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tinybrowser.php in TinyBrowser 7


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require 'config_tinybrowser.php';

// tb_show_debug_info();
// Set language
if (isset($tinybrowser['language']) && file_exists('langs/' . $tinybrowser['language'] . '.php')) {
  require_once 'langs/' . $tinybrowser['language'] . '.php';
else {
  require_once 'langs/en.php';

  // Falls back to English
require_once 'fns_tinybrowser.php';
function tb_show_debug_info() {
  global $tinybrowser;
  global $_SESSION;
  global $_COOKIE;
  print "---- SESSION ----<br/>\n";
  print "<pre>\n";
  print "</pre>\n";
  print "---- COOKIE ----<br/>\n";
  print "<pre>\n";
  print "</pre>\n";
  print "session_id is " . session_id() . "<br/>\n";
  print "session_name is " . session_name() . "<br/>\n";
  print "uid is " . $tinybrowser['uid'] . "<br/>\n";
  print "tinybrowser docroot is " . $tinybrowser['docroot'] . "<br/>\n";
  print "tinybrowser sessioncheck is " . $tinybrowser['sessioncheck'] . "<br/>\n";
  if (isset($_SESSION[$tinybrowser['sessioncheck']])) {
    print "session variable is set! [" . $_SESSION[$tinybrowser['sessioncheck']] . "]<br/>\n";
    print "sessioncheck is [" . $tinybrowser['sessioncheck'] . "]<br/>\n";
  else {
    print "session variable is NOT set<br/>\n";
  if (isset($_SESSION['tinybrowser_module'])) {
    print "session variable is set! [" . $_SESSION['tinybrowser_module'] . "]<br/>\n";
  else {
    print "session variable tinybrowser_module is NOT set<br/>\n";

// Check session, if it exists
if (session_id() != '') {
  if (!isset($_SESSION[$tinybrowser['sessioncheck']])) {
    echo TB_DENIED;

// Assign file operation variables
$validtypes = array(
$typenow = isset($_GET['type']) && in_array($_GET['type'], $validtypes) ? $_GET['type'] : 'image';
$standalone = isset($_GET['feid']) && !empty($_GET['feid']) ? true : false;
$foldernow = str_replace(array(
), '', $tinybrowser['allowfolders'] && isset($_REQUEST['folder']) && !empty($_REQUEST['folder']) ? urldecode($_REQUEST['folder']) : '');
if ($standalone) {
  $passfeid = '&feid=' . $_GET['feid'];
  $rowhlightinit = ' onload="rowHighlight();"';
else {
  $passfeid = '';
  $rowhlightinit = '';

// Assign browsing options
$sortbynow = isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) && !empty($_REQUEST['sortby']) ? $_REQUEST['sortby'] : $tinybrowser['order']['by'];
$sorttypenow = isset($_REQUEST['sorttype']) && !empty($_REQUEST['sorttype']) ? $_REQUEST['sorttype'] : $tinybrowser['order']['type'];
$sorttypeflip = $sorttypenow == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
$viewtypenow = isset($_REQUEST['viewtype']) && !empty($_REQUEST['viewtype']) ? $_REQUEST['viewtype'] : $tinybrowser['view']['image'];
$findnow = isset($_REQUEST['find']) && !empty($_REQUEST['find']) ? $_REQUEST['find'] : false;
$showpagenow = isset($_REQUEST['showpage']) && !empty($_REQUEST['showpage']) ? $_REQUEST['showpage'] : 0;

// rebound back to the last settings used in the current session
if (!isset($_REQUEST['folder']) && isset($_SESSION['folder'][$typenow])) {

  // if there's a remembered setting, use it (even if it's '')
  $foldernow = $_SESSION['folder'][$typenow];
if (isset($_REQUEST['folder'])) {

  // remember the current setting for the next time
  $_SESSION['folder'][$typenow] = $foldernow;

  // including '' for root folder
if (!isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) && isset($_SESSION['sortby'][$typenow])) {

  // if there's a remembered setting, use it (even if it's '')
  $sortbynow = $_SESSION['sortby'][$typenow];
if (isset($_REQUEST['sortby'])) {

  // remember the current setting for the next time
  $_SESSION['sortby'][$typenow] = $sortbynow;

  // including '' for root folder
if (!isset($_REQUEST['sorttype']) && isset($_SESSION['sorttype'][$typenow])) {

  // if there's a remembered setting, use it (even if it's '')
  $sorttypenow = $_SESSION['sorttype'][$typenow];
  $sorttypeflip = $sorttypenow == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
if (isset($_REQUEST['sorttype'])) {

  // remember the current setting for the next time
  $_SESSION['sorttype'][$typenow] = $sorttypenow;

  // including '' for root folder
if (!isset($_REQUEST['viewtype']) && isset($_SESSION['viewtype'][$typenow])) {

  // if there's a remembered setting, use it (even if it's '')
  $viewtypenow = $_SESSION['viewtype'][$typenow];
if (isset($_REQUEST['viewtype'])) {

  // remember the current setting for the next time
  $_SESSION['viewtype'][$typenow] = $viewtypenow;

  // including '' for root folder
if (!isset($_REQUEST['find']) && isset($_SESSION['find'][$typenow])) {

  // if there's a remembered setting, use it (even if it's '')
  $findnow = $_SESSION['find'][$typenow];
if (isset($_REQUEST['find'])) {

  // remember the current setting for the next time
  $_SESSION['find'][$typenow] = $findnow;

  // including '' for root folder
if (!isset($_REQUEST['showpage']) && isset($_SESSION['showpage'][$typenow])) {

  // if there's a remembered setting, use it (even if it's '')
  $showpagenow = $_SESSION['showpage'][$typenow];
if (isset($_REQUEST['showpage'])) {

  // remember the current setting for the next time
  $_SESSION['showpage'][$typenow] = $showpagenow;

  // including '' for root folder

// Assign url pass variables
$passfolder = '&folder=' . urlencode($foldernow);
$passfeid = isset($_GET['feid']) && $_GET['feid'] != '' ? '&feid=' . $_GET['feid'] : '';

// for CKEditor
if (empty($passfeid)) {
  $ckfunc = isset($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']) && $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'] != '' ? $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'] : '';
  if (!empty($ckfunc)) {
    $passfeid = '&feid=' . $ckfunc;
$passviewtype = '&viewtype=' . $viewtypenow;
$passsortby = '&sortby=' . $sortbynow . '&sorttype=' . $sorttypenow;

// Assign view, thumbnail and link paths
$browsepath = $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow;
$linkpath = $tinybrowser['link'][$typenow] . $foldernow;
$thumbpath = $tinybrowser[$tinybrowser['thumbsrc']][$typenow] . $foldernow;

// Assign sort parameters for column header links
$sortbyget = array();
$sortbyget['name'] = '&viewtype=' . $viewtypenow . '&sortby=name';
$sortbyget['size'] = '&viewtype=' . $viewtypenow . '&sortby=size';
$sortbyget['type'] = '&viewtype=' . $viewtypenow . '&sortby=type';
$sortbyget['modified'] = '&viewtype=' . $viewtypenow . '&sortby=modified';
$sortbyget['dimensions'] = '&viewtype=' . $viewtypenow . '&sortby=dimensions';
$sortbyget[$sortbynow] .= '&sorttype=' . $sorttypeflip;

// Assign css style for current sort type column
$thclass = array();
$thclass['name'] = '';
$thclass['size'] = '';
$thclass['type'] = '';
$thclass['modified'] = '';
$thclass['dimensions'] = '';
$thclass[$sortbynow] = ' class="' . $sorttypenow . '"';

// D7: get array of image styles
$styles = image_styles();
$style_names = array();
foreach ($styles as $style) {
  $style_names[] = $style['name'];
  $has_style = TRUE;

// Initalise alert array
$notify = array(
  'type' => array(),
  'message' => array(),
$newthumbqty = 0;

//-------------- D7: image style select -------------
if (isset($_REQUEST['selectfile'])) {
  $selectfile = clean_filename($_REQUEST['selectfile']);
  $selectpath = $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow];
  $pos = strpos($selectpath, $tinybrowser['file_directory_path']);
  if ($pos !== FALSE) {
    $tb_base_path = substr($selectpath, 0, $pos);
    $tb_base_path = rtrim($tb_base_path, '/');
    $selectpath = substr($selectpath, $pos);
    $selectpath .= $foldernow . $selectfile;
  else {

    // image style does not work if tinybrowser path does not contain file_directory_path().
  $style = $_REQUEST['style'];

  // such as 'thumbnail', 'medium'
  $GLOBALS['base_url'] = $base_root . $tb_base_path;

  // MUST!
  // convert path (from DOCUMENT_ROOT) to abstruct path using public://
  // eg: before: /sites/default/files/images/sample.jpg
  //     after:  public://images/sample.jpg
  $selectpath = str_replace($tinybrowser['file_directory_path'], 'public:/', $selectpath);
  $style_url = image_style_url($style, $selectpath);

  // return url is something like:
  $fullpath = str_replace($GLOBALS['base_url'], $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $style_url);

  // fullpath is something like:
  //    /www/d7/html/sites/default/files/sttles/thumbnail/public/images/sample.jpg
  $info = image_get_info($fullpath);

  // return URL of styled image to ajax client
  print $style_url;
  print ',' . $info['width'] . ',' . $info['height'];
if ($tinybrowser['allowupload']) {

  //---------------- cancel uploading ----------------
  if (isset($_REQUEST['cancelfile'])) {
    $cancelfiles = explode(',', $_REQUEST['cancelfile']);
    foreach ($cancelfiles as $cancelfile) {
      $cancelfile = clean_filename($cancelfile);
      $canthisfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . $cancelfile;
      if (file_exists($canthisfile)) {

      // else print "canthisfile: " . $canthisfile;
      if ($typenow == 'image') {
        $canthumbfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $cancelfile;
        if (file_exists($canthumbfile)) {
    $notify['type'][] = 'success';
    $notify['message'][] = t('Uploading ') . $_REQUEST['cancelfile'] . t(' cancelled.');
if ($tinybrowser['allowdelete']) {

  //---------------- quick delete ----------------
  if (isset($_REQUEST['deletefile'])) {
    $deletefile = clean_filename($_REQUEST['deletefile']);
    $delthisfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . $deletefile;
    if (file_exists($delthisfile)) {
    if ($typenow == 'image') {
      $delthumbfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $deletefile;
      if (file_exists($delthumbfile)) {
    $notify['type'][] = 'success';
    $notify['message'][] = basename($deletefile) . t(' is successfully deleted.');
if ($tinybrowser['allowfolders']) {
  if (isset($_REQUEST['movefile'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['moveto'])) {
      $movefile = clean_filename($_REQUEST['movefile']);
      $movethisfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . $movefile;
      $movefiledest = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $_REQUEST['moveto'] . $movefile;

      // print "movefile: " . $movefile . "<br/>\n";
      // print "movethisfile: " . $movethisfile . "<br/>\n";
      // print "movefiledest: " . $movefiledest . "<br/>\n";
      if (!file_exists($movefiledest) && file_exists($movethisfile) && copy($movethisfile, $movefiledest)) {

        // delete original once the copy operation is done.
        if ($typenow == 'image') {

          // now take care of thumbnail image too
          $movethisthumb = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $movefile;
          $movethumbdest = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $_REQUEST['moveto'] . '_thumbs/_' . $movefile;
          if (file_exists($movethisthumb) && copy($movethisthumb, $movethumbdest)) {
        $notify['type'][] = 'success';
        $notify['message'][] = basename($movefile) . t(' is successfully moved.');
if ($tinybrowser['allowedit']) {

  //--------------- quick duplicate ----------------
  if (isset($_REQUEST['duplicatefile'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['newname'])) {
      $duplicatefile = clean_filename($_REQUEST['duplicatefile']);
      $newname = clean_filename($_REQUEST['newname']);
      $dupthisfrom = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . $duplicatefile;
      $dupthisto = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . $newname;
      if (file_exists($dupthisto)) {
        $notify['type'][] = 'failure';
        $notify['message'][] = basename($newname) . t(' already exists. Please use a different name.');
      else {
        if (file_exists($dupthisfrom)) {
          copy($dupthisfrom, $dupthisto);
        if ($typenow == 'image') {
          $dupthumbfrom = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $duplicatefile;
          $dupthumbto = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $newname;
          if (file_exists($dupthumbfrom)) {
            copy($dupthumbfrom, $dupthumbto);
        $notify['type'][] = 'success';
        $notify['message'][] = basename($duplicatefile) . t(' is successfully copyed to ' . $newname . '.');

  //--------------- quick rename ----------------
  if (isset($_REQUEST['renamefile'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['newname'])) {
      $renamefile = clean_filename($_REQUEST['renamefile']);
      $newname = clean_filename($_REQUEST['newname']);
      $renthisfrom = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . $renamefile;
      $renthisto = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . $newname;
      if (file_exists($renthisto)) {
        $notify['type'][] = 'failure';
        $notify['message'][] = basename($newname) . t(' already exists. Please use a different name.');
      else {
        if (file_exists($renthisfrom)) {
          rename($renthisfrom, $renthisto);
        if ($typenow == 'image') {
          $renthumbfrom = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $renamefile;
          $renthumbto = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $newname;
          if (file_exists($renthumbfrom)) {
            rename($renthumbfrom, $renthumbto);
        $notify['type'][] = 'success';
        $notify['message'][] = basename($renamefile) . t(' is successfully renamed to ' . $newname . '.');

  //---------------- quick crop -----------------
  if (isset($_REQUEST['cropfile'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['x1']) && isset($_REQUEST['y1']) && isset($_REQUEST['x2']) && isset($_REQUEST['y2']) && isset($_REQUEST['w']) && isset($_REQUEST['h'])) {
      $x1 = intval($_REQUEST['x1']);
      $y1 = intval($_REQUEST['y1']);
      $x2 = intval($_REQUEST['x2']);
      $y2 = intval($_REQUEST['y2']);
      $w = intval($_REQUEST['w']);
      $h = intval($_REQUEST['h']);
      $newname = '';
      if (isset($_REQUEST['newname'])) {
        $newname = clean_filename($_REQUEST['newname']);
      if ($newname) {
        $srcfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . clean_filename($_REQUEST['cropfile']);
        $dstfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . clean_filename($_REQUEST['newname']);
        if (file_exists($srcfile)) {
          copy($srcfile, $dstfile);
        if ($typenow == 'image') {
          $srcthumb = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . clean_filename($_REQUEST['cropfile']);
          $dstthumb = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . clean_filename($_REQUEST['newname']);
          if (file_exists($srcthumb)) {
            copy($srcthumb, $dstthumb);
        $cropfile = clean_filename($_REQUEST['newname']);
      else {
        $cropfile = clean_filename($_REQUEST['cropfile']);
      $cropthisfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . $cropfile;
      $cropthumbfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $cropfile;
      if (file_exists($cropthisfile)) {

        // crop image
        $mime = getimagesize($cropthisfile);
        $im = convert_image($cropthisfile, $mime['mime']);
        cropimage($im, $x1, $y1, $w, $h, $cropthisfile, $tinybrowser['imagequality'], $mime['mime']);

        // delete and recreate thumbnail image
        if (file_exists($cropthumbfile)) {
        $im = convert_image($cropthisfile, $mime['mime']);
        resizeimage($im, $tinybrowser['thumbsize'], $tinybrowser['thumbsize'], $cropthumbfile, $tinybrowser['thumbquality'], $mime['mime']);

        // operation completion notification
        $notify['type'][] = 'success';
        $notify['message'][] = basename($cropfile) . t(' is successfully cropped to ' . $w . '(W) x ' . $h . '(H).');

  //--------------- quick resize ----------------
  if (isset($_REQUEST['resizefile'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['newwidth'])) {
      $newname = '';
      if (isset($_REQUEST['newname'])) {
        $newname = clean_filename($_REQUEST['newname']);
      if ($newname) {
        $srcfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . clean_filename($_REQUEST['resizefile']);
        $dstfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . clean_filename($_REQUEST['newname']);
        if (file_exists($srcfile)) {
          copy($srcfile, $dstfile);
        if ($typenow == 'image') {
          $srcthumb = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . clean_filename($_REQUEST['resizefile']);
          $dstthumb = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . clean_filename($_REQUEST['newname']);
          if (file_exists($srcthumb)) {
            copy($srcthumb, $dstthumb);
        $resizefile = clean_filename($_REQUEST['newname']);
      else {
        $resizefile = clean_filename($_REQUEST['resizefile']);
      $newsize = intval($_REQUEST['newwidth']);
      $resthisfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . $resizefile;
      if (file_exists($resthisfile)) {

        // resize image
        $mime = getimagesize($resthisfile);
        $rw = $newsize;
        $rh = $mime[1];
        $im = convert_image($resthisfile, $mime['mime']);
        resizeimage($im, $rw, $rh, $resthisfile, $tinybrowser['imagequality'], $mime['mime']);

        // we do not need to resize the thumbnail
        // operation completion notification
        $notify['type'][] = 'success';
        $notify['message'][] = basename($resizefile) . t(' is successfully resized.');

  //--------------- quick rotate ----------------
  if (isset($_REQUEST['rotatefile'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['rotatedir'])) {
      $rotatefile = clean_filename($_REQUEST['rotatefile']);
      $rotatedir = $_REQUEST['rotatedir'];
      $rotthisfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . $rotatefile;
      $rotthumbfile = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $rotatefile;
      if (file_exists($rotthisfile)) {

        // rotate image
        if ($rotatedir == 'left') {
          $degree = 90;
        else {
          $degree = 270;
        $mime = getimagesize($rotthisfile);
        $im = convert_image($rotthisfile, $mime['mime']);

        // additional processing for png / gif transparencies (credit to Dirk Bohl)
        if ($mime['mime'] == 'image/x-png' || $mime['mime'] == 'image/png') {
          imagealphablending($newim, false);
          imagesavealpha($newim, true);
        else {
          if ($mime['mime'] == 'image/gif') {
            $originaltransparentcolor = imagecolortransparent($im);
            if ($originaltransparentcolor >= 0 && $originaltransparentcolor < imagecolorstotal($im)) {
              $transparentcolor = imagecolorsforindex($im, $originaltransparentcolor);
              $newtransparentcolor = imagecolorallocate($newim, $transparentcolor['red'], $transparentcolor['green'], $transparentcolor['blue']);
              imagefill($newim, 0, 0, $newtransparentcolor);
              imagecolortransparent($newim, $newtransparentcolor);
        $newim = imagerotate($im, $degree, 0);
        if ($mime['mime'] == 'image/pjpeg' || $mime['mime'] == 'image/jpeg') {
          imagejpeg($newim, $rotthisfile, $tinybrowser['imagequality']);
        else {
          if ($mime['mime'] == 'image/x-png' || $mime['mime'] == 'image/png') {
            imagepng($newim, $rotthisfile, substr($tinybrowser['imagequality'], 0, 1));
          else {
            if ($mime['mime'] == 'image/gif') {
              imagegif($newim, $rotthisfile);

        // delete and recreate thumbnail image
        if (file_exists($rotthumbfile)) {
        $im = convert_image($rotthisfile, $mime['mime']);
        resizeimage($im, $tinybrowser['thumbsize'], $tinybrowser['thumbsize'], $rotthumbfile, $tinybrowser['thumbquality'], $mime['mime']);

        // operation completion notification
        $notify['type'][] = 'success';
        $notify['message'][] = basename($rotatefile) . t(' is successfully rotated.');

// read folder contents if folder exists
if (file_exists($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath)) {

  // Read directory contents and populate $file array
  $dh = opendir($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath);
  $file = array();
  while (($filename = readdir($dh)) !== false) {

    // get file extension
    $nameparts = explode('.', $filename);
    $ext = end($nameparts);

    // filter directories and prohibited file types
    // if($filename != '.' && $filename != '..' && !is_dir($tinybrowser['docroot'].$browsepath.$filename) && !in_array($ext, $tinybrowser['prohibited']) && ($typenow == 'file' || strpos(strtolower($tinybrowser['filetype'][$typenow]),strtolower($ext))))
    if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..' && !is_dir($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath . $filename) && !in_array(strtolower($ext), $tinybrowser['prohibited']) && ($typenow == 'file' || in_array(strtolower($ext), $tinybrowser['filetype'][$typenow]))) {

      // search file name if search term entered
      if ($findnow) {
        $exists = strpos(strtolower($filename), strtolower($findnow));

      // assign file details to array, for all files or those that match search
      if (!$findnow || $findnow && $exists !== false) {
        $file['name'][] = $filename;
        $file['sortname'][] = strtolower($filename);
        $file['modified'][] = filemtime($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath . $filename);
        $file['size'][] = filesize($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath . $filename);

        // image specific info or general
        if ($typenow == 'image' && ($imginfo = getimagesize($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath . $filename))) {
          $file['width'][] = $imginfo[0];
          $file['height'][] = $imginfo[1];
          $file['dimensions'][] = $imginfo[0] + $imginfo[1];
          $file['type'][] = $imginfo['mime'];

          // Check a thumbnail exists
          if (!file_exists($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath . '_thumbs/')) {
            createfolder($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath . '_thumbs/', $tinybrowser['unixpermissions']);
          $thumbimg = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath . '_thumbs/_' . $filename;
          if (!file_exists($thumbimg)) {
            $nothumbimg = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath . $filename;
            $mime = getimagesize($nothumbimg);
            $im = convert_image($nothumbimg, $mime['mime']);
            resizeimage($im, $tinybrowser['thumbsize'], $tinybrowser['thumbsize'], $thumbimg, $tinybrowser['thumbquality'], $mime['mime']);
        else {
          $file['width'][] = 'N/A';
          $file['height'][] = 'N/A';
          $file['dimensions'][] = 'N/A';
          $file['type'][] = returnMIMEType($filename);
else {
  $success = createfolder($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath, $tinybrowser['unixpermissions']);
  if ($success) {
    if ($typenow == 'image') {
      createfolder($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $browsepath . '_thumbs/', $tinybrowser['unixpermissions']);
    $notify['type'][] = 'success';
    $notify['message'][] = sprintf(TB_MSGMKDIR, $browsepath);
  else {
    $notify['type'][] = 'failure';
    $notify['message'][] = sprintf(TB_MSGMKDIRFAIL, $browsepath);

// Assign directory structure to array
if ($tinybrowser['allowfolders']) {
  $browsedirs = array();
  dirtree($browsedirs, $tinybrowser['filetype'][$typenow], $tinybrowser['docroot'], $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow]);

// generate alert if new thumbnails created
if ($newthumbqty > 0) {
  $notify['type'][] = 'info';
  $notify['message'][] = sprintf(TB_MSGNEWTHUMBS, $newthumbqty);

// determine sort order
$sortorder = $sorttypenow == 'asc' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC;
$num_of_files = isset($file['name']) ? count($file['name']) : 0;
if ($tinybrowser['pagination']) {
  $num_pages = intval(($num_of_files + $tinybrowser['pagination'] - 1) / $tinybrowser['pagination']);
else {
  $num_pages = 1;
if ($showpagenow > $num_pages) {
  $showpagenow = 0;

  // update remembered setting
  $_SESSION['showpage'][$typenow] = $showpagenow;
if ($num_of_files > 0) {

  // sort files by selected order
  sortfileorder($sortbynow, $sortorder, $file);
$root_dir = $tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow;

// determine pagination
if ($tinybrowser['pagination'] > 0) {
  $curpage = intval($showpagenow);
  $showpage_start = $showpagenow ? ($curpage - 1) * $tinybrowser['pagination'] : 0;
  $showpage_end = $showpage_start + $tinybrowser['pagination'];
  if ($showpage_end > $num_of_files) {
    $showpage_end = $num_of_files;
else {
  $showpage_start = 0;
  $showpage_end = $num_of_files;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>TinyBrowser :: <?php

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />

if (!$standalone && $tinybrowser['integration'] == 'tinymce') {
  ?><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php

  echo $tinybrowser['tinymcepop'];
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php

  echo $tinybrowser['tinymcecss'];
  ?>" />

else {
  ?><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/stylefull_tinybrowser.css" />

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php

echo $tinybrowser['jquery_path'];

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.jeegoocontext.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.jcrop.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/fileuploader.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.simpledialog.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/style_tinybrowser.css.php" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/jeegoocontext.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/jquery.jcrop.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/fileuploader.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/jquery.simpledialog.css" />

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/tinybrowser.js.php?<?php

echo substr($passfeid, 1);

<script type="text/javascript">

require_once '';


echo $rowhlightinit;

if (count($notify['type']) > 0) {
form_open('foldertab', false, 'tinybrowser.php', '?type=' . $typenow . $passviewtype . $passsortby . $passfeid);
<ul class="quickup_list" id="quickup_list"></ul> 

<div class="tabs">
<li id="browse_tab" class="current"><span><a href="tinybrowser.php?type=<?php

echo $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid;


if ($tinybrowser['allowupload']) {
  ?><li id="upload_tab"><span><a href="upload.php?type=<?php

  echo $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid;

  echo TB_UPLOAD;

if ($tinybrowser['allowedit'] || $tinybrowser['allowdelete']) {
  ?><li id="edit_tab"><span><a href="edit.php?type=<?php

  echo $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid;

  echo TB_EDIT;

if ($tinybrowser['allowfolders']) {
  ?><li id="folders_tab"><span><a href="folders.php?type=<?php

  echo $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid;

  echo TB_FOLDERS;

  // Display folder select, if multiple exist
  if (count($browsedirs) > 1) {
    ?><li id="folder_tab" class="right"><span><?php

    form_select($browsedirs, 'folder', TB_FOLDERCURR, urlencode($foldernow), true);


<li id="help_tab"><span>
<a href="<?php

echo $base_url;

echo $tinybrowser['language'];
?>.html" class="simpledialog"><?php

echo t('Help');


if ($tinybrowser['allowupload']) {
<li id="quickup_tab" class="right"><span id="quickup_tab_span"><?php

  print t('Quick upload');

<div class="panel_wrapper">
<div id="general_panel" class="panel currentmod">


form_open('browse', 'custom', 'tinybrowser.php', '?type=' . $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid);
<div class="pushleft">

// Offer view type if file type is image
if ($typenow == 'image') {
  $select = array(
  form_select($select, 'viewtype', TB_VIEW, $viewtypenow, true);

// Show page select if pagination is set
if ($tinybrowser['pagination'] > 0) {
  $pagelimit = ceil($num_of_files / $tinybrowser['pagination']) + 1;
  $page = array();
  for ($i = 1; $i < $pagelimit; $i++) {
    $page[] = array(
      TB_PAGE . ' ' . $i,
  if ($i > 2) {
    form_select($page, 'showpage', TB_SHOW, $showpagenow, true);
    if ($curpage <= 0) {
      $curpage = 1;
    $prev = $curpage - 1;
    $next = $curpage + 1;
    if ($prev <= 0) {
      $prev = 1;
    if ($next > $pagelimit - 1) {
      $next = $pagelimit - 1;
    $base_url = '?type=' . $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid . $passviewtype . $passsortby;
    if ($findnow) {
      $base_url .= '&find=' . $findnow;
    if ($prev != $curpage) {
      print '<a href="' . $base_url . '&showpage=' . $prev . '"><img src="img/prev.png" border="0" class="prevp" /></a>';
    else {
      print '<img src="img/prev-disable.png" border="0" class="prevp" />';
    if ($next != $curpage) {
      print '<a href="' . $base_url . '&showpage=' . $next . '"><img src="img/next.png" border="0" class="nextp" /></a>';
    else {
      print '<img src="img/next-disable.png" border="0" class="nextp" />';
?></div><div class="pushright"><?php

form_hidden_input('sortby', $sortbynow);
form_hidden_input('sorttype', $sorttypenow);
form_text_input('find', false, $findnow, 25, 50);
form_submit_button('search', TB_SEARCH, '');

// if image show dimensions header
if ($typenow == 'image') {
  $imagehead = '<th><a href="?type=' . $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid . $sortbyget['dimensions'] . '"' . $thclass['dimensions'] . '>' . TB_DIMENSIONS . '</a></th>';
else {
  $imagehead = '';
echo '<div class="tabularwrapper"><table class="browse">' . '<tr><th><a href="?type=' . $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid . $sortbyget['name'] . '"' . $thclass['name'] . '>' . TB_FILENAME . '</a></th>' . '<th><a href="?type=' . $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid . $sortbyget['size'] . '"' . $thclass['size'] . '>' . TB_SIZE . '</a></th>' . $imagehead . '<th><a href="?type=' . $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid . $sortbyget['type'] . '"' . $thclass['type'] . '>' . TB_TYPE . '</th>' . '<th><a href="?type=' . $typenow . $passfolder . $passfeid . $sortbyget['modified'] . '"' . $thclass['modified'] . '>' . TB_DATE . '</th></tr>';

// show image thumbnails, unless detail view is selected
if ($typenow == 'image' && $viewtypenow != 'detail') {
  echo '</table></div>';
  for ($i = $showpage_start; $i < $showpage_end; $i++) {
    $file_url = $linkpath . $file['name'][$i];
    if ($tinybrowser['absolute_url']) {
      $file_url = $tinybrowser['host'] . $file_url;

    // use file's modifed time for the query string of <img src> tag to force
    // the browser to reload the thumbnail image of the modified file instead
    // of using the cached thumbnail image
    $filetime = filemtime($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $file['name'][$i]);
    echo '<div class="img-browser" id="' . $file['name'][$i] . '" width="' . $file['width'][$i] . '" height="' . $file['height'][$i] . '"><a href="#" onclick="selectURL(\'' . $typenow . '\',\'' . $file_url . '\',\'' . $file['name'][$i] . '\',\'' . $file['width'][$i] . '\',\'' . $file['height'][$i] . '\',\'' . bytestostring($file['size'][$i], 1) . '\');" title="' . TB_FILENAME . ': ' . $file['name'][$i] . '&#13;&#10;' . TB_DIMENSIONS . ': ' . $file['width'][$i] . ' x ' . $file['height'][$i] . '&#13;&#10;' . TB_DATE . ': ' . date($tinybrowser['dateformat'], $file['modified'][$i]) . '&#13;&#10;' . TB_TYPE . ': ' . $file['type'][$i] . '&#13;&#10;' . TB_SIZE . ': ' . bytestostring($file['size'][$i], 1) . '"><img src="' . $thumbpath . '_thumbs/_' . $file['name'][$i] . '?state=' . $filetime . '"  /><div class="filename">' . $file['name'][$i] . '</div></a></div>';
else {
  for ($i = $showpage_start; $i < $showpage_end; $i++) {
    $file_url = $linkpath . $file['name'][$i];
    if ($tinybrowser['absolute_url']) {
      $file_url = $tinybrowser['host'] . $file_url;
    $alt = IsOdd($i) ? 'r1' : 'r0';

    // use file's modifed time for the query string of <img src> tag to force
    // the browser to reload the thumbnail image of the modified file instead
    // of using the cached thumbnail image
    $filetime = filemtime($tinybrowser['docroot'] . $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow] . $foldernow . '_thumbs/_' . $file['name'][$i]);
    echo '<tr class="' . $alt . '">';
    if ($typenow == 'image') {

      // image browser (detail list)
      echo '<td><a class="imghover" id="' . $file['name'][$i] . '" width="' . $file['width'][$i] . '" height="' . $file['height'][$i] . '" href="#" onclick="selectURL(\'' . $typenow . '\',\'' . $file_url . '\',\'' . $file['name'][$i] . '\',\'' . $file['width'][$i] . '\',\'' . $file['height'][$i] . '\',\'' . bytestostring($file['size'][$i], 1) . '\');" title="' . $file['name'][$i] . '"><img src="' . $thumbpath . '_thumbs/_' . $file['name'][$i] . '?state=' . $filetime . '" alt="" />' . truncate_text($file['name'][$i], 30) . '</a></td>';
    else {

      // file browser
      echo '<td class="file-browser" id="' . $file['name'][$i] . '"><a href="#" onclick="selectURL(\'' . $typenow . '\',\'' . $file_url . '\',\'' . $file['name'][$i] . '\',\'' . $file['width'][$i] . '\',\'' . $file['height'][$i] . '\',\'' . bytestostring($file['size'][$i], 1) . '\');" title="' . $file['name'][$i] . '">' . truncate_text($file['name'][$i], 30) . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td>' . bytestostring($file['size'][$i], 1) . '</td>';
    if ($typenow == 'image') {
      echo '<td>' . $file['width'][$i] . ' x ' . $file['height'][$i] . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $file['type'][$i] . '</td>' . '<td>' . date($tinybrowser['dateformat'], $file['modified'][$i]) . '</td></tr>' . "\n";
  echo '</table></div>';
<form name="passform"><input name = "fileurl" type="hidden" value= "" /></form>


if ($typenow == 'image') {
	<ul id="imageMenu" class="jeegoocontext cm_default">

  if ($tinybrowser['imagestyle'] && count($style_names)) {
    	<li class="icon">
		<span class="icon image"></span>

    print t('Select image style');

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($style_names); $i++) {
      $styname = urlencode($style_names[$i]);
      print '<li class="icon" id="style_' . $styname . '"><span class="icon image"></span>' . $style_names[$i] . '</li>';


  if ($tinybrowser['allowedit']) {

    if ($tinybrowser['imagestyle'] && $has_style) {
      ?><li class="separator"></li><?php

		<li class="icon" id="rotate_l"><span class="icon rotate_l"></span><?php

    print t('Rotate left');
		<li class="icon" id="rotate_r"><span class="icon rotate_r"></span><?php

    print t('Rotate right');
		<li class="icon" id="resize"><span class="icon resize"></span><?php

    print t('Resize');
		<li class="icon" id="crop"><span class="icon crop"></span><?php

    print t('Crop');
		<li class="separator"></li>
		<li class="icon" id="rename"><span class="icon rename"></span><?php

    print t('Rename');
		<li class="icon" id="duplicate"><span class="icon duplicate"></span><?php

    print t('Duplicate');
		<li class="icon" id="move"><span class="icon folder"></span><?php

    print t('Move to');

    $out = dirtree3($tinybrowser['filetype'][$typenow], $tinybrowser['docroot'], $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow]);
    print $out;


  if ($tinybrowser['allowdelete']) {
		<li class="separator"></li>
		<li class="icon" id="delete"><span class="icon delete"></span><?php

    print t('Delete');


else {
	<ul id="fileMenu" class="jeegoocontext cm_default">

  if ($tinybrowser['allowedit']) {
		<li class="icon" id="rename"><span class="icon rename"></span><?php

    print t('Rename');
		<li class="icon" id="duplicate"><span class="icon duplicate"></span><?php

    print t('Duplicate');
		<li class="icon" id="move"><span class="icon folder"></span><?php

    print t('Move to');

    $out = dirtree3($tinybrowser['filetype'][$typenow], $tinybrowser['docroot'], $tinybrowser['path'][$typenow]);
    print $out;


  if ($tinybrowser['allowdelete']) {
		<li class="separator"></li>
		<li class="icon" id="delete"><span class="icon delete"></span><?php

    print t('Delete');





Namesort descending Description