/ This exporter creates an XLSX file readable by newer versions of Excel.
webform_handler_area_result_pager class views/ Definition of views_handler_area_result.
webform_handler_field_form_body class views/ Views handler to display the content of a webform form.
webform_handler_field_is_draft class views/ Views handler to display the draft status of a submission.
webform_handler_field_node_link_edit class views/ Views handler to display an edit link for Webform configuration.
webform_handler_field_node_link_results class views/ Views handler to display a results link for Webform submissions.
webform_handler_field_numeric_data class views/ Extended version of the numeric field handler specialized for Webform values.
webform_handler_field_submission_count class views/ Views handler to display the number of submissions in a webform.
webform_handler_field_submission_data class views/ Views handler to display data value of a webform submission component.
webform_handler_field_submission_link class views/ Views handler to display links to a submission.
webform_handler_field_webform_status class views/ Views handler to display the open or closed status of a webform.
webform_handler_filter_is_draft class views/ Views handler to filter submissions by draft state.
webform_handler_filter_numeric_data class views/ Numeric filter handler that works with Webform numeric submission data.
webform_handler_filter_submission_data class views/ Definition of webform_handler_filter_submission_data.
webform_handler_filter_webform_status class views/ Views handler to filter webforms by open or closed status.
webform_handler_relationship_submission_data class views/ Views' relationship handlers.
webform_handler_sort_numeric_data class views/ Sort handler that works with Webform numeric submission data.
webform_views_plugin_row_submission_view class views/ Contains the submission view row style plugin.

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