function weather_retrieve_data in Weather 7
Retrieve data from
string $icao: ICAO code
Return value
string Raw METAR string or FALSE
1 call to weather_retrieve_data()
- weather_refresh_data in ./ - Parses raw METAR data string and stores results in database.
- ./, line 119 - Retrieves and parses raw METAR data and stores result in database.
function weather_retrieve_data($icao) {
$metar_raw = FALSE;
// Specify timeout in seconds
$timeout = 10;
$url = '' . $icao;
$response = drupal_http_request($url, array(
'timeout' => $timeout,
// Extract the valid METAR data from the received webpage.
if (!empty($response->data) && preg_match("/({$icao} [0-9]{6}Z [^<]+)/m", $response->data, $matches)) {
$metar_raw = str_replace("\n", "", $matches[1]);
// Check for errors.
if ($metar_raw === FALSE) {
// Make an entry about this error into the watchdog table.
watchdog('weather', 'Download location for METAR data is not accessible.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
// Show a message to users with administration priviledges
if (user_access('administer custom weather block') or user_access('administer site configuration')) {
drupal_set_message(t('Download location for METAR data is not accessible.'), 'error');
return $metar_raw;