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fns_tinybrowser.php in TinyBrowser 7


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// ************************ Directory Size ********************************
function dirsize($dir) {
  $s = stat($dir);
  $space = $s['blocks'] * 512;
  $size = 0;
  if (is_dir($dir)) {
    $dh = opendir($dir);
    while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE) {
      if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !is_link($dir . '/' . $file)) {
        $result = dirsize($dir . "/" . $file);
        $space += $result['space'];
        $size += $result['size'];
  else {
    $size = filesize($dir);
  $total['size'] = $size;
  $total['space'] = $space;
  return $total;

// *************************CREATE FOLDER**********************************
function createfolder($dir, $perm) {
  is_dir(dirname($dir)) || createfolder(dirname($dir), $perm);
  return is_dir($dir) || @mkdir($dir, $perm);

// *************************VALIDATE FILE EXTENSIONS**********************************
function validateExtension($extension, $types) {
  if (in_array(strtolower($extension), $types)) {
    return false;
  else {
    return true;

//*************************************Display Alert Notifications*********************************
function alert(&$notify) {
  $alert_num = count($notify['type']);
  for ($i = 0; $i < $alert_num; $i++) {
    ?><div class="alert<?php

    echo $notify['type'][$i];

    echo $notify['message'][$i];
    ?></div><br /><?php


// *************************SORT FILE ARRAY BY SELECTED ORDER**********************************
function sortfileorder(&$sortbynow, &$sortorder, &$file) {
  switch ($sortbynow) {
    case 'name':
      array_multisort($file['sortname'], $sortorder, $file['name'], $sortorder, $file['type'], $sortorder, $file['modified'], $sortorder, $file['size'], $sortorder, $file['dimensions'], $sortorder, $file['width'], $sortorder, $file['height'], $sortorder);
    case 'size':
      array_multisort($file['size'], $sortorder, $file['sortname'], SORT_ASC, $file['name'], SORT_ASC, $file['type'], $sortorder, $file['modified'], $sortorder, $file['dimensions'], $sortorder, $file['width'], $sortorder, $file['height'], $sortorder);
    case 'type':
      array_multisort($file['type'], $sortorder, $file['sortname'], SORT_ASC, $file['name'], SORT_ASC, $file['size'], $sortorder, $file['modified'], $sortorder, $file['dimensions'], $sortorder, $file['width'], $sortorder, $file['height'], $sortorder);
    case 'modified':
      array_multisort($file['modified'], $sortorder, $file['name'], $sortorder, $file['name'], $sortorder, $file['type'], $sortorder, $file['size'], $sortorder, $file['dimensions'], $sortorder, $file['width'], $sortorder, $file['height'], $sortorder);
    case 'dimensions':
      array_multisort($file['dimensions'], $sortorder, $file['width'], $sortorder, $file['sortname'], SORT_ASC, $file['name'], SORT_ASC, $file['modified'], $sortorder, $file['type'], $sortorder, $file['size'], $sortorder, $file['height'], $sortorder);

// **************************RESIZE IMAGE TO GIVEN SIZE*****************************************
function resizeimage($im, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $urlandname, $comp, $imagetype) {
  $width = imagesx($im);
  $height = imagesy($im);
  if ($maxwidth && $width > $maxwidth || $maxheight && $height > $maxheight) {
    if ($maxwidth && $width > $maxwidth) {
      $widthratio = $maxwidth / $width;
      $resizewidth = true;
    else {
      $resizewidth = false;
    if ($maxheight && $height > $maxheight) {
      $heightratio = $maxheight / $height;
      $resizeheight = true;
    else {
      $resizeheight = false;
    if ($resizewidth && $resizeheight) {
      if ($widthratio < $heightratio) {
        $ratio = $widthratio;
      else {
        $ratio = $heightratio;
    elseif ($resizewidth) {
      $ratio = $widthratio;
    elseif ($resizeheight) {
      $ratio = $heightratio;
    $newwidth = $width * $ratio;
    $newheight = $height * $ratio;
    if (function_exists('imagecopyresampled') && $imagetype != 'image/gif') {
      $newim = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);
    else {
      $newim = imagecreate($newwidth, $newheight);

    // additional processing for png / gif transparencies (credit to Dirk Bohl)
    if ($imagetype == 'image/x-png' || $imagetype == 'image/png') {
      imagealphablending($newim, false);
      imagesavealpha($newim, true);
    elseif ($imagetype == 'image/gif') {
      $originaltransparentcolor = imagecolortransparent($im);
      if ($originaltransparentcolor >= 0 && $originaltransparentcolor < imagecolorstotal($im)) {
        $transparentcolor = imagecolorsforindex($im, $originaltransparentcolor);
        $newtransparentcolor = imagecolorallocate($newim, $transparentcolor['red'], $transparentcolor['green'], $transparentcolor['blue']);
        imagefill($newim, 0, 0, $newtransparentcolor);
        imagecolortransparent($newim, $newtransparentcolor);
    imagecopyresampled($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height);
    if ($imagetype == 'image/pjpeg' || $imagetype == 'image/jpeg') {
      imagejpeg($newim, $urlandname, $comp);
    elseif ($imagetype == 'image/x-png' || $imagetype == 'image/png') {
      imagepng($newim, $urlandname, substr($comp, 0, 1));
    elseif ($imagetype == 'image/gif') {
      imagegif($newim, $urlandname);
  else {
    if ($imagetype == 'image/pjpeg' || $imagetype == 'image/jpeg') {
      imagejpeg($im, $urlandname, $comp);
    elseif ($imagetype == 'image/x-png' || $imagetype == 'image/png') {
      imagepng($im, $urlandname, substr($comp, 0, 1));
    elseif ($imagetype == 'image/gif') {
      imagegif($im, $urlandname);

// **************************CROP IMAGE TO GIVEN SIZE*****************************************
function cropimage($im, $x1, $y1, $new_w, $new_h, $urlandname, $comp, $imagetype) {
  $width = imagesx($im);
  $height = imagesy($im);
  if ($width >= $new_w && $height >= $new_h) {
    if (function_exists('imagecopyresampled') && $imagetype != 'image/gif') {
      $newim = imagecreatetruecolor($new_w, $new_h);
    else {
      $newim = imagecreate($new_w, $new_h);

    // additional processing for png / gif transparencies (credit to Dirk Bohl)
    if ($imagetype == 'image/x-png' || $imagetype == 'image/png') {
      imagealphablending($newim, false);
      imagesavealpha($newim, true);
    elseif ($imagetype == 'image/gif') {
      $originaltransparentcolor = imagecolortransparent($im);
      if ($originaltransparentcolor >= 0 && $originaltransparentcolor < imagecolorstotal($im)) {
        $transparentcolor = imagecolorsforindex($im, $originaltransparentcolor);
        $newtransparentcolor = imagecolorallocate($newim, $transparentcolor['red'], $transparentcolor['green'], $transparentcolor['blue']);
        imagefill($newim, 0, 0, $newtransparentcolor);
        imagecolortransparent($newim, $newtransparentcolor);
    imagecopyresampled($newim, $im, 0, 0, $x1, $y1, $new_w, $new_h, $new_w, $new_h);
    if ($imagetype == 'image/pjpeg' || $imagetype == 'image/jpeg') {
      imagejpeg($newim, $urlandname, $comp);
    else {
      if ($imagetype == 'image/x-png' || $imagetype == 'image/png') {
        imagepng($newim, $urlandname, substr($comp, 0, 1));
      elseif ($imagetype == 'image/gif') {
        imagegif($newim, $urlandname);

// **************************CHECK IMAGE TYPE AND CONVERT TO TEMP TYPE*****************************
function convert_image($imagetemp, $imagetype) {
  if ($imagetype == 'image/pjpeg' || $imagetype == 'image/jpeg') {
    $cim1 = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagetemp);
  elseif ($imagetype == 'image/x-png' || $imagetype == 'image/png') {
    $cim1 = imagecreatefrompng($imagetemp);
    imagealphablending($cim1, false);
    imagesavealpha($cim1, true);
  elseif ($imagetype == 'image/gif') {
    $cim1 = imagecreatefromgif($imagetemp);
  return $cim1;

// **************************GENERATE FORM OPEN*****************************
function form_open($name, $class, $url, $parameters) {
  ?><form name="<?php

  echo $name;
  ?>" class="<?php

  echo $class;
  ?>" method="post" action="<?php

  echo $url . $parameters;


// **************************GENERATE FORM SELECT ELEMENT*****************************
function form_select($options, $name, $label, $current, $auto) {
  if ($label) {
    ?><label for="<?php

    echo $name;

    echo $label;

  ?><select name="<?php

  echo $name;
  ?>" <?php

  if ($auto) {


  $loopnum = count($options);
  for ($i = 0; $i < $loopnum; $i++) {
    $selected = $options[$i][0] == $current ? ' selected' : '';
    echo '<option value="' . $options[$i][0] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $options[$i][1] . '</option>';


// **************************GENERATE FORM HIDDEN ELEMENT*****************************
function form_hidden_input($name, $value) {
  ?><input type="hidden" name="<?php

  echo $name;
  ?>" value="<?php

  echo $value;
  ?>" />


// **************************GENERATE FORM TEXT ELEMENT*****************************
function form_text_input($name, $label, $value, $size, $maxlength) {
  if ($label) {
    ?><label for="<?php

    echo $name;

    echo $label;

<input type="text" name="<?php

  echo $name;
  ?>" size="<?php

  echo $size;
  ?>" maxlength="<?php

  echo $maxlength;
  ?>" value="<?php

  echo $value;
  ?>" /><?php


// **************************GENERATE FORM SUBMIT BUTTON*****************************
function form_submit_button($name, $label, $class) {
  ?><button <?php

  if ($class) {

    echo $class;

  ?>type="submit" name="<?php

  echo $name;

  echo $label;


//********************************Returns True if Number is Odd**************************************
function IsOdd($num) {
  return 1 - ($num & 1);

//********************************Truncate Text to Given Length If Required***************************
function truncate_text($textstring, $length) {
  if (strlen($textstring) > $length) {
    $textstring = substr($textstring, 0, $length) . '...';
  return $textstring;

 * Present a size (in bytes) as a human-readable value
 * @param int    $size        size (in bytes)
 * @param int    $precision    number of digits after the decimal point
 * @return string
function bytestostring($size, $precision = 0) {
  $sizes = array(
  $total = count($sizes);
  while ($total-- && $size > 1024) {
    $size /= 1024;
  return round($size, $precision) . ' ' . $sizes[$total];

//function to clean a filename string so it is a valid filename
function clean_filename($filename) {
  $filename = preg_replace('/^\\W+|\\W+$/', '', $filename);

  // remove all non-alphanumeric chars at begin & end of string
  $filename = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $filename);

  // compress internal whitespace and replace with _
  return preg_replace('/\\W-/', '', $filename);

  // remove all non-alphanumeric chars except _ and -
  // we do not want to change file name to all lower characters
  // because rename and other file operation fails due to file not found.
  // return strtolower(preg_replace('/\W-/', '', $filename)); // remove all non-alphanumeric chars except _ and -

//********************************Return File MIME Type***************************
function returnMIMEType($filename) {

  // preg_match("|\.([a-z0-9]{2,4})$|i", $filename, $fileSuffix);

  //--- suppress E_NOTICE logging at error.log
  if (!preg_match("|\\.([a-z0-9]{2,4})\$|i", $filename, $fileSuffix)) {
    return 'unknown/' . trim($filename, '.');
  switch (strtolower($fileSuffix[1])) {
    case 'js':
      return 'application/x-javascript';
    case 'json':
      return 'application/json';
    case 'jpg':
    case 'jpeg':
    case 'jpe':
      return 'image/jpg';
    case 'png':
    case 'gif':
    case 'bmp':
    case 'tiff':
      return 'image/' . strtolower($fileSuffix[1]);
    case 'css':
      return 'text/css';
    case 'xml':
      return 'application/xml';
    case 'doc':
    case 'docx':
      return 'application/msword';
    case 'xls':
    case 'xlt':
    case 'xlm':
    case 'xld':
    case 'xla':
    case 'xlc':
    case 'xlw':
    case 'xll':
      return 'application/';
    case 'ppt':
    case 'pps':
      return 'application/';
    case 'rtf':
      return 'application/rtf';
    case 'pdf':
      return 'application/pdf';
    case 'html':
    case 'htm':
    case 'php':
      return 'text/html';
    case 'txt':
      return 'text/plain';
    case 'mpeg':
    case 'mpg':
    case 'mpe':
      return 'video/mpeg';
    case 'mp3':
      return 'audio/mpeg3';
    case 'wav':
      return 'audio/wav';
    case 'aiff':
    case 'aif':
      return 'audio/aiff';
    case 'avi':
      return 'video/msvideo';
    case 'wmv':
      return 'video/x-ms-wmv';
    case 'mov':
      return 'video/quicktime';
    case 'zip':
      return 'application/zip';
    case 'tar':
      return 'application/x-tar';
    case 'swf':
      return 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
      if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
        $fileSuffix = mime_content_type($filename);
      return 'unknown/' . trim($fileSuffix[0], '.');

//************************Return Array of Directory Structure***************************
function dirtree(&$alldirs, $types, $root = '', $tree = '', $branch = '', $level = 0) {

  // IN(Old): $types = '*.jpg, *.gif, *.png';
  // IN(New): $types = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png');
  // filter file types according to type
  // $filetypes = explode(',',preg_replace('{[ \t]+}', '',$types));
  // OUT(Old): $filetypes = array('*.jpg', '*.gif', '*.png');
  $filetypes = $types;
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($filetypes); $i++) {
    $filetypes[$i] = '*.' . $filetypes[$i];

  // OUT(New): $filetypes = array('*.jpg', '*.gif', '*.png');
  if ($level == 0 && is_dir($root . $tree . $branch)) {
    $filenum = 0;
    foreach ($filetypes as $filetype) {
      $filenum = $filenum + count(glob($root . $tree . $branch . sql_regcase($filetype), GLOB_NOSORT));
    $treeparts = explode('/', rtrim($tree, '/'));
    $topname = end($treeparts);
    $alldirs[] = array(
      rtrim($topname, '/') . ' (' . $filenum . ')',
      rtrim($topname, '/'),
      rtrim($topname, '/'),
      filemtime($root . $tree . $branch),
  $dh = opendir($root . $tree . $branch);
  while (($dirname = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
    if ($dirname != '.' && $dirname != '..' && is_dir($root . $tree . $branch . $dirname) && $dirname != '_thumbs') {
      $filenum = 0;
      foreach ($filetypes as $filetype) {
        $filenum = $filenum + count(glob($root . $tree . $branch . $dirname . '/' . sql_regcase($filetype), GLOB_NOSORT));
      $indent = '';
      for ($i = 0; $i < $level; $i++) {
        $indent .= ' &nbsp; ';
      if (strlen($indent) > 0) {
        $indent .= '&rarr; ';
      $alldirs[] = array(
        urlencode($branch . $dirname . '/'),
        $indent . $dirname . ' (' . $filenum . ')',
        $indent . $dirname,
        filemtime($root . $tree . $branch . $dirname),
      dirtree($alldirs, $types, $root, $tree, $branch . $dirname . '/', $level);

//*********************Return <ul><li> structured HTML code*************************
function dirtree2(&$alldirs, $types, $root = '', $tree = '', $branch = '', $level = 0) {

  // IN(Old): $types = '*.jpg, *.gif, *.png';
  // IN(New): $types = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png');
  // filter file types according to type
  // $filetypes = explode(',',preg_replace('{[ \t]+}', '',$types));
  // OUT(Old): $filetypes = array('*.jpg', '*.gif', '*.png');
  $filetypes = $types;
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($filetypes); $i++) {
    $filetypes[$i] = '*.' . $filetypes[$i];

  // OUT(New): $filetypes = array('*.jpg', '*.gif', '*.png');
  if ($level == 0 && is_dir($root . $tree . $branch)) {
    $filenum = 0;
    foreach ($filetypes as $filetype) {
      $filenum = $filenum + count(glob($root . $tree . $branch . sql_regcase($filetype), GLOB_NOSORT));
    $treeparts = explode('/', rtrim($tree, '/'));
    $topname = end($treeparts);
    $alldirs[] = array(
      rtrim($topname, '/') . ' (' . $filenum . ')',
      rtrim($topname, '/'),
      rtrim($topname, '/'),
      filemtime($root . $tree . $branch),
  $dh = opendir($root . $tree . $branch);
  while (($dirname = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
    if ($dirname != '.' && $dirname != '..' && is_dir($root . $tree . $branch . $dirname) && $dirname != '_thumbs') {
      $filenum = 0;
      foreach ($filetypes as $filetype) {
        $filenum = $filenum + count(glob($root . $tree . $branch . $dirname . '/' . sql_regcase($filetype), GLOB_NOSORT));
      $alldirs[] = array(
        urlencode($branch . $dirname . '/'),
        $dirname . ' (' . $filenum . ')',
        filemtime($root . $tree . $branch . $dirname),
      dirtree2($alldirs, $types, $root, $tree, $branch . $dirname . '/', $level);

//*********************Return <ul><li> structured HTML code*************************
function dirtree3($types, $root = '', $tree = '', $branch = '', $level = 0) {

  // construct folder tree list
  $out = '';
  $dirtree = array();
  dirtree2($dirtree, $types, $root, $tree, $branch, $level);
  $prev_level = -1;
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($dirtree); $i++) {
    $cur_level = $dirtree[$i][6];
    if ($prev_level == -1) {
    else {
      if ($prev_level == $cur_level) {
        $out .= "</li>\n";
      else {
        if ($prev_level < $cur_level) {
          $out .= "\n<ul>\n";
        else {
          if ($prev_level > $cur_level) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < $prev_level - $cur_level; $j++) {
              $out .= "</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n";
    $out .= '<li class="icon" id="moveto_' . $dirtree[$i][0] . '"><span class="icon folder"></span>' . $dirtree[$i][1];
    $prev_level = $cur_level;
  $out .= "</li>\n";
  for ($i = $cur_level; $i > 0; $i--) {
    $out .= "</ul>\n</li>\n";
  return $out;

/* user defined error handling function. */
function userErrorHandler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) {

  // timestamp for the error entry.
  $dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s (T)');

  // define an assoc array of error string
  // in reality the only entries we should
  // consider are E_WARNING, E_NOTICE, E_USER_ERROR,
  $errortype = array(
    E_ERROR => 'Error',
    E_WARNING => 'Warning',
    E_PARSE => 'Parsing Error',
    E_NOTICE => 'Notice',
    E_CORE_ERROR => 'Core Error',
    E_CORE_WARNING => 'Core Warning',
    E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Error',
    E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning',
    E_USER_ERROR => 'User Error',
    E_USER_WARNING => 'User Warning',
    E_USER_NOTICE => 'User Notice',
    E_STRICT => 'Runtime Notice',

  // set of errors for which a var trace will be saved.
  $user_errors = array(
  if ($errno != E_STRICT) {

    // exclude Runtime Notices
    $err = $dt . "\t";
    $err .= $errno . ' ' . $errortype[$errno] . "\t";
    $err .= $errmsg . "\t";
    $err .= 'File: ' . basename($filename) . "\t";
    $err .= 'Line: ' . $linenum . "\t";
    if (in_array($errno, $user_errors)) {
      $err .= 'Trace: ' . wddx_serialize_value($vars, 'Variables') . "\t";
    $err .= "\n";

    // save to the error log file, and e-mail me if there is a critical user error.
    error_log($err, 3, 'error.log');
$old_error_handler = set_error_handler('userErrorHandler');