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Functions in Weather 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_weather_theming ./ Custom theme function for preprocessing the weather display.
weather_access_userblock ./weather.module Checks whether the user has access to their own custom weather block. 1 1
weather_admin_main_page ./ Show an overview of configured displays and the default display. 1
weather_admin_main_page_form ./ Construct a form for general settings of the Weather module 1
weather_admin_main_page_form_submit ./ Handle the submission for general settings of the Weather module
weather_bearing_to_text ./ Converts a compass bearing to a text direction. 2
weather_block_info ./weather.module Implement hook_block_info().
weather_block_view ./weather.module Implement hook_block_view().
weather_calculate_beaufort ./ Calculate Beaufort wind scale for given wind speed. 1
weather_data_installation ./weather.install Helper function for installation and upgrades. 5
weather_display_delete_confirm ./ Generate a confirmation form before deleting. 1
weather_display_delete_confirm_submit ./ Implement actual deletion of display. 1
weather_display_delete_submit ./ Implement hook_form_submit(). 1
weather_display_settings_form ./ Create a settings form for a weather display. 1
weather_display_settings_form_submit ./ Implement hook_form_submit().
weather_format_apparent_temperature ./ Calculates apparent temperature. 1
weather_format_nearest_station ./ Format information about nearest METAR station. 1
weather_format_pressure ./ Convert pressure. 1
weather_format_relative_humidity ./ Calculate relative humidity. 1
weather_format_sky_condition ./ Format sky condition and weather phenomena (rain, drizzle, snow, ...). 1
weather_format_suninfo ./ Format sunrise and sunset times. 1
weather_format_temperature ./ Converts temperatures. 2
weather_format_visibility ./ Convert visibility. 1
weather_format_wind ./ Convert wind. 1
weather_get_countries ./ Get all countries. 1
weather_get_country_from_icao ./weather.module Get the country of the ICAO code. 2
weather_get_displays_in_use ./weather.module Get all currently used displays. 3
weather_get_display_settings ./weather.module Return display settings for a specific display. 3
weather_get_locations_in_use ./weather.module Get all currently used locations for a display. 1
weather_get_location_settings ./weather.module Return location settings for a specific id. 2
weather_get_metar ./weather.module Fetches the latest METAR data from the database or internet. 2
weather_get_nearest_station ./weather.module Return ICAO code of the nearest weather station. 1
weather_get_places ./weather.module Get all places for a country. 1
weather_help ./weather.module Implement hook_help().
weather_install ./weather.install Implement hook_install().
weather_location_delete_confirm ./ Generate a confirmation form before deleting. 1
weather_location_delete_confirm_submit ./ Implement actual deletion of location.
weather_location_delete_submit ./ Implement hook_form_submit(). 1
weather_location_settings_form ./ Create a settings form for a weather location. 1
weather_location_settings_form_country_callback ./ AJAX callback for location settings form. 1
weather_location_settings_form_place_callback ./ AJAX callback for location settings form. 1
weather_location_settings_form_submit ./ Implement hook_form_submit().
weather_location_settings_form_validate ./ Implement hook_form_validate().
weather_menu ./weather.module Implement hook_menu().
weather_parse_metar ./ Parses a raw METAR data string. 2
weather_permission ./weather.module Implement hook_permission().
weather_refresh_data ./ Parses raw METAR data string and stores results in database. 1
weather_retrieve_data ./ Retrieve data from 1
weather_schema ./weather.install Implement hook_schema().
weather_search_autocomplete ./ Search for a location or ICAO code matching a partial string. 1


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