You are here in Webform 7.4

Conditional engine to process dependencies within the webform's conditionals.


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 * @file
 * Conditional engine to process dependencies within the webform's conditionals.

 * Performs analysis and topological sorting on the conditionals.
class WebformConditionals {

   * Define constants.
   * Define constants for the result of an analysis of the conditionals on a
   * page for a given set of input values. Determines whether the component is
   * always hidden, always shown, or may or may not be shown depending upon
   * other values on the same page. In the last case, the component needs to be
   * rendered on the page because at least one source component is on the same
   * page. The field will be hidden with JavaScript.
   * @var int
  const componentHidden = 0;
  const componentShown = 1;
  const componentDependent = 2;
  protected static $conditionals = array();
  protected $node;
  protected $topologicalOrder;
  protected $pageMap;
  protected $childrenMap;
  protected $visibilityMap;
  protected $requiredMap;
  protected $setMap;
  protected $markupMap;
  public $errors;

   * Creates and caches a WebformConditional for a given node.
  public static function factory($node) {
    if (!isset(self::$conditionals[$node->nid])) {
      self::$conditionals[$node->nid] = new WebformConditionals($node);
    return self::$conditionals[$node->nid];

   * Constructs a WebformConditional.
  public function __construct($node) {
    $this->node = $node;

   * Sorts the conditionals into topological order.
   * The "nodes" of the list are the conditionals, not the components that
   * they operate upon.
   * The webform components must already be sorted into component tree order
   * before calling this method.
   * See
  protected function topologicalSort() {
    $components = $this->node->webform['components'];
    $conditionals = $this->node->webform['conditionals'];
    $errors = array();

    // Generate a component to conditional map for conditional targets.
    $cid_to_target_rgid = array();
    $cid_hidden = array();
    foreach ($conditionals as $rgid => $conditional) {
      foreach ($conditional['actions'] as $aid => $action) {
        $target_id = $action['target'];
        $cid_to_target_rgid[$target_id][$rgid] = $rgid;
        if ($action['action'] == 'show') {
          $cid_hidden[$target_id] = isset($cid_hidden[$target_id]) ? $cid_hidden[$target_id] + 1 : 1;
          if ($cid_hidden[$target_id] == 2) {
            $component = $components[$target_id];
            $errors[$component['page_num']][] = t('More than one conditional hides or shows component "@name".', array(
              '@name' => $component['name'],

    // Generate T-Orders for each page.
    $new_entry = array(
      'in' => array(),
      'out' => array(),
      'rgid' => array(),
    $page_num = 0;

    // If the first component is a page break, then no component is on page 1. Create empty arrays for page 1.
    $sorted = array(
      1 => array(),
    $page_map = array(
      1 => array(),
    $component = reset($components);
    while ($component) {
      $cid = $component['cid'];

      // Start a new page, if needed.
      if ($component['page_num'] > $page_num) {
        $page_num = $component['page_num'];

        // Create an empty list that will contain the sorted elements.
        // This list is known as L in the literature.
        $sorted[$page_num] = array();

        // Create an empty list of dependency nodes for this page.
        $nodes = array();

      // Create the pageMap as a side benefit of generating the t-sort.
      $page_map[$page_num][$cid] = $cid;

      // Process component by adding it's conditional data to a component-tree-traversal order an index of:
      // - incoming dependencies = the source components for the conditions for this target component and
      // - outgoing dependencies = components which depend upon the target component
      // Note: Surprisingly, 0 is a valid rgid, as well as a valid rid. Use -1 as a semaphore.
      if (isset($cid_to_target_rgid[$cid])) {

        // The component is the target of conditional(s)
        foreach ($cid_to_target_rgid[$cid] as $rgid) {
          $conditional = $conditionals[$rgid];
          if (!isset($nodes[$cid])) {
            $nodes[$cid] = $new_entry;
          $nodes[$cid]['rgid'][$rgid] = $rgid;
          foreach ($conditional['rules'] as $rule) {
            if ($rule['source_type'] == 'component') {
              $source_id = $rule['source'];
              if (!isset($nodes[$source_id])) {
                $nodes[$source_id] = $new_entry;
              $nodes[$cid]['in'][$source_id] = $source_id;
              $nodes[$source_id]['out'][$cid] = $cid;
              $source_component = $components[$source_id];
              $source_pid = $source_component['pid'];
              if ($source_pid) {
                if (!isset($nodes[$source_pid])) {
                  $nodes[$source_pid] = $new_entry;

                // The rule source is within a parent fieldset. Create a dependency on the parent.
                $nodes[$source_pid]['out'][$source_id] = $source_id;
                $nodes[$source_id]['in'][$source_pid] = $source_pid;
              if ($source_component['page_num'] > $page_num) {
                $errors[$page_num][] = t('A forward reference from page @from, %from to %to was found.', array(
                  '%from' => $source_component['name'],
                  '@from' => $source_component['page_num'],
                  '%to' => $component['name'],
              elseif ($source_component['page_num'] == $page_num && $component['type'] == 'pagebreak') {
                $errors[$page_num][] = t("The page break %to can't be controlled by %from on the same page.", array(
                  '%from' => $source_component['name'],
                  '%to' => $component['name'],

      // Fetch the next component, if any.
      $component = next($components);

      // Finish any previous page already processed.
      if (!$component || $component['page_num'] > $page_num) {

        // Create a set of all components which have are not dependent upon anything.
        // This list is known as S in the literature.
        $start_nodes = array();
        foreach ($nodes as $id => $n) {
          if (!$n['in']) {
            $start_nodes[] = $id;

        // Process the start nodes, removing each one in turn from the queue.
        while ($start_nodes) {
          $id = array_shift($start_nodes);

          // If the node represents an actual conditional, it can now be added
          // to the end of the sorted order because anything it depends upon has
          // already been calculated.
          if ($nodes[$id]['rgid']) {
            foreach ($nodes[$id]['rgid'] as $rgid) {
              $sorted[$page_num][] = array(
                'cid' => $id,
                'rgid' => $rgid,
                'name' => $components[$id]['name'],

          // Any other nodes that depend upon this node may now have their dependency
          // on this node removed, since it has now been calculated.
          foreach ($nodes[$id]['out'] as $out_id) {
            if (!$nodes[$out_id]['in']) {
              $start_nodes[] = $out_id;

          // All out-going dependencies have been handled.
          $nodes[$id]['out'] = array();

        // Check for a cyclic graph (circular dependency).
        foreach ($nodes as $id => $n) {
          if ($n['in'] || $n['out']) {
            $errors[$page_num][] = t('A circular reference involving %name was found.', array(
              '%name' => $components[$id]['name'],

      // End finishing previous page.

    // End component loop.
    // Create an empty page map for the preview page.
    $page_map[$page_num + 1] = array();
    $this->topologicalOrder = $sorted;
    $this->errors = $errors;
    $this->pageMap = $page_map;

   * Returns the (possibly cached) topological sort order.
  public function getOrder() {
    if (!$this->topologicalOrder) {
    return $this->topologicalOrder;

   * Returns an index of components by page number.
  public function getPageMap() {
    if (!$this->pageMap) {
    return $this->pageMap;

   * Displays and error messages from the previously-generated sort order.
   * User's who can't fix the webform are shown a single, simplified message.
  public function reportErrors() {
    if ($this->errors) {
      if (webform_node_update_access($this->node)) {
        foreach ($this->errors as $page_num => $page_errors) {
          drupal_set_message(format_plural(count($page_errors), 'Conditional error on page @num:', 'Conditional errors on page @num:', array(
            '@num' => $page_num,
          )) . '<br /><ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $page_errors) . '</li></ul>', 'warning');
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t('This form is improperly configured. Contact the administrator.'), 'warning');

   * Creates and caches a map of the children of a each component.
   * Called after the component tree has been made and then flattened again.
   * Alas, the children data is removed when the tree is flattened. The
   * components are indexed by cid but in tree order. Because cid's are
   * numeric, they may not appear in IDE's or debuggers in their actual order.
  public function getChildrenMap() {
    if (!$this->childrenMap) {
      $map = array();
      foreach ($this->node->webform['components'] as $cid => $component) {
        $pid = $component['pid'];
        if ($pid) {
          $map[$pid][] = $cid;
      $this->childrenMap = $map;
    return $this->childrenMap;

   * Deletes the value of the given component, plus any descendants.
  protected function deleteFamily(&$input_values, $parent_id, &$page_visiblity_page) {
    if (isset($input_values[$parent_id])) {
      $input_values[$parent_id] = NULL;
    if (isset($this->childrenMap[$parent_id])) {
      foreach ($this->childrenMap[$parent_id] as $child_id) {
        $page_visiblity_page[$child_id] = $page_visiblity_page[$parent_id];
          ->deleteFamily($input_values, $child_id, $page_visiblity_page);
  protected $stackPointer;
  protected $resultStack;

   * Initializes an execution stack for a conditional group's rules.
   * Also initializes sub-conditional rules.
  public function executionStackInitialize($andor) {
    $this->stackPointer = -1;
    $this->resultStack = array();

   * Starts a new subconditional for the given and/or operator.
  public function executionStackPush($andor) {
    $this->resultStack[++$this->stackPointer] = array(
      'results' => array(),
      'andor' => $andor,

   * Adds a rule's result to the current sub-conditional.
  public function executionStackAccumulate($result) {
    $this->resultStack[$this->stackPointer]['results'][] = $result;

   * Finishes a sub-conditional and adds the result to the parent stack frame.
  public function executionStackPop() {

    // Calculate the and/or result.
    $stack_frame = $this->resultStack[$this->stackPointer];

    // Pop stack and protect against stack underflow.
    $this->stackPointer = max(0, $this->stackPointer - 1);
    $conditional_results = $stack_frame['results'];
    $filtered_results = array_filter($conditional_results);
    return $stack_frame['andor'] === 'or' ? count($filtered_results) > 0 : count($filtered_results) === count($conditional_results);

   * Executes the conditionals on a submission.
   * This removes any data which should be hidden.
  public function executeConditionals($input_values, $page_num = 0) {
    if (!$this->visibilityMap || $page_num == 0) {

      // Create a new visibility map, with all components shown.
      $this->visibilityMap = $this->pageMap;
      array_walk_recursive($this->visibilityMap, function (&$status) {
        $status = WebformConditionals::componentShown;

      // Create empty required, set, and markup maps.
      $this->requiredMap = array_fill(1, count($this->pageMap), array());
      $this->setMap = $this->requiredMap;
      $this->markupMap = $this->requiredMap;
    else {
      array_walk($this->visibilityMap[$page_num], function (&$status) {
        $status = WebformConditionals::componentShown;
      $this->requiredMap[$page_num] = array();
      $this->setMap[$page_num] = array();
      $this->markupMap[$page_num] = array();
    module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.conditionals');
    $components = $this->node->webform['components'];
    $conditionals = $this->node->webform['conditionals'];
    $operators = webform_conditional_operators();
    $targetLocked = array();
    $first_page = $page_num ? $page_num : 1;
    $last_page = $page_num ? $page_num : count($this->topologicalOrder);
    for ($page = $first_page; $page <= $last_page; $page++) {
      foreach ($this->topologicalOrder[$page] as $conditional_spec) {
        $conditional = $conditionals[$conditional_spec['rgid']];
        $source_page_nums = array();

        // Execute each comparison callback.
        foreach ($conditional['rules'] as $rule) {
          switch ($rule['source_type']) {
            case 'component':
              $source_component = $components[$rule['source']];
              $source_cid = $source_component['cid'];
              $source_values = array();
              if (isset($input_values[$source_cid])) {
                $component_value = $input_values[$source_cid];

                // For select_or_other components, use only the select values because $source_values must not be a nested array.
                // During preview, the array is already flattened.
                if ($source_component['type'] === 'select' && !empty($source_component['extra']['other_option']) && isset($component_value['select'])) {
                  $component_value = $component_value['select'];
                $source_values = is_array($component_value) ? $component_value : array(

              // Determine the operator and callback.
              $conditional_type = webform_component_property($source_component['type'], 'conditional_type');
              $operator_info = $operators[$conditional_type];

              // Perform the comparison callback and build the results for this group.
              $comparison_callback = $operator_info[$rule['operator']]['comparison callback'];

              // Contrib caching, such as entitycache, may have loaded the node
              // without building it. It is possible that the component include file
              // hasn't been included yet. See #2529246.

              // Load missing include files for conditional types.
              // In the case of the 'string', 'date', and 'time' conditional types, it is
              // not necessary to load their include files for conditional behavior
              // because the required functions are already loaded
              // in
              switch ($conditional_type) {
                case 'numeric':
                case 'select':
                ->executionStackAccumulate($comparison_callback($source_values, $rule['value'], $source_component));

              // Record page number to later determine any intra-page dependency on this source.
              $source_page_nums[$source_component['page_num']] = $source_component['page_num'];
            case 'conditional_start':
            case 'conditional_end':
        $conditional_result = $this
        foreach ($conditional['actions'] as $action) {
          $action_result = $action['invert'] ? !$conditional_result : $conditional_result;
          $target = $action['target'];
          $page_num = $components[$target]['page_num'];
          switch ($action['action']) {
            case 'show':
              if (!$action_result) {
                $this->visibilityMap[$page_num][$target] = in_array($page_num, $source_page_nums) ? self::componentDependent : self::componentHidden;
                  ->deleteFamily($input_values, $target, $this->visibilityMap[$page_num]);
                $targetLocked[$target] = TRUE;
            case 'require':
              $this->requiredMap[$page_num][$target] = $action_result;
            case 'set':
              if ($components[$target]['type'] == 'markup') {
                $this->markupMap[$page_num][$target] = FALSE;
              if ($action_result && empty($targetLocked[$target])) {
                if ($components[$target]['type'] == 'markup') {
                  $this->markupMap[$page_num][$target] = $action['argument'];
                else {
                  $input_values[$target] = isset($input_values[$target]) && is_array($input_values[$target]) ? array(
                  ) : $action['argument'];
                  $this->setMap[$page_num][$target] = TRUE;

      // End conditinal loop

    // End page loop
    return $input_values;

   * Returns whether the conditionals have been executed yet.
  public function isExecuted() {
    return (bool) $this->visibilityMap;

   * Returns the required status for a component.
   * Returns whether a given component is always hidden, always shown, or might
   * be shown depending upon other sources on the same page.
   * Assumes that the conditionals have already been executed on the given page.
   * @param int $cid
   *   The component id of the component whose visibility is being sought.
   * @param int $page_num
   *   The page number that the component is on.
   * @return int
   *   self::componentHidden, ...Shown, or ...Dependent.
  public function componentVisibility($cid, $page_num) {
    if (!$this->visibilityMap) {

      // The conditionals have not yet been executed on a submission.
        ->executeConditionals(array(), 0);
      watchdog('webform', 'WebformConditionals::componentVisibility called prior to evaluating a submission.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return isset($this->visibilityMap[$page_num][$cid]) ? $this->visibilityMap[$page_num][$cid] : self::componentShown;

   * Returns whether a given page should be displayed.
   * This requires any conditional for the page itself to be shown, plus at
   * least one component within the page must be shown too. The first and
   * preview pages are always shown, however.
   * @param int $page_num
   *   The page number that the component is on.
   * @return int
   *   self::componentHidden or  ...Shown.
  public function pageVisibility($page_num) {
    $result = self::componentHidden;
    if ($page_num == 1 || empty($this->visibilityMap[$page_num])) {
      $result = self::componentShown;
    elseif (($page_map = $this->pageMap[$page_num]) && $this
      ->componentVisibility(reset($page_map), $page_num)) {
      while ($cid = next($page_map)) {
        if ($this
          ->componentVisibility($cid, $page_num) != self::componentHidden) {
          $result = self::componentShown;
    return $result;

   * Returns the required status for a component.
   * Returns whether a given component is always required, always optional, or
   * unchanged by conditional logic.
   * Assumes that the conditionals have already been executed on the given page.
   * @param int $cid
   *   The component id of the component whose required state is being sought.
   * @param int $page_num
   *   The page number that the component is on.
   * @return bool
   *   Whether the component is required based on conditionals.
  public function componentRequired($cid, $page_num) {
    if (!$this->requiredMap) {

      // The conditionals have not yet been executed on a submission.
        ->executeConditionals(array(), 0);
      watchdog('webform', 'WebformConditionals::componentRequired called prior to evaluating a submission.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return isset($this->requiredMap[$page_num][$cid]) ? $this->requiredMap[$page_num][$cid] : NULL;

   * Returns whether a given component has been set by conditional logic.
   * Assumes that the conditionals have already been executed on the given page.
   * @param int $cid
   *   The component id of the component whose set state is being sought.
   * @param int $page_num
   *   The page number that the component is on.
   * @return bool
   *   Whether the component was set based on conditionals.
  public function componentSet($cid, $page_num) {
    if (!$this->setMap) {

      // The conditionals have not yet been executed on a submission.
        ->executeConditionals(array(), 0);
      watchdog('webform', 'WebformConditionals::componentSet called prior to evaluating a submission.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return isset($this->setMap[$page_num][$cid]) ? $this->setMap[$page_num][$cid] : NULL;

   * Returns the calculated markup as set by conditional logic.
   * Assumes that the conditionals have already been executed on the given page.
   * @param int $cid
   *   The component id of the component whose set state is being sought.
   * @param int $page_num
   *   The page number that the component is on.
   * @return string
   *   The conditional markup, or NULL if none.
  public function componentMarkup($cid, $page_num) {
    if (!$this->markupMap) {

      // The conditionals have not yet been executed on a submission.
        ->executeConditionals(array(), 0);
      watchdog('webform', 'WebformConditionals::componentMarkup called prior to evaluating a submission.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return isset($this->markupMap[$page_num][$cid]) ? $this->markupMap[$page_num][$cid] : NULL;



Namesort descending Description
WebformConditionals Performs analysis and topological sorting on the conditionals.