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Files in TinyBrowser 7

Primary tabs

File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
browse-en.html tinybrowser/help/browse-en.html Using Quick Upload At the Browse pane, you can upload multiple files without switching to the Upload tab by using Quick Upload feature. There are two ways to use Quick Upload feature. 1. Click and select The first method is to clik the Quick…
config_tinybrowser.php tinybrowser/config_tinybrowser.php
crop.php tinybrowser/crop.php
cs.php tinybrowser/langs/cs.php
da.php tinybrowser/langs/da.php
de.php tinybrowser/langs/de.php
edit.php tinybrowser/edit.php
en.php tinybrowser/langs/en.php
es.php tinybrowser/langs/es.php
fi.php tinybrowser/langs/fi.php
fileuploader.css tinybrowser/css/fileuploader.css .qq-uploader { position:relative; width: 100%;} .qq-upload-button { /* display:block; display:inline; */ padding: 0px 5px; /* text-align:center; */ font-size: 10px; } .qq-upload-button-hover {/* background:#aaa;…
fileuploader.php tinybrowser/fileuploader.php
fns_tinybrowser.php tinybrowser/fns_tinybrowser.php
folders.php tinybrowser/folders.php
fr.php tinybrowser/langs/fr.php
hr.php tinybrowser/langs/hr.php
hu.php tinybrowser/langs/hu.php
it.php tinybrowser/langs/it.php
jeegoocontext.css tinybrowser/css/jeegoocontext.css body ul.cm_default, body ul.cm_default ul { /* Required settings */ top:-1000px; left:-1000px; position:absolute; z-index:999; /* Possibly inherited values overrides */ border-width:0; float:none; height:auto; margin:0;…
jquery.jcrop.css tinybrowser/css/jquery.jcrop.css /* Fixes issue here */ .jcrop-holder { text-align: left; } .jcrop-vline, .jcrop-hline { font-size: 0; position: absolute; background: white url('../img/Jcrop.gif') top left…
jquery.simpledialog.css tinybrowser/css/jquery.simpledialog.css /** * jQuery Simple Dialog */ .sd_container{ font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; margin:0; padding: 0px 10px 10px 10px; position: absolute; background-color: #fff; text-align:left; border: solid 5px #666; } .sd_container a { color:… tinybrowser/
lv.php tinybrowser/langs/lv.php
nl.php tinybrowser/langs/nl.php
pl.php tinybrowser/langs/pl.php
pt.php tinybrowser/langs/pt.php
README.txt README.txt TinyBrowser Drupal module What is TinyBrowser? -------------------- TinyBrowser is a custom file browser plugin developed for the TinyMCE WYSIWYG content editor. It is developed by Bryn Jones at Lunarvis <>, and…
readme.txt tinybrowser/readme.txt Non-displayable characters.
resize.php tinybrowser/resize.php
ru.php tinybrowser/langs/ru.php
sk.php tinybrowser/langs/sk.php
stylefull_tinybrowser.css tinybrowser/css/stylefull_tinybrowser.css /* Generic */ body { font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:11px; background:#F0F0EE; padding:0; margin:8px 8px 0 8px; } html {background:#F0F0EE;} textarea {resize:none;outline:none;} a:link, a:visited {color:black;} a:hover…
style_tinybrowser.css.php tinybrowser/css/style_tinybrowser.css.php
sv.php tinybrowser/langs/sv.php ; $Id: name = TinyBrowser description = File browser/uploader for WYSIWYG editors. core = 7.x package = "Media" configure = admin/config/media/tinybrowser files[] = tinybrowser.module files[] = files[] =…
tinybrowser.install tinybrowser.install Install, update and uninstall functions for tinybrowser module.
tinybrowser.js.php tinybrowser/js/tinybrowser.js.php
tinybrowser.module tinybrowser.module
tinybrowser.php tinybrowser/tinybrowser.php
upload.php tinybrowser/upload.php
upload_file.php tinybrowser/upload_file.php
upload_process.php tinybrowser/upload_process.php
zh-cn.php tinybrowser/langs/zh-cn.php
zh-tw.php tinybrowser/langs/zh-tw.php

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