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CHANGELOG.txt in Views Send 6

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  2. 7 CHANGELOG.txt
Views Send 6.x-1.0-rc1, 2013-10-24
#2118889 by hansfn, kfackler: Confirm page missing with VBO 6.2-1.16.
#2118877 by hansfn, kfackler: Missing pass-by-reference in views_send_form_alter
#2056883 by hansfn, sdsheridan: No message ID.
Added a mailkey (identical to the one created by drupal_mail) to the mimemail call in _views_send_prepare_mail.

Views Send 6.x-1.0-beta3, 2013-03-30
#1892248 by hansfn: Does not find value for a given "field" in a Views result (row).

Views Send 6.x-1.0-beta2, 2012-09-08
#1636036 by hansfn: Token replacement doesn't work.
#1777582 by hansfn: WYSIWYG editor no longer present
#1777570 by hansfn: Keep the module's name "Views Send"
#1777564 by hansfn: No description in Modules admin page

Views Send 6.x-1.0-beta1, 2012-09-06
#1462126 by hansfn: Indicate which selected rows contain invalid e-mail addresses.
#1630928 by hansfn: Only user email field works.
#1393822 by Aron Novak: On "select all", the To remains empty on confirmation
Fixing preview of plain text messages.
#821530 by liquidcms, hansfn: Attachments to messages.
#1668834 by hansfn: Warning on Status Report.

Views Send 6.x-1.0-alpha2, 2012-06-29
Enable click to insert in the list of tokens (when the token module is enabled).
Implementing hook_token_list to get a nice compact list of token replacements whe the token module is enabled.
#1630928 by hansfn: Only user email field works.

Views Send 6.x-1.0-alpha1, 2012-06-13
#1294426 by hansfn: Remember these values next time always active.
#1101616 by hansfn: Friendlier tokens.
#971458 by hansfn: SQL error when installing. (Now fixing the forgotten "headers" column.)
#971458 by Cyberwolf, hansfn: Execute Views Send programmatically with Rules (and VBO).
#1468120 by cbergmann: views_send_debug has no effect.
#1210758 by Sanjo: Incorrect detection of PHP maximum execution time almost exceeded.
#1200584 by mradcliffe, hansfn: Emails from VBO not passing.
#1207614 by rooby: There is no constant VIEWS_BULK_OPS_STEP_SINGLE.
#1157616 by marktheshark: Changed Some spelling mistakes.
#808518 by claudiu.cristea, sgabe: Added Split mail preparation from sending.
#957126 by goose2000: Fixed Install error.
#1075718 by claudiu.cristea: Added Small performance improvements.
#916836 by roball, gabrielu: Fixed Fatal error: Call to a member function set_items_per_page() on a non-object.
#964026 by ezra-g, abaddon | roball: Fixed 'Remember these values next time when you will send mass mail' ignored.
#808058 by claudiu.cristea: Move all message processing before spooling.
#827660 by claudiu.cristea | roball: Fixed Check for empty recipient name in previews.
#822444 by claudiu.cristea | mule77: Fixed Integration with WYSIWYG module.
#808060 by claudiu.cristea: Added Add PHP parsing for plain messages.
#805720 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed Integrate Plain format in standard Drupal input formats.
#804248 by claudiu.cristea: Added Add input formats to mesage body.
#801586 by claudiu.cristea | eliosh: Fixed Error while validating recipient email address.
#799308 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed Views main field has incorrect key.
#801798 by claudiu.cristea | kevinwalsh: Fixed Conflict with Token Actions module.
#796768 by claudiu.cristea: Added Remember message values based on a View > Display basis.
#799296 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed Don't log all messages.
#796980 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed Views fields IDs are not correct when using with relationship.


View source
  1. Views Send 6.x-1.0-rc1, 2013-10-24
  2. ------------------------------
  3. #2118889 by hansfn, kfackler: Confirm page missing with VBO 6.2-1.16.
  4. #2118877 by hansfn, kfackler: Missing pass-by-reference in views_send_form_alter
  5. #2056883 by hansfn, sdsheridan: No message ID.
  6. Added a mailkey (identical to the one created by drupal_mail) to the mimemail call in _views_send_prepare_mail.
  7. Views Send 6.x-1.0-beta3, 2013-03-30
  8. ------------------------------
  9. #1892248 by hansfn: Does not find value for a given "field" in a Views result (row).
  10. Views Send 6.x-1.0-beta2, 2012-09-08
  11. ------------------------------
  12. #1636036 by hansfn: Token replacement doesn't work.
  13. #1777582 by hansfn: WYSIWYG editor no longer present
  14. #1777570 by hansfn: Keep the module's name "Views Send"
  15. #1777564 by hansfn: No description in Modules admin page
  16. Views Send 6.x-1.0-beta1, 2012-09-06
  17. ------------------------------
  18. #1462126 by hansfn: Indicate which selected rows contain invalid e-mail addresses.
  19. #1630928 by hansfn: Only user email field works.
  20. #1393822 by Aron Novak: On "select all", the To remains empty on confirmation
  21. Fixing preview of plain text messages.
  22. #821530 by liquidcms, hansfn: Attachments to messages.
  23. #1668834 by hansfn: Warning on Status Report.
  24. Views Send 6.x-1.0-alpha2, 2012-06-29
  25. ------------------------------
  26. Enable click to insert in the list of tokens (when the token module is enabled).
  27. Implementing hook_token_list to get a nice compact list of token replacements whe the token module is enabled.
  28. #1630928 by hansfn: Only user email field works.
  29. Views Send 6.x-1.0-alpha1, 2012-06-13
  30. ------------------------------
  31. #1294426 by hansfn: Remember these values next time always active.
  32. #1101616 by hansfn: Friendlier tokens.
  33. #971458 by hansfn: SQL error when installing. (Now fixing the forgotten "headers" column.)
  34. #971458 by Cyberwolf, hansfn: Execute Views Send programmatically with Rules (and VBO).
  35. #1468120 by cbergmann: views_send_debug has no effect.
  36. #1210758 by Sanjo: Incorrect detection of PHP maximum execution time almost exceeded.
  37. #1200584 by mradcliffe, hansfn: Emails from VBO not passing.
  38. #1207614 by rooby: There is no constant VIEWS_BULK_OPS_STEP_SINGLE.
  39. #1157616 by marktheshark: Changed Some spelling mistakes.
  40. #808518 by claudiu.cristea, sgabe: Added Split mail preparation from sending.
  41. #957126 by goose2000: Fixed Install error.
  42. #1075718 by claudiu.cristea: Added Small performance improvements.
  43. #916836 by roball, gabrielu: Fixed Fatal error: Call to a member function set_items_per_page() on a non-object.
  44. #964026 by ezra-g, abaddon | roball: Fixed 'Remember these values next time when you will send mass mail' ignored.
  45. #808058 by claudiu.cristea: Move all message processing before spooling.
  46. #827660 by claudiu.cristea | roball: Fixed Check for empty recipient name in previews.
  47. #822444 by claudiu.cristea | mule77: Fixed Integration with WYSIWYG module.
  48. #808060 by claudiu.cristea: Added Add PHP parsing for plain messages.
  49. #805720 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed Integrate Plain format in standard Drupal input formats.
  50. #804248 by claudiu.cristea: Added Add input formats to mesage body.
  51. #801586 by claudiu.cristea | eliosh: Fixed Error while validating recipient email address.
  52. #799308 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed Views main field has incorrect key.
  53. #801798 by claudiu.cristea | kevinwalsh: Fixed Conflict with Token Actions module.
  54. #796768 by claudiu.cristea: Added Remember message values based on a View > Display basis.
  55. #799296 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed Don't log all messages.
  56. #796980 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed Views fields IDs are not correct when using with relationship.