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function webform_expand_checkboxes in Webform 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 components/ \webform_expand_checkboxes()
  2. 6.2 components/ \webform_expand_checkboxes()

Drupal 6 hack that properly *renders* checkboxes in multistep forms. This is different than the value hack needed in Drupal 5, which is no longer needed.

1 string reference to 'webform_expand_checkboxes'
_webform_render_select in components/
Implements _webform_render_component().


components/, line 436
Webform module multiple select component.


function webform_expand_checkboxes($element) {

  // Elements that have a value set are already in the form structure cause
  // them not to be written when the expand_checkboxes function is called.
  $default_value = array();
  foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
    if (isset($element[$key]['#default_value'])) {
      $default_value[$key] = $element[$key]['#default_value'];
  $element = expand_checkboxes($element);

  // Escape the values of checkboxes.
  foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
    $element[$key]['#return_value'] = check_plain($element[$key]['#return_value']);
    $element[$key]['#name'] = $element['#name'] . '[' . $element[$key]['#return_value'] . ']';
    $element[$key]['#value_callback'] = 'webform_checkbox_value';
    $element[$key]['#pre_render'][] = 'webform_checkbox_prerender';
  foreach ($default_value as $key => $val) {
    $element[$key]['#default_value'] = $val;
  return $element;