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function theme_weather_theming in Weather 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.5 weather.module \theme_weather_theming()

Custom theme function for preprocessing the weather display.

2 theme calls to theme_weather_theming()
weather_block_view in ./weather.module
Implement hook_block_view().
weather_search_location in ./
Search for a given location.


./, line 27
Prepare themed weather output.


function theme_weather_theming($variables) {
  $display = $variables['display'];
  $location = $variables['location'];
  $metar = $variables['metar'];

  // Set up variables which will be needed in the templates.
  $weather = new stdClass();
  $weather->real_name = check_plain($location->real_name);
  $weather->condition = weather_format_sky_condition($metar);

  // Support a custom image directory. If the variable is not set or the specified
  // file is not available, fall back to the default images of the module.
  $path = variable_get('weather_image_directory', '');
  $image = file_default_scheme() . '://' . $path . '/' . $metar->image . '.png';
  if (!is_readable($image)) {
    $image = drupal_get_path('module', 'weather') . '/images/' . $metar->image . '.png';
  $size = getimagesize($image);

  // Prepare the <img> tag
  $weather->image = theme('image', array(
    'path' => $image,
    'width' => $size[0],
    'height' => $size[1],
    'alt' => $weather->condition,
    'title' => $weather->condition,
    'attributes' => array(
      'class' => 'weather-image',

  // Set up optional variables which might be displayed.
  if (!empty($display->settings['data'])) {
    $show = $display->settings['data'];
    $units = $display->units;
    if (!empty($show['temperature']) and isset($metar->temperature)) {
      $weather->temperature = weather_format_temperature($metar->temperature, $units['temperature']);
      if (!empty($display->settings['show_apparent_temperature'])) {
        $weather->apparent_temperature = weather_format_apparent_temperature($metar, $units['temperature']);
    if (!empty($show['wind']) and isset($metar->wind_direction)) {

      // Set gusts speed to 0 if the database returned NULL.
      if (empty($metar->wind_gusts)) {
        $metar->wind_gusts = 0;
      $weather->wind = weather_format_wind($metar->wind_speed, $metar->wind_direction, $metar->wind_gusts, $display->settings, $units['windspeed']);
    if (!empty($show['pressure']) and isset($metar->pressure)) {
      $weather->pressure = weather_format_pressure($metar->pressure, $units['pressure']);
    if (!empty($show['humidity']) and isset($metar->dewpoint) and isset($metar->temperature)) {
      $weather->rel_humidity = weather_format_relative_humidity($metar->temperature, $metar->dewpoint);
    if (!empty($show['visibility']) and isset($metar->visibility)) {
      $weather->visibility = weather_format_visibility($metar->visibility, $units['distance']);
    if (!empty($show['suninfo']) and isset($metar->sunrise_on) and isset($metar->sunset_on)) {
      $suninfo = weather_format_suninfo($metar->sunrise_on, $metar->sunset_on);
      $weather->sunrise = $suninfo['sunrise'];
      $weather->sunset = $suninfo['sunset'];
    if (!empty($show['metar']) and isset($metar->raw)) {
      $weather->metar = $metar->raw;
    if (isset($metar->reported_on)) {
      $weather->reported_on = format_date($metar->reported_on);

  // If the original location is not identical to the weather station, show
  // information about which METAR station has been used for weather data.
  if (isset($location->distance)) {
    $weather->station = weather_format_nearest_station($location, $display->units['distance'], $display->settings);

  // Use compact block, if desired
  if (!empty($display->settings['show_compact_block'])) {
    return theme('weather_compact', array(
      'weather' => $weather,
  else {
    return theme('weather', array(
      'weather' => $weather,