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function webform_checkbox_value in Webform 6.3

Helper function to determine the value for a checkbox form element.

Drupal core cannot decern the difference between an unchecked checkbox and a checked checkbox that has a value of '0'. This value callback will return NULL instead of an integer 0 for checkboxes that are not checked.

See also


1 string reference to 'webform_checkbox_value'
webform_expand_checkboxes in components/
Drupal 6 hack that properly *renders* checkboxes in multistep forms. This is different than the value hack needed in Drupal 5, which is no longer needed.


components/, line 488
Webform module multiple select component.


function webform_checkbox_value($form, $edit = FALSE) {
  if ($edit !== FALSE) {
    if (empty($form['#disabled'])) {
      return $edit !== NULL ? $form['#return_value'] : NULL;

      // 0 in core.
    else {
      return $form['#default_value'];